Hoya Kerrii [HOY-a, KER-ee-eye] is a tropical succulent vine from the family Apocynaceae that includes Adenium varieties (Desert rose), Mandevilla, and Periwinkles.
Its distinctive heart shape and single leaf make it one of the most sought-after houseplants.

This beautiful green heart-shaped plant is particularly a popular choice as a Valentine’s Day gift.
This plant is native to Southeast Asia, specifically Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.
Hoya Kerrii ‘Variegata’ is a variety with variegated leaves.
Like all Hoya plant varieties, it’s a low-maintenance indoor plant. Click to learn more about wax plant care.
The common names of this heart-shaped leaf plant include:
- Variegated Sweetheart Hoya
- Variegated Hoya Kerrii
- Wax Plant
- Wax Hearts
- Lucky Hearts
- Heart Leaf
- Porcelain Flower
- Valentine Hoya
- Sweetheart Hoya Plant
Hoya Kerrii Care Tips
Size & Growth
Hoya sweetheart is slow-growing and takes some years to grow into vining plants filled with heart-shaped leaves.
Once the plant establishes a healthy root system, the vines and new leaves start forming quickly.
However, if your plant has a single leaf without a stem, it might stay like this.
Flowering and Fragrance
Mature Hoyas start sprouting flowers in the summer season.
These clusters of flowers create a star-shaped pattern.
The blooms often have a strong fragrance, which changes as they age.
Light & Temperature
Valentine Hoya needs plenty of light to grow properly. Sunny windows with indirect light are perfect.
It will still perform well in a shady place with indirect light.
Make sure to avoid placing it in dark spots.
For optimal results, position Hoya inside your office or house.
These succulent plants are hardy to USDA Hardiness Zone 11.
The growth slows down if the temperature gets cold.
Maintain temperatures between 65° – 80° degrees Fahrenheit (18° – 27° C).
Watering and Feeding
Like other succulent plants, the Sweetheart Hoya Plant can store water for a long time between waterings.
- The watering needs of this plant are low.
- Make sure to let the soil dry out before you water it again.
- The soil should not be watery or saturated, as this will cause rotting.
- Be cautious if the pot doesn’t have any drainage holes.
- Sweetheart Hoya doesn’t need much feeding, especially if it only has a single leaf.
- Fertilize twice a year to aid the growth.
Soil & Transplanting
The Kerrii Hoya prefers a soil mix well-draining, neutral, and mildly acidic.
Ideally, use an orchid potting soil or chopped coconut husk to grow this plant.
Make sure the mix you use is moisture-retentive.
Over time, all the potting mix fails as they start breaking down and lose their moisture-holding abilities.
As a result, the roots will start rotting.
Repot kerrii Hoyas every two years to avoid this problem.
Grooming and Maintenance
The Sweetheart Plant should be repotted during the spring season as needed.
Make sure you use the pot which is 1” to 2” inches larger than the previous container.
Using a pot too big for the plant will store more water, leading to root rotting.
Use garden ties or florists vine to support the growing vine of this plant on a trellis.
Opt for a hanging basket to properly show off its hanging heart-shaped green leaves.
Another Hoya with interesting leaves is the Hindu Rope plant.
Other Popular Hoyas To Grow and Collect
How To Propagate Sweetheart Hoya
The propagation of this plant is done with stem and single-leaf cuttings. Be patient new growth is slow.
- The plant won’t grow any bigger using the leaf-cutting method but will still root.
- Make sure to include some stem when taking the cuttings.
- The stem cutting method creates aerial roots more quickly if you plant them in a moist medium.
- Be sure to let the cuttings dry for at least a day before you plant.
Learn more ways to Propagate Hoya Plants
Sweetheart Hoya Pest or Diseases
Hoya kerrii plants are generally pest and disease-free.
- Be on the lookout for mealybugs as they tend to attack both the root and stem.
- If left untreated, it leads to a fungal disease.
- Make sure to remove any dying or dead stems before the other stems get infected too.
- Over-watering and prolonged humid conditions lead to the rotting of leaves.
- This rotting may also be caused by exposure to freezing temperatures.
- Adjust the temperature or move the plant to a warmer location to avoid this problem.
If you witness the leaves of the plants shriveling, then it is a sign of under-watering.
However, if you have been watering this plant properly, there might be root rot.
Check for signs and treat them immediately.
Hoya Kerrii Uses
These pretty houseplants look great in a pot on office desks or on a small trellis as a climbing plant.
The Sweetheart Plant works well when planted with Hoya Carnosa.
This plant also helps in removing pollutants when growing indoors.
Hoya plants are also used to make perfumes, lotions, and other skin products.