Peperomia Napoli Nights Plant: Growing and Care

Attractive leaves of Peperomia Napoli Nights

The Peperomia Napoli Nights (pronounced pep-er-ROH-mee-uh NA-poh-lee) comes from the huge Piperaceae plant family (Peperomia) of over 1,000 ornamental plants. Peperomia plants originate from the Amazon basin in South America.

Why Are My Peperomia Leaves Curling

Peperomia Leaves Curling

The Peperomia genus has many wonderful plants prized for their foliage, ranging from a lovely solid shade of green to a striped pattern that looks just like a watermelon. Peperomia

How To Grow And Care For Peperomia Piccolo Banda

Peperomia Piccolo Banda

Peperomia albovittata (pep-er-ROH-mee-uh al-boh-vy-TAY-tuh) is a fairly new Peperomia cultivar that was developed in the Netherlands from Ecuadorian stock.  You may hear this semi-succulent epiphyte referred to as: This member

Why Is My Ripple Peperomia Getting Leggy?

Ripple Peperomia

Ripple Peperomias are native to South America, where they grow in the understory of rainforests. If your Peperomia is getting leggy, it’s probably because it isn’t getting enough light. As

What To Do With Peperomia Flower Spikes?

Peperomia Flower Spikes

With over 1,000+ varieties of Peperomia with a common name, the radiator plant includes popular houseplants like Watermelon Peperomia, Ripple Peperomia, Baby Rubber Plant, and others. You have likely come

How to Grow and Care for Peperomia Scandens

Peperomia scandens

Peperomia scandens (pep-er-ROH-mee-uh SKAN-dens), Peperomia Scandens, also known as Cupid Peperomia or variegated Peperomia Scandens, hails from Central and South America and Mexico, where it grows in the treetops. This epiphytic

Peperomia Prostrata Care: Growing The String Of Turtles

basket of String of Turtles

The String of Turtles is the common name for Peperomia prostrata, a slow-growing perennial semi-succulent plant of the genus Peperomia and the family Piperaceae. Native to the rainforests of Brazil, ‘prostrata’ has several names:

How To Grow Peperomia Raindrop

Peperomia raindrop

Peperomia Raindrop is small, hardy semi-succulent with broad leaves averaging 8″ – 12″ inches tall. The leaves are raindrop or heart-shaped and hang loosely from the slightly woody stem. Click on this article to learn more on Raindrop Peperomia plant care.

How To Grow And Care For Peperomia Moonlight

Attractive foliage of Peperomia Moonlight

Peperomia Moonlight is a succulent with metallic green, heart-shaped leaves. Peperomias are native to South America and easy to care for. It thrives in warm, indirect light and requires minimal

How To Grow And Care For Peperomia Orba

Peperomia Orba up close

Peperomia orba [pep-er-ROH-mee-uh OR-buh], also known as the teardrop peperomia, a tropical plant that does well indoors. Native to Central and South America, peperomias are members of the pepper plant

Peperomia Pepperspot Growing and Care Tips

Peperomia pepperspot hanging basket

Peperomia Pepperspot is one of the lesser-known of the 1000-plus Peperomia varieties. Pepperspot is easy to take care of, especially for beginners. The Pepperomia pepperspot has glossy green leaves and

How To Grow and Care For Peperomia Rubella

Peperomia Rubella with bloom spikes

Peperomia rubella is a unique, small succulent-like houseplant from Jamaica. Often compared to hoyas, peperomia plants have fleshy leaves and minimal care requirements. The name Peperomia Rubella [pep-er-ROH-mee-uh ROO-bel-u] comes

Are Peperomia Plant Toxic To Cats?

Cat and flower on the window

Peperomia (pep-er-ROH-mee-uh) is a massive group of over 1,000 species and cultivars from the Piperaceae family. These tropical plants come from tropical portions of Asia, Africa, and Central and South

Peperomia Serpens: Growing | Care | Propagation

Vining Peperomia

Peperomia serpens (pep-er-ROH-mee-uh SUR-penz) is better known as the vining peperomia. But, this member of the Piperaceae family won’t be overtaking your home any time soon. This little Peperomia plant

Peperomia Hope Growing And Care Information [DETAILS]

Peperomia Hope

Peperomia hope [pep-er-ROH-mee-uh, HOPE] is a hybrid between peperomia quadrifolia and peperomia deppeana.  This perennial epiphyte has beautiful foliage and makes ideal houseplants. Originally from Central and South America tropical regions, peperomia plants