How To Prune Impatiens: Tips On Cutting Back Impatiens Plants
Impatiens is an excellent flowering plant for a shady setting. They make good filler as a shady garden bedding plant, and they do well in areas where other plants may
Impatiens is an excellent flowering plant for a shady setting. They make good filler as a shady garden bedding plant, and they do well in areas where other plants may
More than 1,000 different species of impatiens make up all but one species in the family Balsaminaceae (the other is the monotypic, or single-species genus, Hydrocera triflora). Out of this wide-ranging genus comes Impatiens
The Cobaea scandens [ko-BEE-uh SKAN-dens] is a fast-growing vine with beautiful flowers. While technically a perennial, many choose to grow the Cobaea as an annual flowering plant vine. It comes
The Flowering Tobaccos – Nicotiana alata and Nicotiana sylvestris are excellent plants for bold effects and massing in the garden. They are also attractive potted specimens and flowers for cutting.
In the springtime and early summer, you can expect to see lots of beautiful blooms throughout your garden. As the summer winds down, blooms are fewer and further between, but
Torenia fournieri [tor-EN-ee-uh for-NEER-eye] is an attractive annual plant hailing from Asia. It comes from the family Linderniaceae. The common name for Torenia plants is the “wishbone flower” because the
Alternanthera (Joseph’s Coat plant) is a genus of more than 200 species of tender perennial and bushy annuals grown for their colorful foliage as garden plants and indoor plants. This
Castilleja coccinea [kas-tee-LEE-uh] [kok-SIN-ee-uh], is a flowering annual plant found in moist prairies and meadows. It’s native to North America, growing from Maine to Minnesota and Florida to Louisiana. Castilleja
Portulaca plants or moss rose, or common purslane, are succulent groundcovers and Portulacaceae family members. Portulaca grandiflora earned its specific species name (Grandiflora) because of its large flowers. Portulaca is
The best garden is one that engages all your five basic senses – sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. When setting up a garden, most of us consider adding plants
Senecio Angel Wings Plant (Senecio Candicans) rounded, evergreen, exquisite, ideal in sensory gardens, velvety leaves, white/gray mounded foliage.
Nigella damascena [ny-JELL-luh] [dam-ASK-ee-nuh] is an annual flower in the Ranunculaceae (buttercup) family. It’s native to Europe, southwest Asia, and northern Africa. The plant often grows in damp areas and
Picture to yourself an enormous factory manned by innumerable workers, each one assigned to his task of converting raw materials into more finished goods. Each worker toiling endlessly, never off
Gilia capitata [GEE-lee-uh, kap-ih-TAY-tuh] is an annual wildflower producing pretty, blue puffball like flowers and member of the Phlox family. It is native to North America, growing naturally in many
Euphorbia marginata is a member of the family Euphorbiaceae. The Euphorbia plant’s genus name is thought to be in honor of Euphorbius, who was the physician of the king of
From the mustard family, Brassicaceae comes the Dames Rocket better known as Hesperis matronalis [HES-per-iss, mah-tro-NAH-lis] a herbaceous biennial flowering species. The flower’s scientific name comes from a Greek-derived genus
Erigeron Annuus is a herbaceous plant from the Asteraceae or Aster family. Stenactis annua is a synonym for Annuus. It is native to North America but is a common plant
Ixia [IKS-ee-uh] flower includes a variety of cormous plants from the family of Iridaceae and subfamily of Ixioideae. These plants are native to the South African regions and thrive in
In this article, we are going to look at soil fertility. Mention “fertilizer” to an engineer or a chemist and they begin immediately to think in terms of inorganic minerals
Annual plants give you the opportunity to update and enhance the appearance of your garden every year. In this article, we share information about the best annuals for full to
Sutera cordata [SOO-ter-uh kor-DAY-tuh] known as the Bacopa plant [buh-KOH-puh] is an attractive, creeping annual plant hailing from the rainier regions of South Africa and belongs to the family Scrophulariaceae.
The scarlet sage plant aka Salvia splendens [SAL-vee-uh, SPLEN-denz] is a tender herbaceous species of the mint family (Lamiaceae) and is native to Brazil. The Salvia plant grows as a
Commonly known as the Mexican Zinnia, Zinnia haageana [ZIN-ya, hag-ee-AH-nuh] is an annual flowering plant. The species is known for its brilliantly colored flowers which bloom all season long and
Cassia didymobotrya [KASS-ee-uh, did-ee-mo-BOT-ree-uh] known as Senna Didymobotrya is a perennial flowering plant species from the family Fabaceae, commonly known as the legume, bean, or pea family. The plant is
The painted tongue plant – Salpiglossis Sinuata, [sal-pee-GLOSS-iss sin-yoo-AY-tuh], produces large flowers with interesting patterns along the veins. It’s a flowering plant native to Chile where it’s a perennial, but most
The pocketbook plant (Calceolaria), with its gorgeous flower display, makes it a favorite in households across the country. It’s a hardy annual plant with thick, pouch-like flowers native to Central and South America. Due
The snapdragon plants – Antirrhinum majus [an-TEE-ry-num MAY-jus] are old-fashioned plants native to the Mediterranean. Snapdragons add a great deal of color, charm, and fragrance to a sunny flower garden throughout the
The periwinkle plant (Vinca flower) – Catharanthus roseus or lochnera rosea, also known as rosy periwinkles, is a lovely small plant that grows outside very well but finds itself at home in a summer window.
China Aster – Callistephus chinensis [kal-LISS-teff-us chi-NEN-siss] is a member of the Asteraceae (ass-ter-AY-see-ee) family. The plants’ genus name refers to two Greek words: “kalli”, which means beautiful and “stephos”,
Centaurea cyanus (aka Bachelor Button, Bluebottle or Cornflower) is a hardy, carefree annual flower. The drought-tolerant naturalized wildflower comes in several attractive shades of pink, red, purple and blue. Once
The Mexican Sunflower, Bolivian sunflower, tree marigold, or the Tithonia plant are considered annual flowers, native to both Central America and Mexico, where varieties of the ponytail plant and spineless
The attractive Celosia plant from the Amaranth family and Celosia genus goes by the common names of woolflowers, cockscomb flowers, and “Flamingo Feather.” This plant is native to Central and