How To Grow The Shaving Brush Tree: Pseudobombax Ellipticum
Many people are getting interested in unique and exotic plants for their gardens. If you live in USDA hardiness zones 9b to 11, the Shaving Brush Tree (Pseudobombax ellipticum) is
Many people are getting interested in unique and exotic plants for their gardens. If you live in USDA hardiness zones 9b to 11, the Shaving Brush Tree (Pseudobombax ellipticum) is
Solanum erianthum (so-LAY-num er-ee-AN-thum ) is a perennial member of the Solanaceae (nightshade) family of plants and a species of nightshade commonly found in riparian zones, dry forests, moist forests,
Powder Puff Tree the common name for Calliandra Haematocephala [kal-ee-AN-druh, hee-mat-oh-SEF-uh-luh] the most widely cultivated of the 150 calliandra species. It belongs to the Fabaceae family, which people typically call the pea
The spectacular Caesalpinia pulcherrima [ses-al-PIN-ee-uh pul-KAIR-ih-muh] produces bright orange flowers looking like butterflies lingering over the plant. It’s an unusual yet marvelous sight. Native to Central and South America and
Albizia Julibrissin [al-BIZ-ee-uh, joo-lih-BRISS-in] is a species of deciduous trees native to eastern and southwestern Asia. The plant has a few common names: Mimosa Silk tree Persian silk tree The
Found throughout Africa, India, and North Australia, Dichrostachys cinerea [dy-kro-STAK-iss, sin-EER-ee-uh] is an interesting plant belonging to the Fabaceae (legume) family along with the: Poinciana plant Powder Puff tree Dichrostachys
Caesalpinia Mexicana [Ses-al-PIN-ee-uh, Meks-sih-KAY-nuh] is a large shrub, which is pruned into a small tree. It is a native to Northern Mexico and belongs to the family of Fabaceae (Leguminosae) along
Tabebuia, also known as the Golden trumpet tree, is a genus of flowering plants mostly comprised of trees and large shrubs. These plants belong to the Bignoniaceae family with Campsis radicans and Jacaranda
Unique is the word for Bauhinias, a varied family of immense interest and charm. You can grow them as shrubs (from small to large sizes), trees or vines. Their foliage
The deciduous handsome Silk Oak, scientifically known as Grevillea robusta (grev-ILL-ee-uh, roh-BUS-tuh) is a part of the family Proteaceae. It is native to the temperate climate of eastern coastal Australia
Styrax japonicus [STY-raks, juh-PON-ih-kuhs] is a deciduous flowering tree species of the Styracaceae family. Native to Japan, Korea, and China, the plant features upward-facing ovate leaves and dark green-brown, olive-like
The bright red tops of the Royal Poinciana tree (Delonix Regia) are an amazing site when this colorful tree is in full bloom. Delonix Regia is pronounced [dee-LON-iks REE-jee-uh], but
Erythrina Crista-Galli [er-ith-RY-nuh KRIS-tuh GAL-ee] tree produces a beautiful display of flowers each summer. The bright coral-red flowers appear in long clusters, adding a splash of intense color to the
Jacaranda mimosifolia (jack-uh-RAN-duh mih-moe-sih-FOLE-ee-uh) is a sub-tropical deciduous flowering tree, which belongs to the family Bignoniaceae. It is native to South America, particularly north-western Argentina and southern Bolivia. Its genus name is a
The dogwood tree is an attractive tree in every season of the year. In the springtime, dogwood trees burst into full blooms blanketing the woodlands in white. In the fall,