Aeonium Sunburst Care: Tips On Growing The Sunburst Succulent

Aeonium Sunburst [Ee-OH-nee-um, Suhn-Buhst] is an evergreen plant belonging to the Crassulaceae family and native to the Canary Islands.

This Aeonium plant, also referred to as Aeonium decorum ‘sunburst,’ is considered the most beautiful plant from the Aeonium types of the genus.

Attractive foliage of the Sunburst AeoniumPin

They resemble a ray of sunshine, with their big rosette leaves brightening up any patio or garden.

The common names for Aeonium Sunburst include:

  • Copper Pinwheel
  • Tree Aeonium
  • Tree Houseleek

Aeonium Sunburst Plants Care

Size & Growth

The sunburst is a variegated and branching succulent.

It has green and creamy yellow or white leaves with pinkish edges, which become coppery red when placed in the full sun, while every leaf center is light yellow.

This plant grows 30” inches tall, while its platter-sized rosettes grow 10” inches across.

The large rosettes sit on top of a long, half-inch-thick stem.

Flowering and Fragrance

During mid-winter or early spring, the mature plants sprout blooms of pale yellow flower color.

Light & Temperature

This house plant loves full sun to partial shade. It grows indoors well as long as it gets sufficient light.

When planting indoors, put the containers near a window or other location, getting plenty of sunlight. At least 6 hours of daylight each day is recommended.

This succulent prefers temperature between 40° – 100° degrees Fahrenheit (4° – 38° C). Hardiness zones 9 – 12 (USDA Zone).

Watering and Feeding

The water needs of Aeonium Arboreum are like most other drought-tolerant succulent plants.

Utilize the ‘soak and dry’ method and ensure the soil completely dries out between watering.

Feed this plant in its growing season using half-strength fertilizer every month.

Avoid feeding it when the plant is dormant.

Soil & Transplanting

While the usual soil mix for cacti and succulents works well, this plant prefers a regular potting mix or sandy loam as it likes some moisture.

If growing the plant in a container, it’s best to repot every 2 to 3 years using fresh soil.

Grooming and Maintenance

With proper growing conditions, this plant doesn’t need much care and thrives even when neglected.

Otherwise, the plant needs to be continuously moved back and forth from the sun to the shade or placed indoors when the temperature is low.

The root system of Aeonium Sunburst is underdeveloped as it stores water in its stems and leaves.

This plant has the capability of producing roots along the stems.

It may get leggy branches due to the weight of the large rosettes, which should be cut off.

It’s best to repot the broken stem for new growth.

The majority of Aeonium plants die after blooming unless they produce side shoots that help them to continue living.

Related: Growing the ‘Giant Velvet Rose’ Aeonium Canariense

How To Propagate Sunburst Succulent

The Aeonium plant propagates easily through the stem cuttings. As mentioned above, it is a monocarpic succulent and dies after flowering.

If the plant flowers, it’s best to take some cuttings and start preparing for new growth.

However, it typically takes several years for the sunburst to flower.

  • Take the cutting from the plant using a sterile and sharp pair of scissors or knife.
  • Make sure to cut the stems away from their main cluster.
  • Allow the cutting to become callous for the next few days.
  • Later, plant the cuttings in well-draining soil.
  • Water generously regularly until the plant establishes.

Sunburst Succulent Pests or Diseases

This plant doesn’t face significant pests or diseases. The occasional slug, bird bite, scale, or mite may attack the plant.

Neem oil for plants or horticultural soaps helps eliminate this issue.

However, the soap sprays must be carefully used as high amounts lead to lesions and discoloration of the plant’s skin.

The most common issue this plant faces is the rotting of roots, which is avoided by using well-draining clay pots and checking the soil’s percolation before planting.

Ensure the roots are moist and not soggy.

Aeonium Sunburst Uses

This plant makes the most impact when planted in masses.

It is used to add dramatic texture to dry borders and rock gardens.

It also looks great on the patio, adding color.

Since this plant requires a low amount of soil, this plant is also used as a container plant.

Use this plant in a Mediterranean garden, a gravel garden, as well as a coastal garden.