There are a lot of wonderful substances in your home medicine cabinet that you would never think are so useful.
One of these, hydrogen peroxide (H²O²), is commonly used as a gargle, hair bleach, disinfectant, and in-ear wax removal, but that’s not all it can do.

Due to its chemical similarity to water (it has an extra oxygen molecule), hydrogen peroxide solution is one of the safest chemicals you can use in the garden to combat a wide range of problems.
In fact, hydrogen peroxide is found naturally in rainwater and serves as a natural fungicide, insect repellent, and weed killer.
When a small amount is added to a cup of water, it creates a much healthier drink for your houseplants than tap water.
The hydrogen peroxide mixture you find at a drug store is already diluted, but you will still need to mix a lower concentration for treating a sick or healthy plant.
Undiluted, it’s a great way to sterilize gardening tools to prevent cross-contamination.
In this article, we’ll provide an in-depth look at how to treat root rot with hydrogen peroxide and its benefits.
Is Hydrogen Peroxide Good For Root Rot?
Symptoms of Root Rot: Rotting roots usually happen because a plant has been overwatered without proper drainage. Always use a pot with drainage holes.
Sometimes, root ball and soil can become compact, hindering drainage and starving plant roots, leading to diseases such as rot.
Phytophthora root rot can affect a wide range of garden and container plants but most commonly affects potatoes and tomatoes.
It can survive for years in the soil, whether or not any plants are present.
So you can use Hydrogen peroxide to help control root rot, root decay, or any other fungal infection by preventing the growth of fungi.
When used correctly, treating root rot with hydrogen peroxide helps eliminate harmful pathogens and restore oxygen levels in the root zone.
Another advantage of using Hydrogen peroxide in your gardening is that it can disinfect tools, pots, potting mediums, and greenhouses.
How Do You Treat Root Rot With Hydrogen Peroxide?
Root rot is most commonly caused by poor soil aeration or overwatering.
Soaking roots in hydrogen peroxide is a method that can be used to treat root rot in plants.
This allows the hydrogen peroxide to penetrate the root zone and attack the harmful microorganisms causing the root rot.
The most commonly recommended hydrogen peroxide for root rot ratio is a 1 to 3% concentration of hydrogen peroxide to water.
Mix one part 3% percent hydrogen peroxide with two parts water and carefully pour it over the root of your plant system with a watering can or spray bottle.
This will kill off the bacteria which cause root rot.
Additionally, hydrogen peroxide will break down once absorbed in the soil, releasing extra oxygen and encouraging root growth by creating more space in the soil.
You may use this same mixture to disinfect the potting mix or soil before planting.
Place the soil into a clean, disinfected container and add the peroxide.
Water two to three times over the course of a week, and the soil or mix will be ready for planting.
How long to soak plant roots in hydrogen peroxide?
Generally, a common recommendation is to soak the roots for about 5-10 minutes.
This timeframe allows the hydrogen peroxide solution to contact the affected roots and neutralize any pathogens without overexposing the plant to the solution, which could potentially harm the roots.
Also, it’s important to note that while soaking roots in hydrogen peroxide can be beneficial for treating root rot, it should be done cautiously and in moderation.
Overexposure to hydrogen peroxide can potentially harm the plant’s roots, so following proper guidelines and dosage recommendations for hydrogen peroxide root rot is essential.
Is Hydrogen Peroxide Good For Plants?
There are so many benefits of hydrogen peroxide related to the roots of your plants. It’s a wonder so many people have never heard about them.
Here is the ratio of root rot treatment hydrogen peroxide.
Add two teaspoons of 35% percent hydrogen peroxide (food grade) to a gallon of water and use this mix alternately with regular water to encourage healthier plant growth, especially with indoor plants without access to rainwater.
Can Hydrogen Peroxide Help With See Germination?
When working with seeds from another garden, place the seeds in a small watertight container.
Soak seeds for 4 hours in 3% percent hydrogen peroxide to kill any harmful bacteria, then rinse thoroughly and allow them to dry on a towel. This will help encourage more healthy roots.
You can further soak the seeds in a mix of one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and one cup of water for a few minutes immediately before germinating for a quick growth boost.
1% percent hydrogen peroxide will repel a range of garden pests, from aphids to fungus gnats, killing their eggs in the process without harming beneficial insects.
This natural form of pest control is doubly efficient when used as a foliar spray due to its anti-fungal properties.
You may also choose 3, 5, or 8% percent hydrogen peroxide in hydroponics to boost oxygen levels, kill harmful bacteria, and encourage healthy root growth and health.
Be sure to keep the peroxide in an opaque bottle, as the lights used for hydroponics will cause the peroxide to break down.
However, don’t overuse it because it can adversely affect a plant. If you notice wilting or yellowing leaves, it’s time to stop using Hydrogen peroxide.
Also, ensure that you do not get any on the stem, plant roots, or any healthy parts of the plant because it can cause damage.
Does Hydrogen Peroxide Kill Fungus?
Hydrogen peroxide is extremely effective against fungal growths, especially mold, mildew, and residues, but the treatment method might sound counterproductive.
Mix a solution of one part peroxide to 32 oz water and inundate the plant until it begins pouring out of the container’s bottom or floods the surface.
This allows the peroxide to reach and kill the fungal infection and prevent its return.
Avoid watering the plant until the soil has dried almost completely.
Does Hydrogen Peroxide Control Thrips and Mites on Plants?
It has been suggested that you can use Hydrogen Peroxide to control thrips and plant mites. However, there is limited scientific evidence to support its effectiveness.
A study showed that hydrogen peroxide can harm spider mites but doesn’t always work well. More research is needed to know if controlling thrips and mites is safe.