How To Grow and Care For Milky Way Cast Iron Plants
When you think of a cast iron plant, chances are, Aspidistra elatior ( ee-LAY-tee-or) comes to mind). However, many cast iron plants are actually cultivars of other species. Such is
When you think of a cast iron plant, chances are, Aspidistra elatior ( ee-LAY-tee-or) comes to mind). However, many cast iron plants are actually cultivars of other species. Such is
The common name “Lucky Bamboo Plant” really isn’t bamboo, even though it may resemble one. It actually comes from the Dracaena family and is the species Dracaena sanderiana. It also
Chlorophytum comosum (Spider Plant) is a favorite houseplant. It is practically foolproof for novice gardeners. These sturdy little houseplants are easy to care for and hard to kill! Yet, they
Zamioculcas zamiifolia is the botanical name of the Zee Zee Plant or ZZ plant, one very popular foliage plant used in homes and offices worldwide. Interior plantscapers always look for
Many things cause plant lovers headaches, such as disease, infestations, and a plant refusing to bloom. But one ongoing problem creates more outrage and confusion than the others combined: Reclassification. Sometimes
The Cast Iron Plant is the common name for Aspidistra elatior. The Aspidistra is an old-fashioned, tough house plant with leathery dark green leaves. Aspidistras are ideal indoor plants for cooler areas of your
Many peperomia varieties and types have become nearly indispensable foliage plants and stunning houseplants. For example, the “baby rubber plant” or “radiator plant” adapts itself to semi-sunny or shady locations
Sansevieria Fernwood is an evergreen, relatively hardy, and perennial succulent snake plant that belongs to the family Asparagaceae. The fernwood plant has a unique stem with tiger stripes patterns with
If someone mentions aglaonema (ag-lay-oh-NEE-muh), you might not immediately recognize the name, but chances are you’ve seen one before. Commonly referred to as Chinese Evergreens, these members of the Araceae
Sansevieria (san-se-VEER-ee-uh) or Snake Plants are also commonly called Mother-In-Law’s Tongue or Viper’s Bowstring Hemp. The genus name is in honor of Italian Prince Raimond de Sansgrio de Sanseviero who
One of my favorite groups of plants is the aroid family Araceae. This family has brought us so many wonderful indoor plants. Everything from Philodendrons, Spathiphyllum (aka Peace Lily), Anthurium,
Sansevieria Black Gold is a succulent plant and a member of the agave or Agavaceae family of plants. This plant hails from India and Africa, where elephants consider it to
There are lots of good reasons to have indoor plants, even plants in the bathroom. They are beautiful and uplifting to look at and be around, and they serve a
Sansevieria boncel is a unique-looking and is easy care cultivar of the Sansevieria cylindrica snake plant. With its thick, tube-like appendages, this tough plant can bring a new and unique
Pothos plants are a popular houseplants. The scientific name is Epipremnum aureum, [ep-ih-PREM-num AW-re-um] which means “golden flower on the tree stump.” The Jessenia Pothos variety a sport of Marble
Epipremnum aureum (ep-ih-PREM-num AW-re-um) is also known as: Variegated Philodendron Golden Pothos Pothos Vine Devil’s Ivy This perennial tropical member of the Araceae family hails from the Solomon Islands, Southeast
The Marble Queen Pothos is a low maintenance plant belonging to the hardy pothos family (Epipremnum aureum). Pothos are famous for their tender leathery leaves, vibrant green color, and undemanding
Cebu Blue Pothos aka Epipremnum pinnatum (ep-ih-PREM-num pin-NAY-tum) is an interesting Pothos variety. It features shiny, silver/blue leaves that exhibit a slight sheen under just the right light. This evergreen
The Sansevieria masoniana is a type of snake plant called the shark fin or whale fin Sansevieria. This luscious beauty is not always the easiest plant to find. Its enormous
Featuring striking, striped foliage, Ctenanthe Burle-Marxii [ten-AN-thee] is an interesting houseplant and perfect for rooms without direct sun. As evergreen perennials, the leaves remain on display throughout the year. It is part
Epipremnum aureum (ep-ih-PREM-num AW-re-um) is also known by the common name as Pothos. The Pothos plant, whose botanical name means “Golden Flower on the Tree Stump” is a hardy, popular houseplant
Most of us know Chlorophytum comosum (kloh-roh-FY-tum kom-OH-sum) as the spider plant. The Curly Spider plant or Chlorophytum Bonnie is a compact variety with curly, swirly leaves. The Curly Spider
When you think of the Asparagaceae family, you likely picture asparagus immediately. But did you know about its relative Sansevieria ehrenbergii from Africa? Ehrenbergii is known as Samurai dwarf and
Who benefits most from having a Moonshine Sansevieria – people or pets? I would have to say, people. Let’s get into some details. Sansevieria moonshine [san-se-VEER-ee-uh, moon-shine] is a cultivar of
Dieffenbachia plant pronounced (deef-en-BOK-ee-uh), also known as the “Dumb Cane,” makes an excellent tropical houseplant. “Dieffs” tolerance of shade makes them a good plant to begin learning the basics of indoor
With over 200 varieties to choose from, Philodendrons are a popular choice among plant enthusiasts. Philodendron cordatum (fil-oh-DEN-dron kor-DAY-tum) is a popular species for indoor use, its heart-shaped, dark green
Sansevieria Zeylanica, widely known by the common name of Ceylon bowstring hemp or simply bowstring hemp, is an evergreen perennial species of the Sansevieria plant genus from the Asparagaceae family.
Sansevieria Cylindrica (san-se-VEER-ee-uh sil-IN-dree-kuh) is a perennial succulent plant that belongs to the genus Sansevieria part of the Asparagaceae family. It is native to Angola and commonly referred to as
The birds nest fern the common name for Asplenium Nidus (As-ple-nium nidus) is an epiphytic fern species. Despite harboring large glossy fronds, the Asplenium is a fern belonging to the
Dracaena dermensis compacta [dras-SEE-nuh der-eh-MEN-siss kom-PAK-tuh] belongs to the Agavaceae (agave) family and originates in tropical Africa and Asia. Compacta is a slow-growing sport of Dracaena dermensis ‘Janet Craig.’ I remember
Bird’s nest snake plant – Sansevieria hahnii (san-se-VEER-ee-uh HAHN-ee-eye) is one of over 70 different species falling under the heading snake plant. Hahnii is a sport or cultivar of the Sansevieria trifasciata Laurentii plant
Monstera adansonii also known as Monstera friedrichsthalii [Mon-STER-uh, Free-dreech-sta-lia-na] is a tropical plant, evergreen, glossy vine native to various regions of Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, South America, and Central America. The
Peace Lily care questions, we get all kinds of questions on the care of this tropical plant. The plant is known botanically as Spathiphyllum and comes in many sizes, with lots
Sansevieria Black Coral is a variety of Sansevieria trifasciata [san-se-VEER-ee-uh, try-fask-ee-AH-tuh]. This plant is commonly called: Most of these common names come from tall, thick leaves featuring dark green with light green markings.
Orchids are popular! At one time indoor orchids were a specialty item found only at the florist shop and orchid nurseries. Today, the orchid is mainstream. Over the last few