Aluminum Plant Care | Growing Pilea Cadierei

hardy growing Aluminum pilea

The Aluminum Plant – Pilea cadierei [py-LEE-uh kad-ee-AIR-eye] is a bushy little plant with distinct markings on the leaves. Due to its compact size, it fits perfectly in almost any

How To Grow Avocado From Seed Or Pit

growing an Avocado from a seed or pit

The avocado is a great fruit. When they are in season avocados can be frozen for future use. One question we get asked often is how to grow an avocado

Cyclamen Care: Tips On Growing Cyclamen Plants

cyclamen plant care how to

Cyclamen plants is a lovely perennial tuber from the Primulacaea family, native to Mediterranean countries such as the Greek Islands, Turkey, and some parts of Europe. The name “Cyclamen” comes

Streptocarpus – The Cape Primrose

Beautiful flowers of Streptocarpus (Cape Primrose)

A well-grown Streptocarpus (cape primrose) is a joy. The many hybrids provide pleasing colors and dashing combinations in shades of crimson, pink, blue, violet and white.  Contrasting lines and blotches

Homalomena selby

Homalomena plants are interesting tropical foliage plants that come in various leaf shapes, colors, and patterns. One of the cultivars of homalomena is Homalomena ‘Selby,’ that is top on the