How To Care For Potted Bougainvillea In Winter

large blooming Bougainvillea

Hailing from South America, Bougainvillea (boo-gan-VIL-lee-uh) is a popular genus of somewhere between 4 and 18 (depending on whom you ask) species and over 300 cultivars. These wonderful evergreens from the Nyctaginaceae

Tips on Bougainvillea Glabra Care

Blooming Bougainvillea glabra

Bougainvillea glabra (pronounced boo-gan-vil-lee-AY-nuh GLAY-bruh), also known as a paper flower or lesser Bougainvillea, is a plant with colorful leaves or bracts native to South America. While its flowers remain

How Poisonous Is Bougainvillea Plants?

Flowering Bougainvillea

Bougainvillea is an evergreen perennial that is one of those plant genera you didn’t know you needed until you’ve seen one.  It’s from the Nyctaginaceae (four-o’clock) family and is commonly cultivated in South Florida, Arizona, South

What Plant Pests Or Bugs Attack Bougainvillea?

blooming bougainvillea

Bougainvillea is lush, attractive, and relatively easy to care for. Most American enthusiasts will need to grow their bougainvillea in pots, although those in warmer climates may include them in their

How To Grow Bougainvillea in Pots

Blooming potted Bougainvillea

Growing Bougainvillea in pots is easy once you know the basics. In this article, we look at the pots, soil requirements, water, lighting and pests. [DETAILS]

12 Tips On Watering Bougainvillea Plants

Proper Bougainvillea watering produces beautiful blossoms

Bougainvillea does best with regular watering using the soak-and-dry method. Water Bougainvillea plants thoroughly, allowing the water to run through the plants’ potting soil and out the drainage holes in

Tips On Growing Bougainvillea In Florida

Blooming Potted Bougainvillea

Bougainvillea, a member of the Nyctaginaceae family, bursts with vibrant colors during the warmer months, typically blooming from late February through early May in central Florida south. These gorgeous plants

What Is The Best Bougainvillea Fertilizer?

Bougainvillea blooming use the righ bougainvillea fertilizer

The beautiful Bougainvillea plant is a genus of tropical plants, thorny, shrub-like perennial vines of the Nyctaginaceae family. Beautiful in a hanging basket, some growers have formed them as bonsai.

How To Grow and Care For Bougainvillea

bougainvillea flower up close

Question: I need some help with Bougainvillea care and watering. At the moment the plants are blooming but we will be going out of town, and my “potted bougainvillea” seems to love