18 Different Types Of Aloe Plants [With Pictures]
There are many types of Aloe plants in the world. This article shares some popular Aloe types with pictures for easy identification. The most classic of all Aloe vera types
There are many varieties and types of plants to grow, collect, explore and enjoy. We continue to round up all these different types of succulents, houseplants, and many others all in one place. Browse through the collections to find your favorites!
There are many types of Aloe plants in the world. This article shares some popular Aloe types with pictures for easy identification. The most classic of all Aloe vera types
Hibiscus is a versatile and varied genus of flowering plants in the mallow family Malvaceae. In the United States Hibiscus is pronounced [high-BISS-kiss], in the United Kingdom [hih-BISS-kiss]. Its name
To the connoisseur of beautiful plants, there are many types of succulents. This large group of low-maintenance, easily grown, drought-tolerant floral gems produces marvelous color in both foliage and flower.
There are more than 13,000 different varieties of daffodils. These include natural varieties and many hybrid cultivars. They come in many sizes, colors, flower types, and rates of flower production.
The Aster (ASS-ter) is a plant genus belonging to the plant family Asteraceae (ass-ter-AY-see-ee). This family is commonly referred to as the Daisy family. Aster’s name is derived from Greek
Aspidistra has a curious place in history, but only a few species are well-known among garden enthusiasts. Bearing the “cast iron plant” nickname due to their ability to withstand extreme
The iris (EYE-ris) is a popular garden plant found primarily in temperate parts of the northern hemisphere and a wide range of habitats. It’s a genus consisting of around 300
The Maranta, or Prayer Plant, is a flowering member of the Marantaceae or arrowroot family of plants. Marantas hail from the tropical regions of the New World, as well as Asia
Mandevilla vines can be found throughout the Americas in tropical and subtropical regions. The Mandevilla genus consists of nearly 200 species and is best suited for USDA hardiness zones 9 to
Hailing from the grape (Vitaceae) family, Cissus is a genus of approximately 350 lianas (or woody vines). Their name, which translates to “ivy” pays homage to the fact that these
Impatiens is a large genus with over 1,000 species and (paired with the single species Hydrocera triflora) makes up the entire Balsaminaceae family. The name impatiens (the Latin word for
One of the most confusing parts of growing plants is the fact that we’re all taught as children to treat every plant the same, which can often lead to a
Say what you will about humans causing extinctions. However, we are sometimes also responsible for the survival of species. Such is the case with Brugmansia (broog-MAN-zee-ah), a genus of seven plants listed
Sorting through a genus of only 42 species sounds easy enough, but what happens when that genus is so popular there are over 57,000 registered cultivars and counting? This was
There are a lot of plants out there that have been reclassified botanically but are so popular they tend to become the representative of an entire genus that they no
Fittonias are a small genus with only two accepted species, plus three other plants currently under review to see if they’re varieties or separate species. Both Fittonia albivenis and Fittonia gigantea are native to
Of all the houseplants out there, few have seen the success of Chlorophytum comosum (kloh-roh-FY-tum kom-OH-sum), better known as the spider plant. By the way caring for Chlorophytum plants is
One of the most breathtakingly prolific plants out there is the Plumeria tree. A genus of 11 species (with a few more candidates currently being reviewed) has taken over the world.
Anthurium (an-THUR-ee-um) is a tropical, perennial, evergreen shrub that can grow to be about 3″ feet high. Homeowners love these houseplants because of their bright, interesting, beautiful flower spathes and
Aeoniums are also known as Tree Houseleeks. They come from a genus consisting of approximately 35 species of subtropical, perennial succulent members of the Crassulaceae family of plants. These attractive
Many peperomia varieties and types have become nearly indispensable foliage plants and stunning houseplants. For example, the “baby rubber plant” or “radiator plant” adapts itself to semi-sunny or shady locations
Elegant, attractive jade plants are rugged and easy to grow. In fact, they tend to thrive on neglect. They do very well in any warm, dry, bright setting, so they
If someone mentions aglaonema (ag-lay-oh-NEE-muh), you might not immediately recognize the name, but chances are you’ve seen one before. Commonly referred to as Chinese Evergreens, these members of the Araceae
Many of us remember the thick leaves and star-shaped flowers of the Hoya plant sitting in a window at grandma’s house. The most common Hoya varieties and the one most
Monstera (mon-STER-uh) is a type of Evergreen tropical vine or shrub hailing from Central America. These plants are well known for the natural holes (fenestrations) that appear in their large,
Lantana infestations have been described in Australia, Asia, Africa, South America, North America, and many of the Caribbean and South Pacific islands. Lantana plants are considered invasive in many areas,
Sansevieria (san-se-VEER-ee-uh) or Snake Plants are also commonly called Mother-In-Law’s Tongue or Viper’s Bowstring Hemp. The genus name is in honor of Italian Prince Raimond de Sansgrio de Sanseviero who
All the succulent Haworthia varieties are easy to grow, fun to collect, and make excellent additions to small space gardens. These small plants require less light than most succulents. Click on this article to learn about the many types of Haworthia.
There are 2 types of hydrangea plants. Plants blooming new season growth and plants blooming on old growth also, lace cap and mophead Hydrangea types. Click on this article to learn more about two types of Hydrangeas. [DETAILS]
With so many types of Echeveria succulents, its easy care and variety of different colors, shapes, and sizes – they are fun to grow and collect. Click this article for details on the many Echeveria types for your home.
Rosa Radrazz (RO-suh RAD-razz), or Knockout Rose, is the first in a group of carefree, disease tolerant, hardy types of roses introduced in 2000. All of these roses are happy
Calathea (syn. Goeppertia) comes from the family Marantaceae (Maranta). Depending on the variety, may sport stripes and other markings in shades of green, maroon, purple, and/or cream.
Gardenia trees and shrubs are members of the Rubiaceae or madder family. The plant hails from China, the Pacific Islands, and Africa. The name honors Dr. Alexander Garden, an 18th-century
The Croton plant, aka Codiaeum variegatum (pkoh-dih-EE-um var-ee-GAY-tum), is a colorful indoor/outdoor tropical plant is native to Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and India. The word croton is Greek for tick because
The Desert Rose (Adenium obesum), also known as the Impala lily, is a drought-tolerant succulent. Related: Read our tips on Desert Rose care. This flowering tropical plant is a family
Ficus plants [FYE-Kuss] include 800-1000 species of woody trees, shrubs, and vines from the Moraceae family. Many are grown as houseplants or outdoors in their native regions. Ficus plants are
Epipremnum aureum (ep-ih-PREM-num AW-re-um) is also known by the common name as Pothos. The Pothos plant, whose botanical name means “Golden Flower on the Tree Stump” is a hardy, popular houseplant
Ficus elastica – the rubber plant, is a member of the genus Ficus under the fig family Moraceae. Its other common names include: Many types of rubber plants and rubber
The Agave Plant is a group of over 200 species of succulents, all hailing from the New World desert or near-desert areas of South America, Central America, Mexico the Southwest United States,
Dracaena [dra-SEE-nah] is a popular, easy-to-grow house and landscape plant boasting approximately a hundred and twenty different species of shrubs and trees. Dracaenas are popular for their upright foliage and