What Is The Best Fern Fertilizer?
Ferns provide some of the most beautiful foliage out there. The fronds come in various shapes and sizes; some feature their spores prominently, while others aren’t so apparent. Growing ferns
Ferns provide some of the most beautiful foliage out there. The fronds come in various shapes and sizes; some feature their spores prominently, while others aren’t so apparent. Growing ferns
As you likely know, deer are herbivores. They live entirely on plants. So the question of – Do deer eat ferns is valid. Because deer are large animals with fast
Many ferns prefer conditions that limit where they can be grown. But containers allow for growing outdoor ferns in pots allowing you to enjoy an otherwise indoor fern outdoors. Note
Ferns are a wonderful addition to shady areas of the garden where most other plants won’t grow. Many types of Ferns make an attractive groundcovers. But as robust as these
Boston Ferns (Nephrolepis exaltata ‘Bostoniensis’) are thirsty plants and need regular watering to keep the soil evenly moist. The best way to tell whether or not your plant needs water
Growing ferns… with their amazing variety of foliage forms and delicacy of pattern, have always been popular as house plants. The large selection of species and varieties of different types
Boston fern is an elegant, non-flowering tropical plant. It makes a lovely, year-round addition to a tropical garden or an excellent houseplant for a porch or a shady setting during
The Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata) is a popular houseplant for rooms that receive bright, indirect sunlight. You can grow this pretty plant outdoors year-round if you have a shady, sheltered
The Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata bostoniensis) is a member of the Dryopteridaceae family of plants, and it is entirely non-toxic to both cats and dogs. Even so, there are some
Boston Ferns (Nephrolepis exaltata) can be grown outdoors year-round in semi-tropical and tropical climates (USDA hardiness zones 8b-11), but what if you live in an area that freezes in winter?
The Blue Star Fern, aka Phlebodium Aureum [Pol-ee-PODE-ee-um AW-re-um], is an evergreen, tender, epiphytic fern that is popular as a houseplant. This fern is also known by the common name – Polypodium
Staghorn Ferns could be an excellent choice for your garden. Do you have: Platycerium are unique, attractive and versatile plants growing well in hanging baskets, on wood mounts, or even as
When we think of ferns, we generally think of shady place plants. Do ferns like full sun? Can ferns take full sun? You would be surprised to know that there
Athyrium felix-femina (uh-THEE-ree-um FY-liks fem-in-uh) is a non-flowering member of the Athyriaceae family which is commonly called Lady Fern. This deciduous perennial fern is native to northern temperate regions of
Polystichum polyblepharum (pol-IS-tick-um pol-ee-BLEF-ar-um) is a member of the plant family Dryopteridaceae hailing from South Korea and Japan. Common names include: Japanese Tassel Fern Japanese Lace Fern Korean Tassel Fern
Davallia fejeensis [dav-VAL-ee-uh, fee-jee-EN-sis] is a fern species belonging to the family Davalliaceae and native to the Fiji islands. The tropical forests provide the ideal habitat for the fern growth.
The Cinnamon Fern aka Osmunda cinnamomea (os-MUN-duh sin-uh-MOH-mee-uh) is an attractive fern that grows naturally in many areas of eastern Asia, North America and Canada. This fern is native in
Phyllitis scolopendrium [fil-LY-tiss, skol-oh-PEND-ree-um] now known as Asplenium Scolopendrium [ass-PLEE-nee-um, skol-oh-PEND-ree-um] an evergreen fern species from family Aspleniaceae (genus Asplenium). Native to Europe but a rare American variety (Asplenium scolopendrium var.
The maidenhair fern or botanically Adiantum raddianum [ ad-ee-AN-tum, rad-dee-AY-num] is a member of the Pteridaceae family and one of the most popular fern species for growing indoors. While it
Rumohra adiantiformis, known by the common name leatherleaf fern, is a fern species from the family Dryopteridaceae. It is native to a diverse range of countries in the Caribbean, South America, southern
Microsorum pustulatum [my-kroh-SOR-um] [pus-tew-LAY-tum] is a fern with bright green, and glossy fronds often found growing on trees. The name is synonymous with Zealandia pustulata, but many sources haven’t accepted
The Button Fern, recognizable as a fern with round leaves, Pellaea Rotundifolia [Pe-LEE-uh Ro-tun-dih-FOH-lee-uh] is native to New Zealand with distinctive foliage that offers an excellent variety to typical ferns.
Blechnum gibbum [BLEK-num, GIB-bum] is a hard fern belonging to the family Blechnaceae. Native to Pacific Islands, Fiji, and New Caledonia, Blechnum gibbum grows as a small tree in tropical and subtropical
Nephrolepis cordifolia duffi [nef-roh-LEP-iss] [kor-di-FOH-lee-uh] [duf-EE] is a fern species native to Asia and northern Australia. It’s one of several varieties of the nephrolepis cordifolia plant that are part of
Microsorum Diversifolium (my-kroh-SOR-um, dy-ver-sih-FOH-lee-um) is an evergreen epiphytic fern species from the family Polypodiaceae. This plant is commonly called kangaroo paw fern or kangaroo foot fern. Microsorum is a variant
Deer fern, botanically called Blechnum Spicant (BLEK-num, SPIK-ant), is a fern species in the family Blechnaceae. The term “Blecknum” is a Greek word for a type of fern while the
The birds nest fern the common name for Asplenium Nidus (As-ple-nium nidus) is an epiphytic fern species. Despite harboring large glossy fronds, the Asplenium is a fern belonging to the
Athyrium niponicum [uh-THEE-ree-um, nip-ON-ih-kum] is often cultivated for ground cover, producing large tufts of fronds. Native to eastern Asia, people commonly call the plant Oriental lady fern, or Japanese painted
The ghost fern, also known as Athyrium Hybrida [uh-THEE-ree-um, hy-BRID-uh] is, a hybrid fern of Japanese painted fern (Athyrium Niponicum Var) and lady fern (Athyrium Filix-Femina). It was first discovered
The Dryopteris Erythrosora [Dry-OP-ter-iss, Er-rith-roh-SOR-uh] is the botanical name of the Autumn Fern plant. This semi-evergreen fern has graceful arching fronds and adds a delicate texture to the overall composition of
Java Fern or Microsorum pteropus [my-kroh-SOR-um, ter-oh-pus] is a perennial water plant (fern) and member of the Polypodiaceae family. The plant hails from Thailand, Malaysia, and parts of China. Interestingly,
The silver lace fern – Pteris Quadriaurita [TARE-iss, Kwad-ree-AWR-ry-tuh] is an attractive, small fern growing triangular, slender, arched, or upright green fronds which have silvery-white variegations in the center. This
Dicksonia antarctica [dik-so-nee-uh, ant-ARK-tee-kuh] is an evergreen fern native to eastern Australia, where it is seen growing from coastal areas of New South Wales, southeast Queensland, and Victoria to Tasmania.
Pyrrosia Lingua [Py-ROH-see-uh LIN-gwa] is an epiphytic fern from the Polypodiaceae family. These ferns typically grow in the wild over rocks or tree trunks. It’s native to Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar,
Dryopteris Filix-Mas (dry-OP-ter-iss, FY-liks mas) is a beautiful semi-evergreen wood fern, native to the Northern Hemisphere, in the Dryopteridaceae family. Native to much of Europe, Asia, and North America, its
Pteris cretica (TARE-iss, KRET-ee-kuh) is an evergreen fern species belonging to the family Pteridaceae and is native to Europe, Africa, and Asia. But, since the plant thrives in the subtropical
Polystichum acrostichoides [pol-IS-tick-um, ak-ruh-stik-OY-deez] is a perennial, evergreen fern from the family Dryopteridaceae (wood fern) and is native to eastern North America. The plant is given the common name Christmas
Cyrtomium Falcatum [Sir-TOH-mee-um, Fal-KAY-tum] is a fern species native to eastern Asia. This fern sprouts from rocky slopes, stream banks, coastal cliffs, crevices, as well as other stable, moist areas.
Boston Ferns happen to be a house plant and patio plant making a comeback, both in quantities grown and varieties available. Let’s take a quick look at Nephrolepis exaltata, a
Nephrolepis obliterata also known as the Australian sword fern or Kimberly queen fern is one of the easier ferns to grow. Originating from Australia, this is considered to be one