Aloe Aristata Care: Learn Tips On Growing The Lace Aloe

Aloe aristata [AL-oh a-ris-TAH-tuh] is a hardy succulent with distinct leaves.

The Aloe aristata plant is not the same as the Aloe vera plant. In English-speaking countries, these “aloe plants” go by the following common names:

  • Lace Aloe
  • Guinea-fowl Aloe
  • Torch plant
Potted Aloe aristata [genus Aristaloe] Lace Aloe by window reaching for full sunPin
Aristata Lace Aloe in window

The correct name is Aristaloe aristata [air-ISST-AL-oh a-ris-TAH-tuh], but most know the plant by its synonym ‘Aloe aristata.’ The plant carries a relationship more with the Haworthia genus than the genus Aloe.

Like the China Aster (Callistephus Chinensis), Aristaloe aristata is the lone species in the genus Aristaloe.

However, it was recently reclassified, and the plant is now the only species within the Aristaloe genus. 

The Aloe vera aristata is grown primarily grown for its attractive succulent rosettes of yellow spots and white bumps on dark green leaves with lacy edges and soft white spines.

It belongs to the Aristaloe genus of flowering plants native to South Africa. It is commonly called the “slippery one.”

The stemless plant produces long, soft, succulent leaves with tubular orange flowers. It’s another unique plant deserving proper care.

Lace Aloe Quick Care Tips

  • Botanical Name: Aloe Aristata
  • Common Name(s): Lace Aloe, Torch Plant
  • Synonyms: Aristaloe aristata
  • Family & Origin: Asphodelaceae family, native to South Africa
  • Growability: Easy to grow
  • Grow Zone: USDA zones 7-10
  • Size: Grows up to 6-12′ inches tall and 2′ feet wide
  • Flowering: Produces orange-red flowers in the summer
  • Light: Prefers bright, indirect sunlight
  • Humidity: Tolerates low humidity
  • Temperature: Thrives in temperatures between 60-80°F
  • Soil: Well-draining soil
  • Water: Water thoroughly but allow soil to dry out between waterings
  • Fertilizer: Fertilize once a month during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer
  • Pests & Diseases: Susceptible to mealybugs and root rot
  • Propagation: Propagate through offsets or leaf cuttings
  • Plant Uses: Used for ornamental purposes, can be grown indoors or outdoors. The gel inside the leaves can be used for medicinal purposes.

Use these tips to keep your Lace Aloe healthy.

Aristata Lace Aloe Care

Size and Growth

The hardy Aloe torch plant is slow-growing. It produces triangular succulent lanceolate leaves forming in a rosette around the base of the plant.

The fleshy leaves of Aristata aloe are green with yellowish-white spots and teeth along the edges.

Green spiky succulent in a potPin
Photo Credit: Instagram @dailyplants_ke

It’s recommended for USDA hardiness zone 7b – 10b and appreciates the warmth. If you live in a temperate climate, move the plant inside during the winter.

The plant doesn’t get very big. It looks like a dwarf version of larger plants in the Aloe genus.

With proper care, the leaves of Aloe aristata reach about 6″ to 12″ inches in length. The dense rosette-forming may spread about two feet wide.

Flowering and Fragrance

The Lance aloe produces flowers in the early summer. The tubular orange-red flowers don’t produce a scent and may not last very long. 

Luckily, the stalk of bright orange lace aloe flower should appear each year.

Aloe vera plant in a pot, top view.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @succulentjunky

Light and Temperature

Guinea fowl aloe can do well in partial shades, but be careful not to overdo it. Insufficient light will cause your plants to etiolate. 

This plant grows best in full sun in warm regions and prefers dry weather. It doesn’t need a lot of sunlight. Keep the plant away from direct sunlight.

This succulent can grow in dry air and really doesn’t care about humidity levels.

If grown outdoors, choose a spot with plenty of sunlight without strong direct sunlight. When grown indoors, consider choosing a west-facing or east-facing window.

Green spiky aloe plant in pot.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @leaf_as_we_know_it

Indoor growth requires normal room temperature. When grown outdoors, it cannot tolerate the cold.

It does well in partial sun to partial shade. If planting indoors, place it in a room that gets a lot of sunlight, such as near a southern-facing window (if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere). 

If temperatures drop below 50° degrees Fahrenheit during the winter, you’ll need to bring your aloe artista indoors.

Related: Learn more about Aloe Light Requirements

Watering and Feeding

It doesn’t need to be watered regularly as it matures, as the fleshy succulent stems and leaves store water.

Try the “soak and dry” method to prevent overwatering that leads to root rot, but make sure water doesn’t collect in the rosette of this plant. 

Throughout the spring, summer, and fall, regularly water haworthia Aristata plant. During the active growth seasons, add some liquid fertilizer.

While the Guinea fowl aloe needs regular watering, remember this is a succulent and is drought tolerant. Allow the top half-inch of soil to dry between watering.

Green aloe plant in a red pot.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @stayrooteddesigns

In the winter, the guinea fowl aloe flower only needs enough water to keep the soil moist.

In areas that receive a lot of winter and spring moisture (especially rain), it is strongly recommended that plants be protected from cold, wet soil conditions.  

Try to pour the water around the plant base instead of over the leaves. If water collects in the leaves, you’ll increase the risk of rot.

Soils and Transplanting

For optimal growth, repot the Aristaloe aristata plant each year at the start of the spring season. 

Simply mix garden soil with equal parts of sand or perlite, and you’re good to go! Like most succulents, the torch plant doesn’t necessarily need fertilizer to grow into a healthy plant.

Use a commercial cactus soil mix with excellent drainage, or make your own well-drained soil mix.

If you decide to make your own sandy, well-draining soil mixture, mix three parts of regular potting soil with one part coarse sand, perlite, or pumice. 

Vibrant green aloe plant with spiky leaves on blue pattern.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @lm_fiorentino

Related: Read this article on Aloe Plant soil.

Transplanting doesn’t require any special steps. Prepare the new pot and then gently transplant the cactus to its new home.

Maintenance and Grooming

No grooming is needed. The only ‘grooming” is to remove dead leaves or flowers.

Guinea Fowl Aloe Flower Propagation

The easiest method of propagating Lace Aloe is to collect the offsets. The “Aloe pups” or offsets can easily be removed from the mother plant in the spring when transplanting the plant.

Here’s how to propagate lace aloe:

Remove the offsets from the base of the plant. If possible, look for offsets that have already started to form rosettes of leaves.

Plant the offsets in the same cactus mix used for the main plant. They should be planted about ¾” an inch deep and covered with a sprinkling of sand or perlite. This helps reduce rot.

Place the easy-to-grow lace aloe pups away from direct sunlight and water moderately. Within a few weeks, you should start to notice new growth.

Aloe Aristata Disease or Pests Problems

The main pests and disease issues include rot, mealy bugs, and scale insects.

Rot is typically caused by giving the plant too much water.

Use a fungicide to attempt to treat the problem, but you’ll also need to correct the problem causing the rot.

Decrease the amount of water used for each watering.

Green spotted aloe plant up close.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @plant_edinthecity

Related: Details on Aloe Plant Turning Brown

Pests may appear as small white or brown patches on the leaves. These patches may be mealybugs or scale insects.

If you detect scale insects or mealybugs. Dip the toothpick or cotton swab in alcohol and then wipe the pests off the leaves. Organic Neem oil is also an option.

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Neem Oil is our FAVORITE natural organic insecticide. Control aphids, mealybugs, plant scale, Japanese Beetles and more. It can also be used as a soil drench.

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Suggested Aristata Aloe Uses

The dwarf Aristaloe aristata plant looks great by itself on a shelf or small table. Also planting with other indoor succulents in a group, succulent rock garden, or planter to create a showcase of low-maintenance succulents.

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