Aloe Ciliaris Care: Tips On Growing The Climbing Aloe

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Aloiampelos ciliaris, formerly classified as Aloe ciliaris, is a fast-growing succulent from the Eastern Cape of South Africa. 

Aloiampelos ciliaris is commonly called the common climbing aloe. 

Blooms of the Aloiampelos Ciliaris (Aloe)Pin
Growing in the Garden Portugal | PantherMediaSeller – DepositPhotos

It’s named “ciliaris” due to the white, hair-like teeth appearing around the edges of the leaves and stems.

Aloiampelos ciliaris belongs to the Aloiampelos genus, which includes six other climbing aloe species of plants

Aloe plants are part of the Asphodelaceae family.

Aloe Ciliaris Quick Care Tips

  • Botanical Name: Aloe Ciliaris
  • Common Name(s): Common Climbing Aloe
  • Synonyms: Aloe commutata, Aloe commutata var. ciliaris
  • Pronunciation: AL-oh-AM-pel-ohs sil-ee-AIR-iss
  • Family & Origin: Asphodelaceae family, native to Eastern Cape of South Africa
  • Growability: Easy to grow
  • Grow Zone: USDA zones 9 or higher
  • Size: Can grow up to 8′ to 12′ feet in length
  • Flowering: Produces large orange-red flowers in winter
  • Light: Prefers full sun to partial shade
  • Humidity: Can tolerate low humidity
  • Temperature: Between 68° – 80° degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Soil: Sandy or gravelly well-draining soil
  • Water: Infrequent watering but allow the soil to dry out between waterings
  • Fertilizer: Fertilize once a month with 1/2-strength water-soluble plant food
  • Pests & Diseases: Can be susceptible to mealybugs and scale insects. Watch for root rot if overwatered.
  • Propagation: Propagate through seeds, stem cuttings, or offsets
  • Plant Uses: Can be used as a houseplant or in outdoor landscaping.

Aloiampelos Ciliaris Care

Size and Growth

  • Climbing aloe produces thin stems and leaves. 
  • The thin stems shoot upward and are anchored by fleshy leaves. 
  • The leaves and stems are green and covered in soft hairs.
  • Hair-like teeth appear along the margins of the leaves and on the stems near the base of the leaves.
  • The leaves are recurved, creating a hook shape and allowing the plant to anchor itself on other vegetation.
  • Without pruning, the plant may eventually reach a mature size of 8′ to 12′ feet in length. 


The tall stems of Aloe ciliaris produce large orange-red flowers at the end of the fall season or winter. 

The flowers typically appear from November to April, depending on the climate.

In cooler regions, the blooms may not last as long.

Light and Temperature

Climbing aloe grows best in full sun. Without plenty of sunlight, the plant may not produce a full bloom. 

It’s native to South Africa, where temperatures rarely drop below freezing during the winter. It also tolerates low humidity levels.

Vibrant orange aloe vera flowers in bloom.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @lotus.seed

In North America, Aloe ciliaris is winter hardy in USDA hardiness zones 9b or higher. The ideal temperature for this plant ranges between 68° – 80° degrees Fahrenheit.

In cooler climates, it grows well as a potted houseplant. Set it near a window receiving direct sunlight for several hours per day.

Watering and Feeding

Climbing aloe only needs infrequent watering. So water the soil deeply and allow the top 2″ inches to dry completely between watering.

Remember, too much water will make the Climbing aloe too dry and soft. Its leaves will also become brittle and turn brown.

Indoor plants may need watering about once per week during the spring and summer. 

As a drought-tolerant plant, Climbing aloe will grow well in locations that receive high rainfall, as along it doesn’t become waterlogged.

Moreover, it can likely go about two weeks without water in the fall. During the winter, water the plant once every three weeks.

Feed once per month with 1/2-strength water-soluble plant food.

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Soil and Transplanting

Climbing aloe grows best in sandy or gravelly soil with good drainage. 

Poor drainage increases the risk of root rot and other disease problems.

Using a standard potting mix with extra sand or perlite should create an ideal environment for the plant. 

If grown in a container instead of in the ground, the soil needs very good drainage. 

Ensure the container has drainage holes, and add more sand or perlite to the potting mixture. 

Transplant plants as needed in the spring. 

Use fresh soil and ensure the Aloe ciliaris plants are spaced at least 1′ to 2′ feet apart. 

Grooming and Maintenance

As a fast-growing plant, climbing aloe requires occasional pruning. 

While it’s not invasive, its climbing growth and fast-growing, long stems may cover other plants. So it’s best to give any support like a garden trellis or grow up a nearby tree.

Overgrown aloe plants with red-orange blooms.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @wigglestemgardens

Use sharp, sterile gardening shears to trim back the leaves to up to one-third of their original size. 

Trimming the plant in the spring gives the leaves time to regrow during the active growing season.

How to Propagate Climbing Aloe

Propagate using seeds, stem cuttings, or offsets. 

  • Sow climbing aloe seeds in sandy soil. 
  • The seeds should germinate for several weeks in a room kept at temperatures ranging between 68° and 75° degrees Fahrenheit (20° – 24° C).
  • The soil should be moist and well-draining. 
  • After the seedlings appear, wait several weeks for the stems to harden before transplanting. 

To propagate with Aloe ciliaris stem cuttings

  • Cut stems below a node root. 
  • The cuttings should dry out for at least one day to form a seal on the cut end.
  • Dip the cut ends in rooting hormone powder. 
  • This increases the chance of successful propagation.
  • Place the cuttings in moist soil. 
  • Keep the soil moist until roots appear, then cut back on watering. 
  • Wait until the top 1″ inch of soil is dry before watering.
  • Several weeks after planting the cuttings, roots should develop. 
  • Wait several more weeks for the plant to become hardier before transplanting.
  • Offsets may appear around mature plants, especially when planted in a large container or garden with room for the seeds to set.

To propagate Aloe ciliaris from offsets

Climbing Aloe Pest or Diseases

Climbing aloe is vulnerable to scale insects. Scale insects cover the exterior of the plant. 

Try removing the hard-shelled insects by hand or using cotton swabs soaked in alcohol. 

Pesticides may not kill the scale insects due to their protective shells. 

Aloe plants with red blossoms in a garden setting.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @floragrubbgardens

For severe infestations, consider propagating an unaffected part of the plant. 

Along with scale insects, the plant may occasionally be prone to mealybug and appear to droop. 

If the leaves start to droop before falling off, the plant likely needs more sunlight. 

Move it to a sunnier location and wait one or two weeks before watering.

Ensure to avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot.

Suggested Aloiampelos Ciliaris Uses

Grow along fences or boundaries where the climbing aloe plant can climb over the surrounding foliage.

Vibrant red aloe vera flowers in bloom.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @joelignacio

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