Lapageria Rosea Care: Growing The Chilean Bellflower
Chilean Bellflower, also known as Lapageria rosea or Copihue, is a stunning vine native to Chile. This beautiful plant is the national flower of Chile and can add a touch
Chilean Bellflower, also known as Lapageria rosea or Copihue, is a stunning vine native to Chile. This beautiful plant is the national flower of Chile and can add a touch
If you want to bring some bright colors to your garden, consider the Petrea volubilis, also known as the “Queen’s Wreath.” This tropical vine is celebrated for its stunning beauty
Vines can be prune and shaped to fit any space and trained into espalier forms. They are also used to cover arbors, trellises, screens, and so on. They are also good groundcovers. Additionally, they are perfect for greenhouses and heated porches. We share several for warm weather locations.
The Cobaea scandens [ko-BEE-uh SKAN-dens] is a fast-growing vine with beautiful flowers. While technically a perennial, many choose to grow the Cobaea as an annual flowering plant vine. It comes
If you are thinking of switching from potted to trellis plants, choosing the ideal trellis climbing plants that flower can be a challenging decision. There are plenty of climbing plants
The Virginia creeper vine is one of the prettiest plants that belong to the grape family, which makes it quite attractive to have around your household. This drove many people
Bignonia capreolata [big-NO-nee-uh kap-ree-oh-LAH-tuh] the Crossvine, is a fast-growing climber native to the United States. It thrives in the tropical regions of central and southern America. The Crossvine, is named
Two landscape design items needing proper placement in any public landscape area are vines and window boxes. Both should be used with restraint, but when used correctly, they are effective
Summary: Stephanotis, a long time favorite, fragrant, bridal veil plant, and has grown in popularity as a spring-time patio plant. It grows on a trellis and in a hanging basket.
What are the best plants for your pergola? First, let’s quickly look at what a pergola is! A pergola is an open structure design with pillars that support flat cross
The passiflora, known more commonly as the “passion flower vine,” is one of the “new” vines introduced for spring color offerings available at garden centers. The name “Passiflora” comes from
Polygonum Aubertii [pol-ee-GO-num, oh-BER-ee-eye], alternatively known as Fallopia aubertii, Fallopia baldschuanica, and Polygonum baldschuanicum, is a fast-growing vine species of the family Polygonaceae, commonly known as the knotweed family. The flowering perennial vine species is
The lavender trumpet vine or Clytostoma callistegioides pronounced [kly-toh-STOH-muh kal-lis-steg-ee-OY-deez] belongs to the genus Clytostoma genus, which is part of the family Bignoniaceae. Other plants in the Bignoniaceae family include:
The Manettia is an evergreen perennial vine from South America that produces unusual, small bell-shaped flowers that resemble candy corn. Manettia is pronounced [man-ET-ee-uh] and is a genus with over
There are quite a few plants that can be harmful to people upon contact. The chemical found in these plants can cause skin inflammation, itching rashes, and blisters. The most