Lavender Trumpet Vine: Learn Clytostoma Callistegioides Growing & Care

The lavender trumpet vine or Clytostoma callistegioides pronounced [kly-toh-STOH-muh kal-lis-steg-ee-OY-deez] belongs to the genus Clytostoma genus, which is part of the family Bignoniaceae.

Other plants in the Bignoniaceae family include:

Clytostoma is a climbing plant from Argentina, with wiry stems and delicate flowers. They are easy, fast-growing climbing flowering vines over trellises, fences, and other structures.

Lavender trumpet vine flowering - ClytostomaPin

The plant goes by a few different common names:

  • Lavender trumpet vine
  • Violet trumpet vine
  • Painted trumpet vine
  • Argentine trumpet vine

The common name comes from the flower shape. The trumpet-like flowers bloom in the spring and summer.

While it’s a fast climber, it requires some special care.

Related Reading: Cestrum plants another trumpet vine flower.

Clytostoma Callistegioides Lavender trumpet vine Care

Size and Growth

Clytostoma callistegioides is an evergreen vine that can easily climb 6′ feet in a single year.

Summer pruning is recommended to manage the growth. It’s got light green leaves and dark green wiry stems.

When growing on a structure, the middle leaf on a stem may fall off, allowing a tendril to grow and cling to the structure.

Flowering and Fragrance

The spring bloomer produces three-inch trumpet-shaped flowers. They have five rounded lobes and are typically a light lavender color with violet streaks.

The plant typically blooms in the spring and lasts through summer, providing color throughout the warmer months. It produces a light, sweet aroma.

Light and Temperature

The violet trumpet vine is suited for outdoor growth in USDA hardiness zones 9 to 11. It doesn’t tolerate frost.

When kept outdoors, it needs to be protected from temperatures below 40° degrees Fahrenheit.

In the summer, it needs warm air and lots of sunshine – partial shade to full sun, whether grown outside or in an enclosed porch or conservatory.

Watering and Feeding

Water the plant generously from the middle of spring to after the flowers die out. Plant food may be added twice per month during the warmer months.

TIP: For the best blooms, use a high-potassium fertilizer.

At the end of summer, start limiting watering. Clytostoma is drought tolerant and the soil can mostly dry out between watering throughout the summer without risk of the plant dying.

Soil and Transplanting

The painted trumpet vine grows best in healthy soil with good drainage. Use regular potting soil in a large planter or tub.

Smaller plants may need transplanting as they grow. When a plant outgrows its home, move it into a bigger pot in the spring.

When the plant is fully mature and in its permanent home, transplanting isn’t needed, but the soil can be topped off with a fresh potting mix.

Maintenance and Grooming

Grooming is needed to manage the growth of the plant. As mentioned, the lady trumpet vine can grow six feet in one year.

The best time to prune the plant is at the end of summer after the flowering period. Trim the stems back to half their length.

Depending on the growth and location, additional trimming may be needed. Entire stems can be removed or severely trimmed back.

How to Propagate Clytostoma Callistegioides?

To propagate the plant, take stem cuttings in the spring. When selecting a stem, look for these characteristics:

  • No flower buds
  • At least four inches long
  • Semi-hard stems
  • Not full of sap or too woody

Trim the stem below the node and remove the lower leaves. Use root hormone on the bottom of the cutting.

Place three or four cuttings in a four or five-inch pot. To keep the stems upright, position them around the edge of the pot.

For the soil, use a combination of potting soil, peat moss, and coarse sand. Keep the soil moist and cover it with a plastic bag with ventilation holes.

Make sure that the plants stay warm and they should take root within 4 to 6 weeks.

After new growth starts, remove the plastic bag. When the young plants are a couple of months old, they can be moved to a porch or patio to get air.

At the end of the summer, the plants can be placed in their own containers using rich soil.

Violet Trumpet Vine Pests Or Diseases

Red spider mites and aphids may attack the plant. The mites may appear under the leaves. Wash away the pests with soapy water. An insecticide may be needed for severe pest problems.

The lavender-violet trumpet vine is considered invasive in many areas. It spreads quickly and easily grows over structures.

As it spreads, it may wrap around other plants or grow over them. To avoid this problem, grow the plant in a pot, even in regions where the plant is suited for outdoor growth.

NOTE: The stems, leaves, and flowers aren’t poisonous, but the seeds are. Don’t let children or pets near the plant when the seed pods emerge – or consider removing them as they appear.

Uses For Clytostoma Trumpet Vine

The showy evergreen vine can grow along fences or trellises.

It also looks great in containers, where it can spread out instead of climbing upward.