The Zebra plant – Alphelandra [af-el-AN-druh] is a genus containing about 170 different species. These flowering plants often have broad leaves with thick white veins.
Native to the tropical regions of South America, such as Brazil, the zebra plant belongs to the Acanthaceae family of tropical plants that includes over 2,500 species.

Several species of Aphelandra squarrosa are commonly grown for use as an indoor plant, due to their bright inflorescences and interestingly-patterned leaves.
In fact, the striped pattern on the leaves gives the plant its common name the ‘Zebra Plant.”
In my opinion, the Calathea Zebrina wins for the common name Zebra Plant you look and judge.
Aphelandra Zebra Plant Care
How Big Does an Aphelandra Plant Get?
Most varieties of Aphelandra are sold when they are about 16” inches tall. Within a couple of years, the height may double. When grown outdoors, these plants grow best in USDA hardiness zones 10 – 11. Zebras are not suitable for colder climates.
When Does The Aphelandra Zebra Bloom?
Aphelandra plants tend to bloom multiple times from late spring and summer months. While you get a nice, long bloom, the interesting pattern on the dark green leaf makes the plant a decorative option for the entire year.
The yellow flowers possess a faint fragrance. They grow in clusters, extending from the two to three-inch spadixes, which are also yellow.
Flower Tip: When flower spikes appear, and until the flowers open, the Aphelandra should receive weekly feedings of a well-balanced, water-soluble houseplant fertilizer.
Once they begin to open, the yellow flowers will last much longer if the plant is moved to a warm, dry location.
The flowers die off a few weeks after blooming, while the yellow spathes remain. After the flowers die, zebra plants become harder to care for.
Aphelandras require high humidity and lots of light but no direct sunlight. If you want to avoid tossing the plant at the end of the season, pay extra attention to its health throughout the winter.
What Lighting Does Zebra Plants Like Best?
Aphelandras like bright light but does not do well in direct sun.
Try to position the plant, so it gets most of its sun in the early morning or the evening while avoiding the bright midday sun.
When placed indoors in a room temperature setting, the plant should thrive year round. Outdoors, the plant enjoys moderate climates.
The recommended temperature range is 65° – 75° degrees Fahrenheit during the summer and about 60° degrees Fahrenheit in the winter.
How Often To Water Zebra Plant?
Water plants once or twice per week during the summer. It’s also a good idea to mist the plant to provide added moisture to the foliage and flowers.
In the winter, check the soil occasionally to keep the plant from drying out. However, you may not need to water very often.
NOTE: Never allow the soil to dry out completely. You may even want to mist during the summer.
Liquid fertilizer is recommended throughout the summer. Use the fertilizer weekly or add slow-release pellets at the start of the season.
What Is The Best Soil For Aphelandra Plants?
Sandy potting soil with good drainage is recommended. While the zebra plant needs regular watering during the summer to keep the soil moist. It is susceptible to root rot from excessive watering.
Repot plants in the early spring. When removing the plant, take extra caution with the roots. Gently loosen the soil around the outer edges to help break up the compact soil and loosen the roots.
Does The Aphelandra Need Any Special Pruning and Grooming?
There are a couple of pruning and grooming steps to take to maintain the look of this conversation starter.
- After the yellow flower heads have withered, remove the flower heads.
- When the Zebra plant finishes flowering the plant needs a rest. Reduce watering but DO NOT allow the soil to dry out.
- Keep the plant in a dry atmosphere of around 60° degrees Fahrenheit
- In March, move the plant back to a humid location.
Prune your Aphelandra back. Remove all weak shoots and cut other shoots back to two buds above the old wood. This will keep the plant compact and bushy.
When new shoots are 2” inches long, turn the plant over and remove the plant from the pot.
Remove any loose soil, shorten all long straggly roots and repot with new soil.
How To Propagate Zebra Plants?
Propagating the plant is a great way to keep it in your collection each year. While these plants tend to die out within two or three years, you can take cuttings to regrow the plant.
Aphelandras are propagated by seeds and stem cuttings.
- Take cuttings from half-ripened wood, or take young growth off with a heel.
- Dust with Rootone and place the cutting ¾”-inch deep in a rooting medium of sand, perlite or vermiculite.
- Bottom heat will root cuttings quickly. Be sure to keep the rooting medium damp.
- After the plant begins to root, plant them in individual pots.
TIP: Cover the planted cuttings with plastic to lock in the moisture and keep them from drying out.
Zebra Plant Aphelandra Squarrosa Pests And Diseases
The Aphelandra plant has two chief enemies:
- Scale
- Mealybugs
Scale looks like a little tannish brown spot about one-fourth inch long.
Mealybugs are about the size of scale at maturity. They multiply until they are cotton-like clusters at all the leaf-stem joints.
Both of these insects can be most easily controlled with regular applications of Neem Oil for plants or insecticidal oil sprays.
Neem Oil is our FAVORITE natural organic insecticide. Control aphids, mealybugs, plant scale, Japanese Beetles and more. It can also be used as a soil drench.
There is no need to use it until you spot the first insects. Then spray weekly until they are all gone.
Why Does My Aphelandra Have Brown Spots on the Leaves?
When an Aphelandra plant develops brown spots on the leaves, it may indicate that the plant is getting too much sunlight. Move it to an area with more shade.
Why Do The Leaves Of My Aphelandra Turn Yellow?
If the leaves on your Zebra start to turn yellow, you may have spider mites.
Sticky leaves are a sign of aphids. To deal with either infestation, spray the plant with safe Neem oil insecticide and try to provide the plant with high humidity.
Are There Other Aphelandra Varieties?
Aphelandra squarrosa is the most recognized variety commonly available.
Its pairs of opposite, spear-shaped, glossy green leaves with prominent creamy white veins. The intense yellow flowers emerge from a spike of waxy, golden bracts.
There are a couple of other interesting varieties:
Aphelandra aurantiaca is a zebra plant from Mexico that has smooth green foliage and gray veins. The showy bracted spikes are set with brilliant scarlet-red flowers which have orange markings in the throat and on the tube.
Aphelandra aurantiaca roezlii has twisted dark green leaves and orange-scarlet flowers.
Aphelandra fascinator has satiny, emerald green foliage which are laced with silver veins, and are a silvery amethyst-purple on the undersides. The large flowers are scarlet. Many consider Aphelandra aurantiaca the same plant Aphelandra fascinator.

Aphelandra chamissoniana a zebra plant native of Brazil. It is erect with closely set, slender, pointed dark green leaves. The veins are a beautiful silver-white with a pronounced midrib. The flowers are a clear yellow with green tips.
Aphelandras make attractive, showy displays as a flowering plant. Its waxy flowers on a spectacular terminal spike match fully in beauty with shiny emerald-green leaves, strikingly veined in white.
Other popular plants from the Acanthaceae family include: