Hoya Bella Care: Growing The Miniature Wax Plant
Hoya Bella [HOY-a BEL-luh] is one of a broad genus of members of the Asclepiadaceae (milkweed) family of plants. There are many different types of Hoya hailing from the Pacific
Hoya Bella [HOY-a BEL-luh] is one of a broad genus of members of the Asclepiadaceae (milkweed) family of plants. There are many different types of Hoya hailing from the Pacific
Native to Fiji, India, Indonesia, and Thailand, Hoya obovata (HOY-a ob-oh-VAY-tuh) is a striking addition to your Hoya collection. Hoya obovata has vibrant red and white flowers and rich, sometimes
I remember my grandma growing hoya in her kitchen for years. She never mentioned if it was poisonous. Are Hoya plants poisonous and a safe house plant around kids? The
One word describes Hoya Plant Care – EASY! The popularity and interest in the Hoya wax flower is growing. These vining plants have been grown by indoor gardeners for generations.
So you want to know – What is the best Soil for growing Desert Rose plants? The short answer is well-drained soil. Since the Desert Rose (Adenium obesum) is grown around the
Hoya curtisii [HOY-a, kurt-IS-ee-eye], commonly known as Porcelain Flower, Hoya Aloha, or Fung Wax Flower, is a slow-growing perennial vine hailing from Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. It is a
Previously included in the Vinca plant genus as Vinca roseus or Vinca rastrera, Catharanthus roseusis is an evergreen sub-shrub known for its glossy green leaves. It belongs to the Apocynaceae (dogbane) family
Question: Can You Grow Desert Rose as a Bonsai? Answer: Yes, growing an Adenium obesum or Desert Rose bonsai style is a great way to enjoy these plants. Adenium obesum
The “Madagascar Palm” Pachypodium lamerei [pak-uh-PO-dee-um] [la-MER-ee-eye] is a flowering plant native to Africa, the island of Madagascar. The Pachypodium lamerei plant is not a cactus or a palm tree but gets labeled as one. The
Hoya Kerrii [HOY-a, KER-ee-eye] is a tropical succulent vine from the family Apocynaceae that includes Adenium varieties (Desert rose), Mandevilla, and Periwinkles. Its distinctive heart shape and single leaf make
Desert Rose plants are semi-succulent shrubs belonging to the family Apocynaceae, including Periwinkle plants. It is grown as an evergreen ornamental plant in gardens and as an attractive houseplant in the USDA hardiness
We get asked what is the best type of Plumeria fertilizer to apply? Great question.. Let’s dive in. Plumeria plants (Frangipani) are native to tropical regions of America, from Brazil
Is it difficult to grow Adenium or Desert Roses from seeds? The answer – is NO! They are also fun to discover new flower colors and forms only found in
The Oleander plant (Nerium oleander) is an ornamental shrub with attractive characteristics from flower to stems. The plant is an erect evergreen shrub, also known as adelfa plants, with lovely
The “Hindu Rope Plant” known also as Hoya compacta is a most interesting hanging plant. The rope Hoya features distinct, curling foliage setting it apart from the plant from which
Amsonia tabernaemontana [am-SO-nee-uh, tab-er-nay-MON-tah-nuh] is a native herbaceous perennial growing most frequently in rich, open woods and thickets. Native to several states in North America including Texas, Florida, Missouri, Illinois,
The Yellow Oleander – Thevetia peruviana [thev-VET-ee-uh per-u-vee-AN-uh] is a tall shrub from Mexico and Central America. It’s part of the family Apocynaceae, which is commonly called the dogbane family.
The periwinkle plant (Vinca flower) – Catharanthus roseus or lochnera rosea, also known as rosy periwinkles, is a lovely small plant that grows outside very well but finds itself at home in a summer window.
The herbaceous perennial Asclepias tuberosa (a.k.a. Butterfly Weed or BUtterfly Milkweed) makes an excellent addition to any garden and is especially suited to butterfly gardens. This beautiful, blazing native plant