Peperomia San Marino Care: How To Grow San Marino Peperomias

The Peperomia San Marino plant is an attractive new Peperomia cultivar. There are over 1000+ different types of Peperomia, species, cultivars, and hybrids.

Peperomias are true pepper (Piperaceae a or Piper) family members. They hail from Central and South America, tropical Asia, and Africa.

Attractive foliage of San MarinoPin
Attractive foliage with blooms of Peperomia San Marino | image Gabriella Plants

Peperomia San Marino Care Tips

Taking care of the Peperomia pearl is relatively easy. This includes providing proper Peperomia globe plant care to ensure healthy growth.

Lush potted plant held by a hand.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @plants4love

Size & Growth

Peperomia San Marino has a flattened, globe-shaped growth habit. Plants grow approximately 8″ inches tall and about 12″ inches wide with a slow growth rate. San Marino looks similar to Peperomia Eden Rosso with smaller, lighter green foliage.

The green, grayish leaves display green veins on the upper surfaces. The leaves grow in a rosette shape with red stems. The red stems or peduncles hold the stalk which bears the flower or fruit.

San Marino Flowers and Fragrance

Like other Peperomias, San Marino produces unscented bloom spikes with many tiny flower blossoms along the spike.

The peperomia globe flower has no petals and is not visible to the unaided eye.

The spikes of the radiator plant are interesting, but some plant owners prefer to remove the peperomia flowers.

Light & Temperature

Peperomias generally like lots of bright indirect light and limited direct sunlight. A variegated type, such as San Marino, benefits from a few hours of mild, direct sunlight daily.

Protect against harsh, bright, direct sunlight. These plants do best in east or west-facing windows.

Purple flowers & green plant indoors.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @myflockinglife

The Pep San Marino plant is happiest, with temperatures ranging from 65° to 75° degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid letting the temperature drop below 50° degrees Fahrenheit.

San Marino Plant Care: Watering & Feeding

Overwatering can cause root rot. Water when the top few inches of soil are completely dry, then water thoroughly. Do not allow the marno plant to sit in water.

The Marino plant does well in a humid environment with bright indirect light. You can mist the leaves daily during the growing season.

You can also set the plant on a pebble tray with water to increase the ambient humidity or add a humidifier.

In the springtime, use a diluted mixture of liquid fertilizer twice a month. In the summertime, reduce this to a monthly application. Do not feed the plant during the fall and winter.

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Potting Soil & Transplanting

The best soil mix for Peperomia must let air in (aeration) and water out (drainage) easily.

It is important to have well-draining soil for peperomias. Many of them live as epiphytes or on other plants, not in soil. So a soilless mixture is a good idea.

Here is a simple soilless mix.

  • Combine two parts, peat moss or coco coir
  • One part, sand or perlite, works well.
Lush potted plant held by a person.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @junglehousegoods

Due to its small root system, the marno plant does not need frequent repotting or transplanting. Annual repotting should be more than adequate.

When Repotting or Transplanting

  • Remove the plant from its pot
  • Clean the roots and pot
  • Replace the soil with a new potting mix or move the plant to the next size pot.
  • Peperomia likes being a little root-bound.
  • Avoid using a large pot or over-potting.

San Plant: Grooming & Maintenance

To maintain a dense, bushy appearance, pinch off top stems and any leggy or spindly stems. Be sure to remove any dead or damaged leaves and stems as well.

Propagating San Marino Peperomia

San Marino Peperomias propagate easily using stem or leaf cuttings. The creator of San Marino, Obed Jacob Smit, shares.

Cuttings started in bright indirect light began to root:

  • Within 10 days during the summer months
  • Within 2 weeks in winter

He also learned that:

  • During the summer, a rooted cutting grows to be its own plant in about 80 days.
  • It takes a bit longer in the winter, around 100 days, for a cutting to grow into its own plant.
Lush peperomia plant with unique textured leaves.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @vivai_brugna

For propagation tips, check out: How To Propagate Peperomia Plants

Peperomia San Marino Pests or Diseases

Most problems with Peperomia plants arise from overwatering. A well-draining soil, good air circulation, and proper watering will help avoid problems.

Leaf drops can indicate insufficient light or pest infestation.

Mealybugs may attack weakened plants. Remove mealybugs by:

  • Wiping them off with a damp cloth
  • Touch the mealybugs with a cotton ball or swab dipped in rubbing alcohol

Tips On Controlling Mealybugs on Plants

Peperomia is non-toxic. It is still a good idea to keep the plant out of the reach of curious pets and kids who may damage the plant!

Suggested Pepperomia San Marino Uses

People often call Peperomias “baby rubber plants.” They make great choices for dish gardens, shallow planters, pots, and hanging baskets. The compact San Marino is well-suited for large terrariums with bright indirect light.

Tattooed arm holding a peperomia plant indoors.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @niceplanties

Where Did Peperomia San Marino Come From?

The San Marino Peperomia is a hybrid of Peperomia marmorata and Peperomia peruviana.

Obed Jacob Smit of Sappemeer in the Netherlands developed the plant in 2013. Smit collected and planted the seeds, later selecting the San Marino cultivar in 2014.

Later in that same year, he was able to propagate the radiator plant through cuttings. Eden Collections BV patented the plant in 2016 (patent application # 15/330454).

Where To Buy San Marino?

Gabriella Plants is a good online source for unusual indoor plants like Peperomia San Marino.

Care For Other Popular Peperomias

Use this guide to grow and care for a thriving and healthy Pepperomia san marino plant in your home.

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