How To Care For Peperomia Pixie The Teardrop Peperomia

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Peperomia Pixie is a compact member of the Peperomia plant family Piperaceae. This easy-care plant originated in Central America. The plant is a selected sport of Peperomia orba (pep-er-ROH-mee-uh OR-buh).

fuzzy leaves of Peperomia PixiePin
Peperomia Orba ‘Pixie’

Teardrop Peperomia Quick Care Tips

  • Botanical Name: Peperomia orba ‘Pixie Teardrop’
  • Common Name(s): Pixie Teardrop Peperomia
  • Synonyms: N/A
  • Family & Origin: Piperaceae family, native to Central America
  • Growability: Easy to care for
  • Grow Zone: USDA zones 10-11
  • Size: Grows up to 4-6′ inches tall and wide
  • Flowering: Produces small white flowers in the summer
  • Light: Prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate low light
  • Humidity: Enjoys high humidity but can tolerate average household humidity
  • Temperature: Thrives in temperatures between 65-75°F
  • Soil: Well-draining soil mix
  • Water: Water when the top inch of soil is dry, avoid overwatering
  • Fertilizer: Feed with a balanced liquid fertilizer every 2-4 weeks during the growing season
  • Pests & Diseases: Susceptible to mealybugs and spider mites, can also develop root rot if overwatered
  • Propagation: Propagated through stem cuttings or leaf cuttings
  • Plant Uses: Great for small spaces, tabletops, and terrariums. Can also be used as a hanging plant.

The name comes from a combination of the Greek words peperi and homoios,  meaning “resembling pepper.” Orba is the Greek word for “orphan.”

Common names include:

  • Peperomia Teardrop
  • Teardrop Peperomia

Peperomia Pixie Care

Size & Growth

Teardrop Peperomia grows to be about 4″-6″ inches high and has a spread of about six inches.

Teardrop Peperomia is primarily grown for its foliage. It is a small, bushy, upright succulent with attractive, slightly furry, grayish-green leaves. Each leaf sports a white stripe down the center.

Flowering & Fragrance

Pixie produces unobtrusive flower spikes in shades of pale green and white during the late summer months.

Green houseplant leaves close-up.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @plant1_4eva

Teardrop Plant Light & Temperature Requirements

Pixie Peperomia grows well outdoors in partial shade-to-part sun. Indoors it likes a setting with bright indirect sunlight.

The best indoor location for this plant is an east-facing window. In rooms with southern or western exposure, set the plant several feet away from the window.

The Teardrop Peperomia does well in rooms with bright light or supplemented with fluorescent lighting. They can also do well in an office setting with only fluorescent lighting.

Pixie peperomia plants do not do well with very low lighting.

Peperomia Teardrop is winter hardy in USDA hardiness zones 10 through 11. The best temperatures for this plant range from 65° to 75° degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid allowing the temperature to drop below 50° degrees Fahrenheit.

Sunlit green succulent leaves.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @twentytwovines

Pixie Peperomia Watering & Feeding

Water Teardrop Peperomia using the soak-and-dry method. Wait until the top inch of the soil feels dry and then water thoroughly. Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot.

Reduce watering sharply during the winter.

Like most Peperomia, this plant does like a high humidity level. It is recommended that you set the plant on a pebble tray with a bit of water.

Don’t allow the water to come in contact with the bottom of the pot. The water in the tray will evaporate and increase the humidity surrounding the plant.

Do not fertilize Peperomia during the autumn and winter months. Early in the spring, give the plant a half-strength dose of balanced houseplant fertilizer.

Continue fertilizing once every two weeks throughout the growing season.

Soil & Transplanting Teardrop Peperomia

Teardrop Peperomia likes a well-drained, peat-based soil. A good mixture consists of:

  • 2 parts peat moss
  • 1 part coarse sand or perlite
  • With a pH level ranging from 5 to 7.5.

Like most Peperomia, Pixie likes to be slightly root-bound. You may wish to repot every other spring and simply top-dress with fresh soil as needed.

When repotting, choose a fairly shallow terra-cotta pot, which provides for good air circulation. Make sure there are plenty of holes in the bottom for good drainage.

Grooming & Maintenance

Pixie Peperomia is slow-growing and tends to keep its shape well. If the stems do begin to overgrow, you can pinch or trim off unruly ends to help control growth and maintain shape. Keep cuttings for propagation.

Propagation Of Peperomia Pixie

It’s easy to propagate Peperomia using stem cuttings. You’ll need a stem that is a couple of inches long with one or two healthy leaves.

Vibrant green houseplant leaves on white background.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @nadyas.plants
  • Dip the bottom of the stem in a rooting hormone powder.
  • Place the cutting in a small pot of clean, fresh, moist potting mix.
  • Keep it in a warm, well-lit area.
  • Roots and new growth appear within a few weeks

For more details check out this article: How To Propagate Peperomia

It is also possible to grow Peperomia from leaf cuttings.

  • Lay healthy leaves on the surface of clean, loose, moist soil.
  • Cover the cut end of the leaf with soil.
  • Treat as you would a stem cutting.

TIP: Allow leaf or stem cuttings to dry for twenty-four hours before putting them in soil.

Peperomia Orba Pixie Pests or Diseases

Pixie Peperomia can easily develop root and stem rot if over-watered or kept in a dark setting. They are subject to a number of fungal, bacterial, and viral infections if kept in less than optimum environment.

Good placement and correct care will go far to prevent the development of these problems.

Person misting a houseplant with spray bottle.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @gardenersworldmag

Weakened plants are subject to pest infestation. Indoor Peperomia can fall prey to typical houseplant pests such as:

Peperomia kept outdoors may attract caterpillars.

Good care and maintenance will reduce the likelihood that your plants will be overrun by pests.

Use of standard house plant fungicides, miticides, pesticides, or natural treatments such as Neem oil or insecticidal soap can be effective against these problems. [source]

Is The Teardrop Pixie Plant Considered Toxic or Poisonous?

Even though Peperomia looks like black pepper, it should not be considered an edible plant. Even so, it is not toxic.

Pixie Peperomia is a very safe plant to have around pets and kids. Exercise normal precautions to prevent having curious little ones tamper with the plant.

Lush green succulent in a textured white pot.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @hausplantdaddy

Is Peperomia Pixie Considered Invasive?

Peperomia Pixie is not considered invasive. It is a spreading groundcover that is winter hardy in tropical climates. Take care to keep Pixie contained when planting outdoors in areas where it can survive through the winter.

Suggested Peperomia Pixie Uses

This attractive, compact plant makes a nice year-round groundcover in tropical or subtropical settings. There is also a variegated teardrop plant variety.

In cooler climates, it makes a pretty container plant outdoors to grow as an annual or brought in for the winter.

Peperomia Pixie is a pretty houseplant year-round. It is an excellent choice as an office plant. Its small size also makes it a good addition to mixed planters or terrariums.

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