Peperomia caperata (pep-er-ROH-mee-uh kap-er-AY-tuh) is a perennial tropical member of the Piperaceae (pepper) family of plants hailing from Central and South America, including Brazil.
The epiphytic plants’ origins are somewhat in question, though. Its seeds are sticky and have been known to travel thousands of miles on animal fur or birds’ feet.

You may hear this plant commonly referred to as:
- Rippled Peperomia
- Emerald Ripple
- Radiator Plant
- Peperomia
- Pink Lady
- Baby rubber plant
Pink Lady’s botanical genus name is a combination of the Greek words “peperi” (pepper) and “homoios” (resembling). It looks quite a bit like one of its close relatives, Piper nigrum, which is a true black pepper.
The specific epithet, “caperata” is derived from the Latin “caperatus” (wrinkled) and is a reference to the plants’ leaf texture.
Pink Lady Peperomia Care
Size and Growth
Rippled Peperomia is a compact plant with a mound-forming growth habit and typically attains a height of about 8″ inches tall and a spread of about 7″ to 8″ inches.
Emerald Ripple is most prized for its pretty, heart-shaped, corrugated pink or green leaves. The leaves typically start deep green with deeper shading in the corrugations.
They gradually display splashes of cream and pink. Attractive reddish stems then support the heart-shaped leaves.
Flowering and Fragrance
Emerald Ripple blooms throughout the summer months. The blooms are not at all showy and consist of tiny whitish-green blooms held above the plant on reddish stalks (mouse tails) that are two or three inches long.
Although the flowers cannot rightly be called pretty, they are interesting, and there tend to be a lot of them. If you don’t like the looks of them, just pinch them off.
Peperomia Pink Lady Light and Temperature
Radiator Plant does well in a warm setting with abundant bright, indirect light. The plant can tolerate low light; however, foliage coloration is more dramatic with more light.
Placement in or near an east or north-facing window works well to receive ample bright light. If your only exposure is a west or south-facing window, be sure to place the plant a foot or two away from the window and shield it against direct sunlight.
Protect your Pink Lady from harsh, hot, direct sunlight, which will burn the plant’s succulent leaves and cause dry, brown spots.
Radiator plants can also be placed in a very low-light setting (e.g., a bathroom) if you supplement with fluorescent lighting to help bring out your plants’ colors, especially during winter months. In fact, Pink Lady can thrive with fluorescent light alone, making it a good office plant.
Indoors, protect your Peperomia against hot or cold drafts. These plants like consistent indoor temperatures ranging from 61° to 81° degrees Fahrenheit.
In cool climates, during the spring and summer, your plant may enjoy spending time in a sheltered outdoor setting, such as a covered porch or patio.
In a tropical setting (USDA hardiness zones 10-12), Peperomia caperata can live outdoors year-round.
Watering and Feeding
Peperomia are epiphytes. In their native settings, they anchor themselves to trees and thrive on generous rainfall followed by periods of dryness. They are succulent, so they store moisture in their stems and leaves.
As epiphytes, Peperomia also gleans moisture from the air, so they appreciate a humidity level of 40% or 50% percent.
When watering, try to replicate their natural water-gathering tendencies. Provide generous watering when the potting medium is mostly dry, keeping the soil moist. Allow the substrate to become nearly dry before you water it again.
You can either pour water through the substrate to thoroughly soak it or allow the plant’s container to sit in water for about fifteen minutes to get a good drink.
Set a timer to remind yourself to remove the plant from its bath. It will not tolerate being left in standing water for extended periods of time.
Generally speaking, you will probably need to water about once a week, but check the potting medium for dryness every day or two.
There are several different suggested methods of fertilizing Pink Lady.
Some indoor gardeners like to provide a balanced liquid houseplant fertilizer every month. Still, others prefer to provide a slow-release fertilizer once in the early spring and again in mid-summer.
There are also plant keepers who think that Peperomia should be repotted annually and that fresh potting medium should provide the plant’s nourishment.
Consider your own plant care preferences, and observe your plants’ performance to determine which of these methods will work best for you.
Soil and Transplanting
Like all Peperomia, Pink Lady needs well-draining soil or potting medium with organic matter.
Remember that this plant hates soggy soil, which can also lead to root rot and other fungal infections, so ensure a container that discards any excess water.
Some examples of signs to look out for include yellowing of leaves or stunted growth.
A mixture consisting of equal amounts of good quality commercial potting soil, coco coir, peat moss, and vermiculite or perlite should provide the right level of nourishment along with the excellent drainage these plants require.
Repot your Radiator Plant once a year in the early spring. When you do, you can either go up by one pot size to provide your plant with just a little extra room to grow or divide the plant into two or smaller containers if you wish.
Grooming and Maintenance
Pink lady peperomia is a low-maintenance plant, but you may trim your plant occasionally to help it maintain an attractive, compact shape. Remove dead or damaged leaves using a very sharp, sterilized cutting implement.
Keep humidity levels high, and mist your plant every few days.
Moreover, you can also wipe the peperomia leaves with a damp cloth if they get dusty.
How To Propagate Pink Lady Peperomia
You can propagate Pink Lady by division when you repot. It is also very easy to grow new plants from stem cuttings.
To do this, you would simply prune off a healthy cutting from the mother plant with at least one leaf node and several leaves.
Plant the cutting right into the prepared soil. Water thoroughly and then cover the cutting lightly with a plastic bag to help retain moisture.
Place the pot with cutting into an area that receives bright, indirect sunlight and stays consistently warm. Right next to the parent plant would probably be fine.
Check the soil daily for moisture. You’ll want to keep it slightly moist until you begin to see new growth (within a month or so). When this happens, transition to soak and dry watering, remove the plastic and treat your cutting as the established plant it has become.
If you wish, you can start cuttings in water. This is a good option when you have a lot of potentially viable cuttings after pruning.
Just place your cuttings in clean water. Change the water every day or two, and watch for roots.
When your cuttings have rooted a couple of inches long, you can transplant them into a moist, well-draining potting mix and care for them as you would mature plants.
Pink Lady Peperomia Main Pests Or Diseases
Rippled Peperomia can be subject to infestation by white flies, spider mites, fungus gnats, scales, or mealy bugs. This is especially likely if plants are weakened by poor care or inappropriate settings.
Using insecticidal soap or neem oil is some of the easiest treatments to eliminate these insects.
Most problems with Peperomia are caused by overwatering. An overwatered plant can easily develop root and stem rot and powdery mildew.
Avoid overwatering or overcrowding your plant. Strive to strike a balance between good air circulation and proper humidity levels. Keep temperatures warm and consistent, and provide ample light (but not too much!)
Some indoor gardeners worry about yellowing leaves on Peperomia. A few yellow lower leaves do not cause concern. Leaves can just get old and die. When this happens, simply remove them from the healthy plants.
Lots of yellowing, curling, or falling leaves may indicate too much or too little water and a lack of nutrients. Check your care techniques and adjust them accordingly.
Is the plant considered toxic or poisonous to people, kids, and pets?
Peperomia plants are entirely non-toxic!
Is the plant considered invasive?
This rather fussy plant is not invasive.
Suggested Pink Lady Peperomia Uses
These compact, cheery tropical plants are ideal office desktop plants. They like consistent climate control, and they thrive in fluorescent lighting.
Moreover, Pink lady peperomia is also a perfect indoor plant for beginners, as it’s low maintenance.
These beautiful plants also make a nice addition to any moderately sunny window. They are an excellent choice above the kitchen sink or in the bathroom, where humidity levels are likely to be a bit higher than in the rest of the house.
Pink Lady is a pretty addition to your porch or patio in cool climates with their bright pink leaves. Consider using this colorful Peperomia as a shady place ground cover in a tropical setting.
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