10 Cissus Varieties To Grow and Collect

Many Cissus varieties make wonderful houseplants

Hailing from the grape (Vitaceae) family, Cissus is a genus of approximately 350 lianas (or woody vines). Their name, which translates to “ivy” pays homage to the fact that these

Types Of Angel Trumpet Flowers (Brugmansia)

Brugmansia Angel Trumpet Flower

Say what you will about humans causing extinctions. However, we are sometimes also responsible for the survival of species. Such is the case with Brugmansia (broog-MAN-zee-ah), a genus of seven plants listed

Fittonia Varieties: Popular Nerve Plants To Grow

assorted Fittonia varieties

Fittonias are a small genus with only two accepted species, plus three other plants currently under review to see if they’re varieties or separate species. Both Fittonia albivenis and Fittonia gigantea are native to

Popular Spider Plant Varieties

Reversed unique variegated leaf pattern of Spider plant

Of all the houseplants out there, few have seen the success of Chlorophytum comosum (kloh-roh-FY-tum kom-OH-sum), better known as the spider plant. By the way caring for Chlorophytum plants is

Popular Anthurium Varieties To Grow And Collect

Blooming Anthurium andraeanum

Anthurium (an-THUR-ee-um) is a tropical, perennial, evergreen shrub that can grow to be about 3″ feet high. Homeowners love these houseplants because of their bright, interesting, beautiful flower spathes and

10 Top Aeonium Varieties to Grow and Collect

Colorful Aeonium varieties

Aeoniums are also known as Tree Houseleeks. They come from a genus consisting of approximately 35 species of subtropical, perennial succulent members of the Crassulaceae family of plants. These attractive

Types of Jade Plants (Crassula)

Crassula ovata - Red tips on a jade plant

Elegant, attractive jade plants are rugged and easy to grow. In fact, they tend to thrive on neglect. They do very well in any warm, dry, bright setting, so they

Top Aglaonema Varieties To Grow And Collect

Assorted Aglaonema varieties

If someone mentions aglaonema (ag-lay-oh-NEE-muh), you might not immediately recognize the name, but chances are you’ve seen one before. Commonly referred to as Chinese Evergreens, these members of the Araceae

10 Popular Types of Monstera Plants and Vines

Monstera deliciosa one of the most popular types of monstera

Monstera (mon-STER-uh) is a type of Evergreen tropical vine or shrub hailing from Central America.  These plants are well known for the natural holes (fenestrations) that appear in their large,

Types of Lantana Colors, Sizes & Growth Habits

Lantana infestations have been described in Australia, Asia, Africa, South America, North America, and many of the Caribbean and South Pacific islands.  Lantana plants are considered invasive in many areas,

Popular Types Of Haworthia Succulents To Grow

Several types of succulent Haworthia plants

All the succulent Haworthia varieties are easy to grow, fun to collect, and make excellent additions to small space gardens. These small plants require less light than most succulents. Click on this article to learn about the many types of Haworthia.

Croton Varieties: Different Types Of Croton Plants

Colorful vibrant leaves of different Croton varieties

The Croton plant, aka Codiaeum variegatum (pkoh-dih-EE-um var-ee-GAY-tum), is a colorful indoor/outdoor tropical plant is native to Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and India. The word croton is Greek for tick because

Popular Types Of Dracaena Used Indoors And Outdoors

Types of Dracaena - marginata, janet craig, warneckii, lemon line, massangeana

Dracaena [dra-SEE-nah] is a popular, easy-to-grow house and landscape plant boasting approximately a hundred and twenty different species of shrubs and trees. Dracaenas are popular for their upright foliage and