How To Grow Hoya Obovata Plants

Flowering Hoya obovata sitting near a window

Native to Fiji, India, Indonesia, and Thailand, Hoya obovata (HOY-a ob-oh-VAY-tuh) is a striking addition to your Hoya collection. Hoya obovata has vibrant red and white flowers and rich, sometimes

Are Hoya Plants Poisonous?

Hoya blooms

I remember my grandma growing hoya in her kitchen for years. She never mentioned if it was poisonous. Are Hoya plants poisonous and a safe house plant around kids?  The

Tips On Hoya Curtisii Care

Attractive leaves of the Hoya Curtisii (Fung Wax Flower)

Hoya curtisii [HOY-a, kurt-IS-ee-eye], commonly known as Porcelain Flower, Hoya Aloha, or Fung Wax Flower, is a slow-growing perennial vine hailing from Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines.  It is a

Madagascar Palm Care: HOW TO Grow Pachypodium Lamerei

Madagascar palm (Pachypodium lamerai) growing outdoors in clay pots

The “Madagascar Palm” Pachypodium lamerei [pak-uh-PO-dee-um] [la-MER-ee-eye] is a flowering plant native to Africa, the island of Madagascar. The Pachypodium lamerei plant is not a cactus or a palm tree but gets labeled as one. The

How To Care For Hoya Kerrii

Sweetheart Hoya kerrii variegated form with heart shaped leaves

Hoya Kerrii [HOY-a, KER-ee-eye] is a tropical succulent vine from the family Apocynaceae that includes Adenium varieties (Desert rose), Mandevilla, and Periwinkles. Its distinctive heart shape and single leaf make

Learn How To Grow Desert Rose Seeds

Gorgeous flowers of the desert rose adenium

Is it difficult to grow Adenium or Desert Roses from seeds? The answer – is NO! They are also fun to discover new flower colors and forms only found in

Butterfly Weed Care: How To Grow Asclepias Plant

blooms of the butterfly weed - Asclepias plants

The herbaceous perennial Asclepias tuberosa (a.k.a. Butterfly Weed or BUtterfly Milkweed) makes an excellent addition to any garden and is especially suited to butterfly gardens. This beautiful, blazing native plant