How To Grow And Care For Philodendron Paraiso Verde
Of all the members in the Araceae family, few get more attention than those of the genus Philodendron (fil-oh-DEN-dron). These benign plants range from creepers to epiphytes, with foliage that
Of all the members in the Araceae family, few get more attention than those of the genus Philodendron (fil-oh-DEN-dron). These benign plants range from creepers to epiphytes, with foliage that
Hailing from Ecuador, the perennial Philodendron mamei (fil-oh-DEN-dron mah-MAY-eye) was first discovered in 1883 and has since become one of the most popular Philodendron species. The plant has given way
Philodendrons (fil-oh-DEN-dron) are perhaps the most famous plants in the Araceae family, with hundreds of species and countless cultivars. One such cultivar is Philodendron ‘Painted Lady’. Its origins aren’t entirely
It often seems that the more popular a plant genus is, the more controversies surround it. This is true of philodendrons, the topic of more debates than agreements. For example,
The Araceae family gives us a lot of wonderful houseplants, some of which are easier to find than others. One such plant is Philodendron camposportoanum (fil-oh-DEN-dron KAHM-pos por-toh-AH-num), a small
The many types of Philodendrons are among the most popular members of the Araceae family, but this doesn’t mean they aren’t without some controversy. A great example of a controversial
Philodendrons are not only the second largest genus in the Araceae family, but they’re also one of the most popular among houseplant enthusiasts. One popular species of Philodendrons that can
Philodendrons are among the most popular houseplants, thanks to their varied appearances and climbing or trailing growth habits. These members of the Araceae family can have vastly different care needs,
Due to how new this plant is, Philodendron (fil-oh-DEN-dron) McDowell can be pretty difficult to get hold of. This perennial cultivar is a cross between Philodendron pastazanum and Philodendron gloriosum.
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock or are brand new to the wonderful world of philodendron (fil-oh-DEN-dron) hybrids, you’ve probably heard of the McColleys. Robert McColley is the creator
There are a lot of amazing philodendrons out there, but a manmade hybrid has proven to be one of the most striking. Officially named Philodendron Black Cardinal (USPP5355P), Bamboo Nursery,
Creating philo cultivars has been quite the rage in recent decades, providing us with many spectacular new breeds. One of these is Philodendron (fil-oh-DEN-dron) ‘Rojo Congo,’ a cross between Philodendron
It boggles the mind how readily the world will take a single misunderstanding and turn it into a massive scandal. The best example of this in the plant world is
In the world of plants, there are a lot of imposters. Even worse, plants such as the (fil-oh-DEN-dron) are known for being morphogenetic, meaning they change forms several times throughout
Philodendrons are some of the most spectacular ornamentals in the Araceae family, but one deserves special note, Philodendron erubescens (fil-oh-DEN-dron er-yoo-BESS-kens). Native to Costa Rica, Columbia, and parts of Brazil,
The Araceae family is full of wonderful plants, many of which are still being discovered. For example, Philodendron billietiae (fil-oh-DEN-dron bee-lee-e-tee-ye), is a perennial native of Brazil, French Guiana, and
Botany is a messy business, with the botanical names of plants often being shuffled around based on the classification system currently in vogue. Philodendron Plowmanii is one such plant. It
Sometimes a fluke of nature results in something truly amazing. Such was the case with the Philodendron ‘Rojo Congo’ (fil-oh-DEN-dron ROH-jo KON-go), a popular cultivar first created in 1996. One
The genus Philodendron (fil-oh-DEN-dron) has some of the most spectacular perennial foliage plants in Araceae family. So popular are philos that people have discovered countless cultivars. The expansive list of
Many perennial genera in the Araceae family have become popular houseplants, but few have had the success of the many types of philodendrons. Native to the rainforests of South America,
Let’s cover a few crucial details before digging into today’s plant. First of all, Philodendron gloriosum (fil-oh-DEN-dron glo-ree-OH-sum) isn’t a cheap plant. They can run well over $100 dollars for
It’s not uncommon for plants to gain their common names based on the shape or coloration, but Philodendron pedatum (fil-oh-DEN-dron ped-AH-tum) has a unique claim to fame for many a
Native to Columbia, Venezuela, and the Caribbean, there are currently about 489 accepted species of Philodendron (fil-oh-DEN-dron), with many more potential species benign debated in other parts of Central and
In Texas, fossil fuel oil has earned the nickname “black gold” due to its almost instant riches to early oil barons. However, deep within the rainforests of Columbia and Costa