Tips On Hoya Wayetii Care: Growing | Watering | Light | Soil

Hoya wayetii is a fascinating member of the epiphytic Apocynaceae or Dogbane family of plants. 

There are more than 200 Hoya species, and they are native to the tropical and subtropical areas of the world, including Latin America, Australia, and Asia.

Hoya wayetii flowersPin
Beautiful bloom of slow growing Hoya Wayetii | Altocumuli-Other

The plant’s genus name, Hoya, honors 19th-century botanist Thomas Hoy. The origins of the specific epithet, wayetii, are unclear.

This perennial Hoya plant hails from the Philippines. Along with other Hoya varieties, it goes by the common name:

  • Porcelain Flower
  • Wax Flower
  • Wax Plant

However, don’t confuse this plant with the Hoya kentiana, which is sometimes mislabeled.

Hoya Wayetii Quick Care Tips

  • Botanical Name: Hoya Wayetii
  • Common Name(s): Wax Plant, Porcelain Flower, Hoya Plant, Wax Flower
  • Synonyms: Hoya bella var. wayetii
  • Pronunciation: HOY-a wy-et-TEE-I
  • Family & Origin: Apocynaceae family, native to Latin America, Australia, and Asia
  • Growability: Easy to grow
  • Grow Zone: USDA zones 11-13
  • Size: Tendrils can grow up to 3 feet long
  • Flowering: Produces clusters of small, sweet-smelling clusters of mauve flowers in the spring
  • Light: Bright, indirect light
  • Humidity: Prefers high humidity levels (60 and 80 percent)
  • Temperature: Ideal temperature range is 60-85°F
  • Soil: Well-drained potting mix
  • Water: Allow soil to dry out slightly between waterings, water thoroughly
  • Fertilizer: Feed with a high phosphorus houseplant fertilizer during the growing season
  • Pests & Diseases: Susceptible to mealybugs and fungus gnats, can also be affected by root rot if overwatered
  • Propagation: Can be propagated through stem cuttings or layering
  • Plant Uses: Popular houseplant, potted plant, and can be grown in hanging baskets or trained to climb a trellis or support.

Hoya Wayetii Care

Size and Growth

This slow-growing plant has a trailing growth habit. Individual tendrils can grow about 36″ inches long (3′ feet) in their natural habitats. As the plant trails along the ground’s surface, it rises to about 4″ inches.

The narrow leaves are thick, lance-shaped, about 5″ inches long, and deep green with red edging. 

The amount of light the plant receives determines the depth of the red shading. 

There is also a variegated Hoya variety with green and yellow/white leaves.

Flowering and Fragrance

Besides its attractive and unique foliage, Hoya wayetii vine also produces lovely, sweet-smelling clusters of mauve flowers in the springtime. Plants may not bloom for the first couple of years.

When the plant has finished blooming, be careful not to damage the flower’s base (peduncles). Damaging these parts prevents blooming next spring.

Cluster of pink flowers held by fingersPin
Photo Credit: Instagram

Light and Temperature

This type of Hoya needs a great deal of light. Bright, indirect light from dawn to dusk is best. Remember, these plants are epiphytic, so they climb to the treetops to enjoy as much sun as possible in the wild.

Your plant needs six hours of bright, indirect sunlight daily to thrive and bloom. The more indirect sunlight the plant receives, the more it will flower.

Wayetii plants love lots of light. Avoid placing your plant in direct sun as this causes leaves to burn. Instead, place the plant several feet away from a window with bright light.

Keep it there once you’ve found the right setting for your Hoya. These indoor vining plants do not like to move around. Turn the plant a quarter every few days to ensure that the entire plant receives enough sun.

Variegated houseplant in a pot with prominent stripes.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @panilovesflowers

These tropical plants like daytime temperatures between 60° – 85° degrees Fahrenheit. Nighttime temperatures should not drop below 50° degrees Fahrenheit.

This plant is winter hardy in USDA hardiness zone 11 to 13.

Watering and Feeding

Like orchids, Hoyas do not like to stay wet or soggy. They are considered drought-tolerant.

It’s important to check the moisture levels first by dipping your finger into the soil.

Water using the soak-and-dry watering method. Give your Hoya a thorough watering whenever the potting mixture is almost dry. Also, remember to dry out the Hoyas first completely before watering again.

NOTE: Use distilled water or rainwater for watering plants. If using tap water, allow the water to sit for 24 before use.

It’s a good idea to hold your plant over a sink or tub and pour water through the soil. When the water is no longer dripping out the bottom of the pot or basket, return the plant to its sunny home.

Never allow your Hoya to sit in water, as this will lead to root rot. So ensure there is good drainage allow excess water to drain out.

Hanging spider plant in a room.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @peperomia.potts

Related: Signs Of A Overwatered Hoya Plant

Unlike most other types of Hoya, this tropical plant prefers very humid conditions. If you can maintain a humidity level ranging between 60 and 80 percent, your plant will be happier.

Hoyas generally prefer high nitrogen fertilizer, which encourages vigorous leaf growth. 

Before bloom, feed using a high phosphorus houseplant fertilizer (1-3-1 ratio) to encourage more beautiful blooms during the growing season.

Another option is to use natural fish emulsion fertilizer a couple of times a month throughout the growing and blooming season. Do not fertilize in the autumn or winter.

Hoyas may enjoy an occasional top dressing of used tea leaves or coffee grounds. Compost or worm castings also make good top dressings for this plant.

Soil and Transplanting

As an epiphyte, Hoya wayetii plants need a well-drained potting mix. A mixture of bark and coarse potting soil with a large percentage of perlite is recommended.

Hoyas do well in hanging baskets. Avoid using a plastic hanging pot. An actual basket that allows good air circulation and lets water run through the soil mix is best.

Failing that, use a container with many drainage holes in the bottom.

Do not repot this slow-growing plant very often. Hoyas like to be slightly root-bound.

Potted green succulent plant on white background.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @plant_babess

Related: Learn more about Hoya Potting Soil Mix

Grooming and Maintenance

Pinch these vining houseplants back to encourage bushy growth. Remove old, dead, or damaged leaves and stems as needed.

How To Propagate Hoya Wayetii

Hoya wayetii is easy to propagate with cuttings in the spring and summer.

Close-up of pink budding flowers.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @hoyafixation

Propagating In Soil

  • Make 5″-7″ long stem cuttings off with clean cuts below a leaf node
  • Remove lower leaves
  • Leave a couple or three leaves at the tip of the stem
  • Dip the base of the cutting in a rooting powder
  • Place the cutting in damp well-draining soil.
  • Keep it in a warm, bright, still setting
  • Roots should start to appear within a month.
  • After a couple of months pass, transfer the plant to a small pot
  • Use sharply draining potting soil and treat it as a mature plant.

Related: Check out this article for Tips on How To Propagate Hoya Plants

Propagating In Water

If propagating in water

  • Make 5″-7″ long stem cuttings off with clean cuts below a leaf node
  • Remove lower leaves
  • Leave a couple or three leaves at the tip of the stem
  • Change the water every couple of days until strong roots have grown
  • Roots should start to appear within a month.

Growing Hoya in water is also possible. The plant can live happily in water for quite a while. Change the water every couple of days to prevent rot.

Pro Tips:

  • When propagating in soil, keep the potting soil slightly moist until new growth starts. Once new growth begins, reduce watering and treat the cutting as a mature plant.
  • Place several cuttings in a larger container to produce a bushy-looking plant.

Propagate Hoya Using the Air Layering Method

  • Select a lengthy stem on a plant
  • Remove excess leaves
  • Bend the stem gently into a pot of fresh potting soil.
  • Anchor it in place with a stone or clip.
  • When the stem takes root in the “other” pot
  • Cut the stem away from the parent plant using a sharp, sterilized cutting tool.
Propagate H carnosa using simple layering.Pin

Hoya Wayetii Pest or Diseases

If well cared for, Hoya wayetii are relatively trouble-free. Problems begin with:

  • Overwatered plants
  • Plants not receiving enough light
  • Plants without good air circulation
Tiny red flowers on hand with green leaves.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @rodelokka_hoyas

These conditions often allow plants to develop fungal infections.

A potting soil mix kept too wet attracts fungus gnats. Mealybugs may become problematic for plants weakened by unhealthy conditions.

Fungus Gnats

Fungus gnats do not harm plants, but their larvae (which live in the soil) do. To avoid a fungus gnat infestation, avoid overwatering.

If you find fungus gnats hovering over the top of the soil, try sprinkling some cinnamon over the soil surface.

The cinnamon will help kill off the fungus in the soil, which attracts the gnats. Consider adding a layer of pea-gravel mulch over the top of the soil to discourage the gnats.

Colorful plant in pot held against white wall.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @plant_add.ict

Related: More on using Cinnamon for Fungus Gnats


For Hoyas infested with mealybugs, give the plant a vigorous shower to knock the adult bugs off. Quarantine the plant to prevent the spread of any stragglers or newly hatched mealy bugs.

Treat the plant with a horticultural oil solution or Neem oil insecticide spray to prevent further infestation. Repeat this treatment weekly for a month or so to be sure of success.

Rarely, Wax Plants may contract the Tomato chlorotic spot virus. [source]

Is The Wayetii Hoya Considered Toxic or Poisonous?

Hoya plants are related to milkweed and contain a similar white, milky latex sap.

Some people have allergic reactions to this sap, and contact with it can cause skin irritation. Ingestion of the juice may also cause gastric distress.

Keep your Hoya out of the reach of pets and children. Wash your hands after handling the plant.

Hand holding a potted plant with lush foliage.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @plant_collection_za

Related: Are Hoyas Toxic?

Are Hoya Plants Considered Invasive?

There is no indication that the Hoya plant is invasive.

Suggested Hoya Wayetii Uses

Hoyas are excellent choices as a potted, summertime, outdoor plant, or a year-round house plant. Because of its trailing habits, it does very well in a hanging basket.

You will also enjoy its strong fragrance wafting when planted on patios or walkways.

Red plant in pot, top view on white background.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @hydroculturebabe

These plants love humidity and can make excellent bathroom plants with ample lighting. In a tropical setting, use the plant as a ground cover under trees that provide high shade.