When the original Knock Out Rose was introduced in 2000, the All American Rose Selection created waves among gardening enthusiasts as the first low-maintenance rose hybrid.
As of 2020, there are now 11 members of the Knock Out Rose family, offering single or double blooms in a variety of colors.

One of these, Rosa hybrida (RO-zuh hy-BRID-uh) ‘Radtkopink’, or Pink Double Knockout Rose®, was granted the patent PP 18,507 CPBR 3757 in 2008 and released for those who wanted a fuller pink variety to match classics such as the Queen Elisabeth rose.
The other members of this growing family include:
- Blushing Knock Out Rose ‘Radyod’ – light pink
- Coral Knock Out Rose ‘Radral’ – brick red fading to coral
- Double Knock Out Rose ‘Radtko’ – red double-flowers
- Knock Out Rose ‘Radrazz’ – red to pink
- Peachy Knock Out Rose ‘Radgor’ – shell pink with yellow center
- Petite Knockout Rose ‘Meibenbino’ – dwarf, bright red (patent pending)
- Pink Knock Out Rose ‘Radcon’ – bright pink
- Rainbow Knock Out Rose ‘Radcor’ – coral with yellow center
- Sunny Knockout Rose ‘Radsunny’ – yellow that fades to cream
- White Knock Out Rose ‘Radwhite’ – white blooms
The cultivar name of each Knock Out Rose variety is prefixed with Rad, in honor of their creator, Will Radler.
Officially, the patented name for these flowers is Knock Out Rose, although they are commonly written as Knockout Rose or Knock-Out Rose, with or without capitalization.
A special feature of the Pink Double Knock Out Rose is the ability to grow either a shrub or dwarf tree version.
As with many perennial members of the Rosaceae family, Knock Out Roses are prized for both their blooms and their symbolic value.
Bubble Gum Pink Double Knock Out Rose Care
Size & Growth
The fast growing Pink Double Knock Out Rose forms a round shrub measuring 3 to 4’ feet in size with superior drought tolerance.
The rich mossy green foliage creates a dense backdrop for the plant’s trademark blooms.
A dwarf tree variant is identical to the shrub form, but on a trunk that raises it to 6’ feet high and a smaller crown of 3’ feet in width.
Flowering and Fragrance
Knock Out Roses produce bubble gum pink blooms throughout the growing season approximately 3” inches across.
Pink double knockout rose goes one step further, producing bubblegum pink double-blooms.
The roses are no less fragrant than traditional roses, and spent flowers fall off on their own.
More on: How Long Do Knockout Roses Bloom?
Light & Temperature
Unlike their ancestors, knockout roses prefer partial shade, enjoying as little as 3 to 4 hours of full sun per day.
They grow best in USDA hardiness zones 5 to 9, but growers have reported various degrees of success in zones 4 through 11.
If the roots are well-established and properly insulated, the shrub version can withstand temperatures as low as -25° degrees Fahrenheit, although the tree form is far less cold tolerant.
Watering and Feeding
When young, you will need to water your Knock Out Rose daily as it begins to grow, soaking the ground evenly around it 1’ foot further out than its longest branches.
As the plant becomes mature, this can be reduced to weekly during the growing season and twice per week in dry weather.
As a general rule, Knock Out Roses do not require fertilizer, although you may wish to feed a plant after its first full bloom cycle with a rose fertilizer in the spring and mid-summer to encourage growth.
When growing the tree version, a 2 to 3” inch layer of mulch or other organic-rich material is necessary for the tree’s growth.
Related: Tips On Fertilizing Knockout Roses
Soil & Transplanting
Pink double knockout roses tolerate most soil types as long as they are well-drained, but prefers loamy, slightly acidic soils.
Related: Learn How To Transplant Knockout Roses
Grooming And Maintenance
Practice spring pruning of Knockouts after the final frost, cutting back as desired and removing any canes which are undersized, damaged, or suffering a disease.
The plant is very forgiving of aggressive cutbacks and will triple in size by the end of the growing season.
Related: Tips On Knock Out Roses Winter Care
How To Propagate Pink Double Knockout Rose
This is a patented plant and therefore may not be propagated for distribution purposes.
Personal propagation is usually handled through 6 to 8” inch long stem clippings cut at a 45° degree angle.
Remove all but the uppermost leaves and dip in root hormone, then plant ⅔ of the length into a pot.
Place it in a spot where it will receive indirect sunlight and cover it with a plastic bag to retain humidity.
Keep the soil moist until the plant takes root, then transplant to its permanent home in early spring, ensuring at least 3’ feet of distance from the nearest plant so it has room to grow.
‘RADtkopink’ Pests or Diseases
This rose hybrid is resistant to most common rose issues, including black spot and mildew.
As with most plants, however, they may become infested with aphids, mealybugs, scale, or spider mites.
Knockout Pest & Disease Articles
Once established, they are fairly drought tolerant and the shrub version is cold tolerant.
The plant is non-toxic, although it does have thorns which may prick a curious child or pet.
Suggested Pink Double Knock Out Rose Uses
Due to their compact size and reduced maintenance requirements, these hybrid roses are perfect for border plants or planters, as well as most gardens.
Their ability to handle lower light means they can be used in parts of the garden normal roses wouldn’t survive.
As with all roses, the hip (fruit) of the pink double knockout rose is edible and creates a naturally sweet, vitamin C-rich tea if brewed.
As with all roses, this hybrid attracts butterflies and other pollinators.