Monstera adansonii also known as Monstera friedrichsthalii [Mon-STER-uh, Free-dreech-sta-lia-na] is a tropical plant, evergreen, glossy vine native to various regions of Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, South America, and Central America.

The Swiss cheese vine plant is the type of Monstera plant species that changes the shapes of its larger leaves as they mature.
This unique ability of Monstera makes it difficult for botanists to categorize these species.
Its common name is the:
- Swiss cheese plant
- Five holes plant
- Monkey Mask Monstera
… because of its big heart-shaped leaves which are covered with holes. These holes make the plant look like Swiss cheese.
Other Monstera plants like Monstera deliciosa and Monstera obliqua look similar to adansonii. Monstera obliqua is much rarer than the Monstera adansonii vine.
Monstera Adansonii Care Tips
Size & Growth
Monstera adansonii aka Swiss cheese vine has two leaf forms, like many aroids – juvenile and adult.
This vine has show-stopper foliage and a fast growth rate. Every split leaf gets covered with oval-shaped holes (fenestration).
If grown on a trellis the leaves tend to become larger. It might grow as far as 13′ feet.
When the leaves are mature, they grow as big as 20″ – 30″ inches.
According to botanists, these holes assist the plant in standing up and resisting high winds and allows light to pass through.
It’s great for smaller spaces since it doesn’t grow as big as the Monstera deliciosa.
Flowering and Fragrance
Flowering is not very common if it’s an indoor plant.
The flowers are typically tiny and are situated near the spadix.
The spathe isn’t exactly a flower, but it’s the modified version of a leaf.
Light Conditions & Temperature
The Monstera Adansonii plant prefers bright indirect light. Avoid extended periods of direct sunlight. Some morning sun is fine. If the plant is grown in low light, expect smaller leaves.
Monstera friedrichsthalii’s ideal temperature is between 65° – 75° degrees Fahrenheit (18° C – 24° C).
During winters, the minimum temperature of a Monstera plant should be 50° degrees Fahrenheit (10° C).

Cheese Vine Watering and Feeding
Water the plant thoroughly. Allow the soil surface to dry out between waterings.
During winters, it doesn’t need much water, just occasionally mist.
For established Monstera Friedrichsthalii, apply a granular slow-release fertilizer about 3 times per year. Keep the fertilizer about 6″ inches from the base.
Cheese plant Monstera adansonii responds well to regular liquid fertilizing.
Monstera plants not fertilized, will display affected growth.
Keep in mind a high quantity of salts, including in cheap fertilizers, can result in damaging the roots of the plant and might end up destroying it.
Monstera Adansonii Soil & Transplanting
Adansonii prefers an organic-rich, moist but well-drained potting mix. Avoid sandy, dry or murky, wet soil.
Use a peat-based potting mix, add some orchid bark, and plant in a pot with large holes for drainage.
The peat assists in trapping moisture in the soil without waterlogging.
To attain stronger growth, opt for a soil pH between 5.5 and 7.0.
Best grown in a greenhouse where humidity, temperature, and light are all maximized.
Grooming and Maintenance
The trickiest part of grooming and maintaining this plant is the watering.
This plant prefers to have consistently moist soil, but not soggy soil.
Place them in high humidity, which can prove to be a challenge during the winter season. Utilize a humidifier.
The common issue on Monstera adansonii is yellow leaves.
If you notice the plant sprouting yellow leaves it’s an indication there’s something wrong with your watering schedule.
Whenever you are watering, you should always use your finger to test the soil first.
If the top inch of the soil is dry, only then you should water the plant.
Make sure you are not overwatering. If you notice the upper layer of the soil is continuously wet for a few days, then it’s an indication you are overwatering.
Indoors water once every week, but experiment a bit as per the household humidity and temperature of your environment.
Related: Tips On Growing Monstera Siltepecana The Silver Monstera
How To Propagate The Monstera Adansonii Plant
To propagate a new Monstera plant, it’s best to utilize a root hormone powder with a stem cutting.
- Cut off a vine section with two nodes from the mother plant.
- Place the vine in a glass filled with water till roots emerge.
- Make sure the cutting stays protected and warm until new growth begins to emerge.
Keep in mind it takes some time for the root to emerge from the new cuttings.
Therefore, you should be patient and continuously keep them in a warm and moist area.
Bag the cutting so the moisture is sealed in. This will enhance their survival chances.
Once the root system starts forming, transfer the cutting into the soil and soon you’ll have new plants to grow up a totem.

Monstera Adansonii Pests or Diseases
There aren’t any primary disease or pest issues with Monstera Adansonii (Friedrichsthalii) plant.
However, this plant is vulnerable to attacks from fungal spots, leaf spots, bacterial soft rot, spider mite attack, and scale insects.
Root rot is one of the most common disease problems stemming from overwatering and allowing the soil to stay soggy.
Losing the dark color is often caused by too much light or possibly too little fertilizer. Keep the plant out of direct sun and fertilize regularly.
Brown and yellow patches can be caused by salt build-up or alkaline water.
Regular fertilizing can cause salts to accumulate in the soil. Remedy with periodic leaching.
Flush the salts from the soil by slowly running water through the pot until the water runs out clear from the drainage holes.
Monstera species are toxic to animals, especially cats and dogs, as per the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).
If you get this plant, ensure you place it in a location your pets can’t consume its leaves.
It will result in swallowing problems, vomiting, excessive drooling, mouth swelling, and irritation.

Suggested Uses for Monstera Adansonii Vines
The adansonii plant are great north facing window plants and a perfect houseplant for both experts and beginners.
It’s not just easy to look after but also looks extremely exotic. It looks great both indoors and growing outdoors.
NOTE: There is also a variegated Monstera adansonii variety, but requires more light.
Most growers plant the Monstera adansonii swiss cheese vine as trailers, or a climbing specimen up a moss pole or in a hanging basket, which allows for less frequent repotting.
This houseplant is part of the Araceae family which includes:
- Spathiphyllum plant (Peace Lily)
- Zee Zee Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)
- Philodendron varieties
- Pothos plant
- Alocasia plant (African mask plant)
- along with many others
… and the Monstera is very easy to grow.
Monstera Adansonii Quick Care Guide
- Growability: Easy
- Light: Medium to bright indirect lighting (near bright east or south window)
- Temperature: 65° – 75° degrees Fahrenheit (18° C – 24° C).
- Water: Water thoroughly. Allow potting soil surface to dry between waterings.
- Fertilizer: Liquid food every 3-6 weeks
- Pests & Diseases: brown and yellow patches from salt build up
- Propagation: Tip cuttings 4″-8″ inches, or air-layering
- Toxicity: toxic to animals, make cause itching when handling
- Grooming: Aerial roots need support