10 Perennials To Cut Back In August For A Late Flush Of Flowers
August can be a great time to give your perennial flowers some attention. Most gardeners tend to think about pruning mainly in the spring, but trimming certain perennials in late
August can be a great time to give your perennial flowers some attention. Most gardeners tend to think about pruning mainly in the spring, but trimming certain perennials in late
Hemigraphis alternata, also called Strobilanthes alternata, is an herbaceous perennial member of the Acanthaceae family. The plant originally hails from the Maluku Islands, Malaysia, Java, and India. The plant’s genus
Mertensia virginica (mer-TEN-see-uh vir-JIN-ih-kuh) is a wildflower that grows freely in the flood plains and rich woodlands of eastern North America. It’s a native plant found growing in areas ranging
Due to their rumored health benefits, you might have heard of coneflowers (Echinacea spp.). Sadly, there’s no solid evidence they’re beneficial for your body, but they can be pretty helpful
The herbaceous perennial, Monarda didyma (mo-NAR-da DID-ee-mah), is a North American native plant and a member of the Lamiaceae (mint) family of plants. Bee Balm is considered a companion plant
There are three major types of gardeners in the world. The first type loves ornamental plants and prefers to grow flowers. The second type likes the reward of growing crop
Clitoria Ternatea (klih-TOH-ree-uh, tern-AH-tee-uh), commonly called butterfly pea, is a flowering plant species and belongs to the Fabaceae family along with the Blue Indigo plant and Dwarf Poinciana. The herbaceous
Campions are perennial flowers commonly grown in flower beds, indoor pots, and tubs. Lychnis coronaria, also known as Silene coronaria and rose campion, is the most popular Campion, a flowering perennial.
Crossandra plants aka the firecracker flower produces clusters of bright apricot-colored blooms, and grow in full sun. Charming addition to the garden. Click on this article for growing and care information on firecracker Crossandra.
The Gaura plant, also known as the whirling butterfly or the beeblossom, is often seen in many gardens. It is loved for its hardiness, delicate beauty, and low maintenance needs.
Helianthus Angustifolia (hee-lee-AN-thus an-gus-tee-FOH-lee-us) is a native North American wildflower. Angustifolia grows freely in bogs, flood plains, and bottom lands throughout the eastern and southeastern United States. This perennial wildflower
Catmint or Nepeta x faassenii (NEP-eh-tuh X fah-SEN-ee-eye) is a sterile hybrid plant. It is a cross by Dutch nurseryman, J. H. Faassenbetween of Nepeta racemosa and Nepeta nepetella. This
Chelone (kay-LOH-nee) is a perennial wildflower that grows freely throughout the eastern United States. The plant is a member of the figwort family (Scrophulariaceae or Plantaginaceae). Angelonia and Veronica are also
Achimenes plants (a-kim’e-neez) are members of the Gesneriad plant family. There are twenty-six members in this group of perennial plants, all hailing from South and Central America. You may hear
Ruta graveolens (ROO-tuh grav-ee-OH-lens) is a native of the Balkan Peninsula, southern and southeastern Europe. This member of the Rutaceae (roo-TAY-see-ee) family is a herbaceous evergreen perennial and is commonly
Armeria Maritima [Ar-MER-ee-uh Mar-ih-TEE-muh] is an herbaceous perennial plant, belonging to the sea lavender family Plumbaginaceae (blue plumbago). This plant is native to temperate coastal areas and mountains in the
Galium odorata (GAL-ee-um oh-dor-AY-tum) is an herbaceous perennial groundcover that is native to Europe, Asia, and North Africa. This member of the Rubiaceae family is a hardy, low-maintenance plant that
Lysimachia nummularia (ly-si-MAK-ee-uh num-ew-LAH-ree-uh) is a low growing, herbaceous perennial member of the Primrose (Primulaceae) family which hails from the temperate areas of Asia and Europe. The plant has become
Limonium sinuatum (lim-OH-nee-um sin-yoo-AY-tum) is an herbaceous perennial hailing from Western Asia, North Africa, and Europe. It does well in Mediterranean regions. It is a member of the Plumbaginaceae family.
Trientalis borealis Raf. (try-en-TAY-lis bor-ee-AL-is) is a wildflower native to the woods and forests of eastern North America and the southern half of Canada, where it is found in birch
Calluna vulgaris [kal-LOO-nuh, vul-GAIR-iss] is the sole species encompassing the Calluna genus. It is native to the bogs and moors of Scotland and other parts of Europe and is favored for the
Growing plants on an oceanfront is the most challenging task for any gardener. The soil in these areas is completely arid. Moreover, the wind blows constantly and delivers salty, burning
Whether you have a manicured garden or a cottage-style garden, adding beautiful flowering plants with sweet fragrances will enhance its beauty. Fragrant flowers can add another layer of richness in
Veronica spicata [veh-RON-ih-ka spi-KAH-tuh] is a perennial that produces an abundance of blue flowers appearing in long spires. It is native to the United Kingdom, and it’s the county flower
The firecracker plant – Russelia Equisetiformis [russ-SEEL-lee-uh eck-kwiss-see-tiff-FORmiss] is a perennial plant type often used as an ornamental shrub. It’s from the Plantaginaceae family along with Lophospermum plants and hails from Mexico. This firecracker
The Brazilian Dwarf Morning Glory, or botanically Evolvulus glomeratus (ee-VOLV-yoo-lus glahm-er-AH-tus) is a member of the family Convolvulaceae family (kon-volv-yoo-LAY-see-ee) along with bindweed and the Dichondra plant. As this common name implies, the tender, non-vining,
Coreopsis is a pretty, resilient flowering perennial plant available in numerous colors with several interesting petal and leaf features. Surprisingly, you can easily grow coreopsis in your own garden or
The Golden Shrimp Plant, botanically known as Pachystachys lutea is an upright tropical evergreen landscape perennial shrub. This native to the subtropical regions of Peru makes a great landscape plant for
Scabiosa atropurpurea [skab-ee-OH-suh, at-ro-pur-PURR-ee-uh] is a flowering perennial plant apart of the Scabiosa genus in the honeysuckle family. The plant itself is native to northern Africa and is found in
Joe Pye Weed (Eupatorium purpureum) is a ubiquitous perennial plant named after a Native American renowned in his time for using many parts of the plant in creating medicines to
Verbascum [ver-BASK-um] is a genus of flowering plants containing about 360 different species. These plants belong to the figwort (Scrophulariaceae) family. Verbascum plants mostly come from Asia and Europe with
A native throughout much of southern North America, Itea virginica (eye-TEE-ah, ver-JIN-ih-kah) owes much of its success to the wide USDA hardiness zone range it tolerates. It belongs to the
The botanical name for the Blue Mist shrub is Caryopteris x clandonensis (kar-ee-OP-ter-iss, klan-don-EN-sis) a mounded, fairly low-growing perennial deciduous shrub sporting scented foliage and clouds of delicate blue flowers
Perennial ground cover plants are invaluable in landscaping. From filling out empty spaces and adding texture and interest to the garden to stabilizing slopes and limiting weed growth, these low-growing
Antennaria Plantaginifolia (An-ten-AR-ee-uh, Plan-tagini-fo-lia) is an evergreen perennial adding charm to any type of garden. This plant is from the Asteraceae (Aster family) and belongs to the Antennaria genus. It is
Patchouli is a popular herb, known for its strong scent and beneficial essential oils. The botanical name for the plant is Pogostemon cablin, pronounced [po-go-STEE-mon] [CAB-lin]. It’s part of the
Ocotillo plant, bearing the botanical name Fouquieria splendens (foo-KWEER-ree-uh, SPLEN-denz), is a shrub species from the family of desert plants, called Fouquieriaceae. The plant is native to the southwest United
Dragon’s Tongue, also called Hemigraphis Repanda, belongs to the Acanthaceae family and is native to Malaysia and India. The first half of the scientific name, “Hemigraphis,” is a Greek word
Lewisia Cotyledon (loo-ISS-ee-ah, kot-EE-lee-don) is a flowering plant species and belongs to the Montiaceae family (purslane). The evergreen perennial is indigenous to Southern Oregon and Northern California, where it grows
Xerochrysum bracteatum [zer-oh-KRIS-um, brak-tee-AY-tum] is an herbaceous perennial known for its daisy-like flowers. Also called the strawflower or everlasting flower, it can grow as an annual in the right regions.