Calluna Vulgaris Care: All About Growing Common Heather

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Calluna vulgaris [kal-LOO-nuh, vul-GAIR-iss] is the sole species encompassing the Calluna genus.

It is native to the bogs and moors of Scotland and other parts of Europe and is favored for the colorful flowers and foliage it adds to the landscape. 

blooms of the Calluna Vulgaris (aka Heather Plant)Pin
Calluna vulgaris is from the ricaceae family

There are hundreds of native species in South Africa (known as Cape heaths), a dozen in England, and North America has just two.  

A part of the flowering plant family Ericaceae, this perennial plant has several common names, including:

  • Common Heather
  • Ling plant
  • Heather
  • Scotch Heather

The plant is native to Europe, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and the Azones.

However, they have been introduced in North America, including the United States, New Zealand, Australia, and the Falkland Islands.

Heather Plant Quick Care Tips

  • Botanical Name: Calluna Vulgaris
  • Common Name(s): Heather, Scotch Heather
  • Synonyms: Erica vulgaris
  • Family & Origin: Ericaceae family, native to Europe and South Africa
  • Growability: Easy to grow
  • Grow Zone: 4-6
  • Size: 6-24 inches tall and wide
  • Flowering: Late summer to fall, pink, purple, white, or red flowers
  • Light: Full sun to partial shade
  • Humidity: Moderate humidity
  • Temperature: Hardy in cold temperatures
  • Soil: Well-draining, acidic soil
  • Water: Regular watering, but avoid overwatering
  • Fertilizer: Fertilize in spring with an acidic fertilizer
  • Pests & Diseases: Susceptible to spider mites, aphids, and root rot
  • Propagation: Propagate through cuttings or layering
  • Plant Uses: Ground cover, borders, rock gardens, and containers. Also used in herbal medicine and as a dye plant.

The scientific name Calluna vulgaris comes from the Greek word kalluno.

The word means “to cleanse or adorn,” referring to the plant used to make brooms.

Vulgaris simply means common.

Did you know that Purple heather is one of the two national flowers of Norway?

Besides this, the plant is considered an icon of Scotland, where it grows widely.

Common Heather Care

Heather Plant Size and Growth

The ling plant is native to habitats including moors, hillsides, dunes, heaths, and bogs.

When these growing conditions are replicated in other locations, the evergreen broadleaf shrub can grow up to 2’ – 3’ feet tall.

Their ground spread is mostly equivalent to their height. Branching is lush and upright, forming thick mats.

The heather plant’s foliage is dense and compact, making the plant excellent for ground cover.

Flowering and Fragrance

The bloom time for the showy Calluna vulgaris flowers is during late summer.

In wild plants, the flowers typically sport a mauve color, but white flowers are not uncommon.

Forms of foliage will vary with the type of heather you plant and with the age of the shrub. Many cultivars of heather offer changing, brilliant, and colorful foliage at different times of the year. 

The flowers are in terminals, one-sided, and have spike-like racemes.

The heather plant also produces a fruit that appears as capsules.

While Heather’s original mauve and white flowers are beautiful, many cultivars are chosen for unique flower and foliage color combinations.

In fact, the Royal Horticultural Society lists over 800 cultivars.

Some of the common cultivars include Cuprea, Firefly, Long White, Beoley Gold, and Boskoop.

Light and Temperature

Calluna vulgaris is hardy to USDA hardiness zones 4 to 6. Make sure to choose a heather variety that is suited to survive winters.

Heather needs at least six hours of sun a day.  It does the best in zone 5 but tolerates warmer parts of zone 4 quite well.

"Blooming purple heather plants"Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @ellie_the_explorer89

It does not like high humidity and heat in areas south of the USDA zone.

As for light, the plant flowers grow much better when planted in regions with full sun. Too much shade makes the plants leggy and affects the brilliance of their color.  

In hot and humid summer, the heather plant may appreciate partial shade during the day’s hottest hours.

Heather Plant Watering and Feeding

Heathers have average water needs. Ensure the soil ph doesn’t dry out, as the plant prefers constant moisture.

However, the shrub is not drought-tolerant in all landscape situations. After being established, Heather is picky about water requirements, needing about an inch (2.5 cm.) per week, including rainfall and supplemental irrigation.

Water the plants once or twice a week. However, be careful about overwatering.

Too much water may lead to root rot and inconsistent growth. Once the plant is established, it won’t need frequent watering.

Fertilizing is not essential for Scottish heathers. In fact, the plants prefer poor soils and may even be harmful to some.

If the moist soil you’re using is significantly poor, a low-rate fertilizer fed once during the growing season may work for the acid-loving plants.

Soil and Transplanting

Calluna vulgaris plants need well-drained acid soil to regulate moisture and sustain enough to keep the roots cool.

A raised bed or mound of loamy soil may improve drainage if you’re using heavy soils.

This habitat has acidic, well-drained, moist soil. These plants tolerate poor, rocky soil and even salt spray, making them good for coastal hillsides. 

Like azaleas and rhododendrons, heathers are acid-loving.

"Pink heather flowers closeup"Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @boefdend

The ideal pH in the soil is between 4.5 and 5.5.

Use peat moss in alkaline soil to raise the acidity.

Transplanting heather plants should be done carefully as the plants have shallow root systems.

Start by digging a hole twice as wide and half as deep as the root ball.

Remove the plant from the container.

Make a few vertical cuts along the length of the root ball on the bottom.

Break up some of the roots and work in the rocky soil.

Grooming and Maintenance

Common heathers respond well to regular pruning.

You should prune the plants in late fall to early spring underneath old flowers.

Shear the heather plant lightly to encourage better flowering and lush growth after it blooms.

The growth can become leggy and straggly if you don’t prune the plant annually.

Mulch the plants after planting to allow the soil to retain moisture.

How To Propagate Heather Ling Plant

When propagating Calluna vulgaris from seeds, sow them in a shaded part of a greenhouse in February.

Sow the seed in moist, well-drained, acidic soil on the surface, just covering it.

Treat it to cold stratification for 4 to 20 weeks.

The seeds take 1 to 2 months to germinate at 68° degrees Fahrenheit (20° C).

Pink heather flowers, close-up view.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @t_hofstra

When seedlings are large enough to handle, transfer them to individual pots in the winter and grow them in the greenhouse.

Transfer them to their permanent location in late spring or early summer.

The plant can propagate with half-ripe wood cuttings, mature wood cuttings, and division.

These should be done in July/August, October/November, and spring, respectively.

Scotch Heather Pest or Diseases

If you don’t provide partial shade in hot summers, heathers may be susceptible to stem and root rot.

Additionally, keep an eye out for spider mites and oyster shell scales.

Related: More on –> Controlling Spider Mites

Is The Plant Invasive?

The plant does have a tendency to be invasive in some areas in New Zealand.

Common Heather Uses

Smaller varieties of common heathers are used as full sun ground covers and in rock gardens.

Other shrub varieties are planted in mass on hillsides.

Also, they are often planted on borders as background plants.

Besides garden uses, the plants have various other uses, such as a food source for sheep and deer and to make honey.

Formerly, the plant was used to dye wool and tan leathers.