Stunning Bougainvillea Bonsai for Exotic Garden Flair
A bougainvillea is a stunning and vibrant addition to any garden. As a bonsai, these small trees boast colorful bracts that make them unique and eye-catching. Its compact size and
Bougainvillea (boo-gin-VIL-lee-uh)
Bougainvilleas are colorful, fast spreading vines. You find them in the landscape scrambling over fences and potted in Florida and the Mediterranean.
Bougainvilleas can ramble naturally or prune them to bush forms or trees. They are a lovely present for the homeowner. Fill out a bare fence or brighten a patio in tropical areas. More on Bougainvillea Plant Care here.
Bougainvillea vines are native to the coast of Brazil. They are perhaps the most popular and one of the most widely grown of all tropical vines.
The Bougainvillea is a subtropical or tropical vine in the Nyctaginaceae or Four-O’Clock family.
In the 1768 the French naturalist, Philibert Commerson discovered the colorful vining plant. He named the plant after his friend and captain, Louis-Antoine de Bougainville, a noted lawyer, mathematician, and explorer from Canada.
Many refer and spell the plant name as – bouganvilla.
These hardy tropical perennial vines are sometimes called “Paper Flower” because they produce thin, papery, colorful bracts in shades of crimson, purple, orange, yellow, pink and white throughout the spring, summer and fall months when kept in a conducive climate.
The bracts shield small, tubular white flowers.
For more on Bougainvillea check out the articles below:
A bougainvillea is a stunning and vibrant addition to any garden. As a bonsai, these small trees boast colorful bracts that make them unique and eye-catching. Its compact size and
Hailing from South America, Bougainvillea (boo-gan-VIL-lee-uh) is a popular genus of somewhere between 4 and 18 (depending on whom you ask) species and over 300 cultivars. These wonderful evergreens from the Nyctaginaceae
Bougainvillea is a subtropical and tropical type of plant. Bougainvilleas are winter hardy in USDA hardiness zones 9 and higher, but you can keep these plants indoors in cooler climates during
Bougainvilleas are lush flowering plants known for their dense foliage and heavy floral displays. However, while easy to care for and relatively free of pests and disease, these plants are vulnerable
Bougainvillea glabra (pronounced boo-gan-vil-lee-AY-nuh GLAY-bruh), also known as a paper flower or lesser Bougainvillea, is a plant with colorful leaves or bracts native to South America. While its flowers remain
Bougainvillea is an evergreen perennial that is one of those plant genera you didn’t know you needed until you’ve seen one. It’s from the Nyctaginaceae (four-o’clock) family and is commonly cultivated in South Florida, Arizona, South
In warm climates Bougainvillea can be a highly rewarding plant to raise when you finally get to see those gorgeous pink, red or purple blooms up to 11 months out
Bougainvillea plants can easily take over your garden or yard if left unchecked. We discuss how to get rid of a bougainvillea.
Bougainvillea is lush, attractive, and relatively easy to care for. Most American enthusiasts will need to grow their bougainvillea in pots, although those in warmer climates may include them in their
Growing Bougainvillea in pots is easy once you know the basics. In this article, we look at the pots, soil requirements, water, lighting and pests. [DETAILS]
Of the many vining plants out there, bougainvillea is one of the most pleasant and puts on a vibrant flower display of color. The Bougainvillea plant is so popular that
Bougainvillea plants like to get a bit unruly and refuse to sprout any new blooms, even during the growing season. Learn a few essential tips to encourage blooms. [DETAILS]
Bougainvillea plants are drought-resistant tropical vines that can do well in most types of soil. These vines are well-known for their green foliage, vibrant and showy bracts in shades of white,
Bougainvillea does best with regular watering using the soak-and-dry method. Water Bougainvillea plants thoroughly, allowing the water to run through the plants’ potting soil and out the drainage holes in
Bougainvillea, a member of the Nyctaginaceae family, bursts with vibrant colors during the warmer months, typically blooming from late February through early May in central Florida south. These gorgeous plants
The beautiful Bougainvillea plant is a genus of tropical plants, thorny, shrub-like perennial vines of the Nyctaginaceae family. Beautiful in a hanging basket, some growers have formed them as bonsai.
Question: I need some help with Bougainvillea care and watering. At the moment the plants are blooming but we will be going out of town, and my “potted bougainvillea” seems to love