Aloe Juvenna Care: Tips On Growing Tiger Tooth Aloe Plants

Aloe Juvenna [AL-oh, joo-VEN-nuh], is an aloe species native to Kenya.

Juvenna is known for its dense cluster of triangular leaves. Another is Aloe Nobilis.

Aloe Juvenna aka Tiger Tooth AloePin

The leaves of this succulent plant feature teeth along the margins, giving the plant its common name of Tiger Tooth Aloe.

It’s part of the Aloe plant genus and Asphodelaceae family and grows in rocky, mountainous areas. 

While it’s grown as a popular houseplant, it’s rare in its native region.

Aloe Juvenna Tiger Tooth Care

Size and Growth

Tiger Tooth Aloe is an unusual succulent with thick stems reaching up to 2’ feet long. 

The stems are covered in triangular green leaves with white spots and tipped with a spiky rosette.

During the first few years of growth, the stems remain erect before eventually arching over.

Thick green succulent in a terracotta pot.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @wild_about_cactus

The leaves are often a bright green color but may change depending on sun exposure. 

When grown in bright light, the leaves tend to develop reddish or brownish tones.

Aloe Juvenna is sometimes confused with Aloe squarrosa. However, Aloe squarrosa has longer leaves that are curved.

Flowering and Fragrance

Tiger Tooth Aloe rarely flowers. It’s more likely to bloom in the wild, where unbranched spikes containing orange-red flowers appear in the middle of summer.

Light and Temperature

Tiger Tooth Aloe grows best in full sun or partial shade in warm, dry regions. 

It’s suitable for outdoor growth in USDA hardiness zones 9 to 11. 

However, most people grow it in containers as a houseplant on a windowsill.

If growing it indoors, avoid placing it in a spot receiving bright, direct sunlight in the afternoon. 

The strong sunlight may damage the leaves.

Move potted plants outdoors for the spring and summer. During winter conditions take them inside before temperatures drop below 40° degrees Fahrenheit (4° C).

Watering Needs and Feeding

  • Aloe Juvenna is partially drought-tolerant. It doesn’t need frequent watering.
  • Water succulents sparingly, such as once every week or two to avoid root rot. 
  • Allow the soil to mostly dry before watering again.
  • Potted plants may need more frequent watering. 
  • Check the soil regularly. 
  • If the top several inches are completely dry, water the plant.
  • Adding a small amount of diluted liquid fertilizer to young plants and newly transplanted plants encourages new growth.
Succulent plant in pot, close-up, green spiky leaves.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @justasucculentlife

Soil and Transplanting

  • Plant in potting mix with fast drainage. It cannot tolerate constantly moist conditions. 
  • Commercial cactus potting soil should work well.
  • To modify standard potting soil, add equal parts sand and peat moss or perlite.
  • These plants rarely need repotting. 
  • Wait until the stems start to tip over before repotting into a larger container that includes a drainage hole.


Older leaves may eventually start to brown and die. 

Remove these leaves by hand or using a pair of clippers to allow new growth to develop.

More reasons Why Aloe Plants Turn Brown?

Propagation Process Of Tiger Tooth Aloe

Propagate using offsets, division, or stem cuttings. 

As the plant rarely flowers, it’s difficult to obtain seeds.

The offsets should appear around the mother plant. 

  • Carefully dig up the soil around the offsets and cut the root connecting to the main plant.
  • Transplant the offsets individually in small containers with drainage holes. 
  • Keep them outdoors during the summer and bring them indoors for the winter.
  • After winter and the last danger of frost, transplant outdoors unless keeping the plants in containers.

To propagate using stem cuttings, carefully cut a healthy stem from the plant. 

  • Run the plant under cold water to remove the sap found inside the plant.
  • Allow the cutting to dry overnight before planting in standard cactus soil. 
  • Keep the soil moist until it takes root. 
  • After it takes root, transplant the plant to its permanent home.

To propagate by division, separate the root ball of a mature plant. 

  • This is best done in the spring or summer.
  • Carefully dig up the plant and cut the root ball into two pieces. 
  • Wear gloves when performing this task to keep the sap from getting into your eyes or mouth.
  • Plant the divided sections in containers or directly in the ground.

Juvenna Tiger Tooth Aloe Pest or Diseases

The main pests include the typical household insects such as aphids and mealybugs. 

Wash these pests away with blasts of cold water from a garden hose.

It’s also possible to remove aphids and mealybugs using a rag soaked in water with a little bit of dish soap. 

If these methods don’t work, treat the plant using a homemade insecticidal soap.

Aloe juvenna isn’t considered toxic to humans or horses. 

It may harm dogs and cats if ingested. 

Succulents in rusty pot, vibrant garden scene.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @succulentgardens

The gel-like substance found in the leaves may cause diarrhea, lethargy, and other symptoms of gastrointestinal distress.

Keep it away from small pets and avoid growing close to other plants in gardens. 

It’s not an invasive plant, but the many shoots it produces allow it to spread and overtake smaller plants. 

Luckily, it’s not a fast-growing plant.

Suggested Aloe Juvenna Uses

Aloe juvenna provides an interesting ground cover, trailing over rocks or walls after the thick stems no longer stand erect. 

Use it as a ground cover or edging for a rock garden or succulent garden.

It also grows well in containers or pots on its own or as part of a succulent or cactus arrangement.

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