Aeonium Arboreum Growing and Care
Aeonium Arboreum [ee-OH-nee-um ar-BOR-ee-um] hails from northern Africa and the Canary Islands and does well in most coastal settings. The Aeonium is a member of the Crassulaceae or Stonecrop family.
Aeonium Arboreum [ee-OH-nee-um ar-BOR-ee-um] hails from northern Africa and the Canary Islands and does well in most coastal settings. The Aeonium is a member of the Crassulaceae or Stonecrop family.
Aeoniums are also known as Tree Houseleeks. They come from a genus consisting of approximately 35 species of subtropical, perennial succulent members of the Crassulaceae family of plants. These attractive
Aeonium Canariense has large, velvety, fleshy, leaves that grow in a formation of green rosettes, this Canary Island Aeonium plant adds terrific visual appeal to succulent gardens. [DETAILS]
With so many types of Echeveria succulents, its easy care and variety of different colors, shapes, and sizes – they are fun to grow and collect. Click this article for details on the many Echeveria types for your home.
Aeonium ‘Cyclops’ (ee-OH-nee-um SY-klops) isn’t one of the 35 Aeonium species native to the Canary Islands and Africa, but is instead a hybrid type of Aeonium undulatum and Aeonium arboreum
Kiwi Aeonium haworthii [ee-OH-nee-um, hay-WOR-thee-eye] is native to the Canary Islands and Morocco but now grows in areas with similar climates, such as Southern California. In temperate regions, it makes
Aeonium Sunburst [Ee-OH-nee-um, Suhn-Buhst] is an evergreen plant belonging to the Crassulaceae family and native to the Canary Islands. This Aeonium plant, also referred to as Aeonium decorum ‘sunburst,’ is
Aeonium haworthii is a member of the family Crassulaceae. You may also hear the plant referred by the common names: It is a winter growing succulent perennial in the genus
Adromischus cristatus [ad-roh-MIS-kus] [kris-TAY-tus] belongs to the genus Adromischus and is an interesting succulent plant from the family Crassulaceae. Cristatus is found in the eastern Cape Province of South Africa.
Aeoniums are colorful, attractive, evergreen rosette type of succulents hailing from the Canary Islands. They are very popular in xeriscapes and in general use in landscaping in desert settings. They