15 Top Gardening Hacks To Improve Your Garden

Gardening beautifully melds both art and science. Even the most seasoned gardeners continuously search for innovative tips to enhance their gardens. We have 15 top gardening hacks to help your

Seed-dropping Drones Can Plant 40,000 Trees a Day

Seed dropping drone

Advancements in drone technology have led to significant changes in conservation efforts. Drones can now plant over 40,000 seed pods in a single day, vastly outperforming traditional methods. This approach

5 Uses For WD-40 In The Garden

Some people recommend using WD-40 in the garden because it can kill and repel pests and weeds. However, those who suggest this method instruct users to only spray around your

How To Sterilize Pots Without Bleach

pot in need of sterilizing

Is it all right to reuse gardening pots? After all, they’re costly, and tossing them out leads to more and more non-degradable debris in the landfill.  Luckily, it is perfectly

Why Are My Seedlings Turning Yellow?

yellow leaves on seedlings

Gardeners know the tribulations of growing seedlings. We often hear, “My seedlings are turning yellow Why” We share details on how to Fix it [DETAILS]

How Much Neem Oil To A Gallon Of Water?

How much Neem per gallon?

Neem oil is a popular natural pesticide and want to know “How much Neem oil per gallon of water?” It depends if the solution is applied as a spray or a drench. This article looks at how much Neem per gallon.

Cleaning Plant Leaves With Neem Oil

Wiping leaves with neem oil to clean plant leaves

Even the most dedicated plant enthusiasts sometimes forget that their houseplants are living, breathing creatures and could use a little extra TLC. One of the most common issues that an

What Plants Benefit From Coffee Grounds?

Which plants like used coffee grounds? Use coffee grinds as a soil amendment for acid-loving plants. Before brewing, grounds of coffee contain more acid as well as caffeine.

The Best Planting Tip I Never Shared!

planting tip

A while back, we shared a useful tip that a lot of gardeners don’t know about. This simple trick can help reduce transplant shock and produces some great results with

Does Neem Oil Help Control Root Rot?

neem oil for root rot

Does Neem Oil help in controlling of root rot? Neem can be a very effective treatment method for root rot and even prevent it. The application method is important. [DETAILS]

How To Remove Sap From Clothes

Tips on getting tree sap from clothes

Have you ever found yourself at the end of the day with sap all over your clothes from working in the yard or garden. It always seems like my Philodendrons and

When To Thin Seedlings?

thinning seedling lets you pick strongest

The excitement of spring starts weeks or months before the warm weather arrives. Spring anticipation begins with the planting of vegetable seeds for the garden and flower seeds for the

Should You Be Soaking Seeds Before Planting?

Should you soak seeds before planting helps plants germinate faster

There is a long history of gardeners soaking seeds before planting, but many new gardeners aren’t aware that this trick can decrease the germination time. Soaking seeds before planting can

How To Use Hydrogen Peroxide For Root Rot?

Woman mixing hydrogen peroxide with water

There are a lot of wonderful substances in your home medicine cabinet that you would never think are so useful. One of these, hydrogen peroxide (H²O²), is commonly used as a gargle,

Should You Use Distilled Water For Plants?

Watering Ficus plants with distilled water

These days, it’s becoming harder and harder to get pure water for your houseplants. Tap water or municipal water often contains unwanted contaminants. Even rainwater is less than perfect. We

How Long To Keep Grow Lights On Plants?

man checking the grow lights setup

Have you ever wondered how long you should keep the grow lights on your plants?  If so, you’re not alone. Here’s a question we received on just that topic. Question:

Is Mint Poisonous To Cats?

Cat sniffing a mint plant

One of the most significant responsibilities of a cat owner is to provide them with a healthy and safe environment to live. This is especially true for pet owners and plant