Build A Table Top Terra Cotta Fountain

items needed for a terra cotta fountain

If you want to add the element and sound of water to your garden or patio without making a big monetary investment try making your own terra cotta fountain! The

Growing Water Lilies: How We DO Them!

bright flowering water lily

This post isn’t meant to be a treatise on water-lily culture or of varieties. The growers catalogs, which you should get, or searching online will give you all of the

How To Build A Water Lily Pond

Would you love to have a water lily pond or water garden in your backyard? The flowers of a blooming water lily is simply breathtaking! Probably the reason more gardeners

How To Easily Make An Outdoor Fountain

making an outdoor fountain

Would an outdoor fountain at the entrance to your front door become a focal point to liven things up? Can you hear the soothing sound of water trickling over rocks to

How To Make A Beautiful Rain Chain

Rain chains are not only beautiful, but can help in managing water runoff, reduce soil erosion and water pollution, by channeling water running off the roof into a rain barrel.

17 Amazing Homemade Garden Fountains

We’ve shared some great fountains before, but we’re always on the lookout for inspiration. We all know the sound of water adds a special element to a space. Just because