Haworthia Cooperi plants are a varied and diverse plant species from the Asphodelaceae family.
These plants are native to and widespread in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.

Many gardeners prefer succulent Haworthia plants due to their adaptability.
Haworthia Cooperi Quick Care Tips
- Botanical Name: Haworthia Cooperi
- Common Name(s): Cooper’s Haworthia, Window Haworthia, Cushion Aloe, Star window plant, Pearl plant, Zebra cactus
- Synonyms: Haworthia Truncata var. Cooperi
- Pronunciation: Ha-WORTH-ee-a, Koo-PER-ee
- Family & Origin: Asphodelaceae family, native to Eastern Cape Province in South Africa
- Growability: Easy to grow
- Grow Zone: USDA zones 9-11
- Size: Grows up to 10 inches tall
- Flowering: Produces small white flowers in the summer and spring
- Light: Prefers bright, indirect light or partial shade
- Humidity: Ambient humidity between 40-50%
- Temperature: Thrives in temperatures between 68° to 72° degrees Fahrenheit
- Soil: sandy soil with excellent drainage
- Water: Water sparingly, allowing soil to dry out between waterings
- Fertilizer: Fertilize with half-strength, low-nitrogen succulent or cactus fertilizer during the growing season
- Pests & Diseases: Susceptible to aphids, mealybugs, fungus gnats, and spider mites, as well as root rot if overwatered
- Propagation: Propagate through offsets or leaf cuttings
- Plant Uses: Makes a great addition to succulent gardens or as a houseplant. Can also be used in terrariums or as a desk plant.
The genus Haworthia species include:
- Haworthia Cymbiformis
- Haworthia Retusa
- Haworthia limifolia
- Haworthia reinwardtii
- Haworthia Pilifera
- Haworthia Gordoniana
- Haworthia Leightonii
- Haworthia Obtusa
You may hear Cooperi called by the common names:
- Window Haworthia
- Cushion Aloe
- Star window plant
- Cooper’s Haworthia
- Pearl plant
- Zebra cactus
Haworthia Cooperi Plants Care
Size and Growth
The Haworthia Cooperi plants are slow-growing succulents producing clumps of small rosettes of tiny fleshy leaves or light green color.
They typically grow up to 10″ inches tall.

The transparent leaves give cooperi a unique appearance. It grows up to 2” inches long. The short stem of this plant sprouts variegated leaves that almost reach the soil surface.
The stems of Haworthia Cooperi have transparent tips enabling light to pass.
Flowering and Fragrance
The blooming time of this plant is in summer and spring.

The inflorescence of white-colored flowers grows on a peduncle, growing up to 12” inches.
Light and Temperature
Haworthia Cooperi prefers to sit in bright light but doesn’t like direct sunlight.
When this plant grows in its native environment, it’s mostly situated under the partial shade of a tree, rock, or other objects.
It is best to place this plant on a windowsill facing west or east to get bright light for at least three to four hours during the day. Good results are obtained by giving plants morning sun exposure.

You can also use grow light if your location doesn’t receive much light.
The Haworthia Cooperi prefers warm temperatures during the summer ranging from 68° to 72° degrees Fahrenheit but also grows well in the cooler temperature, down around 50° degrees Fahrenheit (10° C).
The temperature should not be below 40° degrees Fahrenheit (4° C) as this results in a freezing injury.
The USDA hardiness zones of this plant are 9 – 11.
Haworthia Cooperi Watering and Feeding
During the summer season, water cooperi Haworthia generously and evenly. Make sure to allow the soil to dry completely between watering.
Related: More on watering Haworthia plants.

During the winter season, decrease the amount of water to once a month. Make sure there is no water gathering around the rosette.
Moreover, this succulent thrives in ambient humidity between 40-50%.
Feed this plant using a succulent fertilizer in the summer season, but never feed it in the winter.
Soil and Transplanting
Cushion aloes thrive in sandy soil with excellent drainage.
When growing Haworthia cooperi as a potted plant, utilize a quick-draining succulent potting soil mix and a pot with a drainage hole for this plant.
Avoid including fine sand in the potting mix as this ends up clogging the pores, decreasing the drainage. Use coarse sand, pumice, or vermiculite to improve drainage.

Mix the soil with pumice, aquarium gravel, or perlite.
When feeding Haworthia Cooperi succulents, they don’t need fertilizer, but you may use a half-strength, low-nitrogen succulent or cactus fertilizer to give them a boost at the or growing season
Excellent Succulent and Cactus Soil - Gritty Mix - Fast Draining - Fight Root Rot - Optimized pH
Grooming and Maintenance
Haworthia Cooperi is not a tricky houseplant to take care of with similar requirements as an Aloe.
Similar to all succulent plants, the main thing to watch out for is overwatering.
Make sure this plant never sits in too much water for a prolonged duration, as this can cause damage to the roots.
If the container doesn’t have a sufficient drainage system, including a gravel layer at the bottom of the container.

In case the plant grows yellow or white leaves, it is a sign of too much sun.
On the other hand, the color of the Haworthia cooperi green leaves starts to fade, and the plant isn’t getting sufficient light.
When transferring the indoor plant outside during the warm season, be sure to do this gradually to avoid sunburn.
How To Propagate Window Haworthia Cooperi
The propagation of these succulent plants is done at repotting time and taking offsets from the mother plant.
- Utilize sharp scissors or a knife to cut the offsets close to the mother plant.
- Include as many roots as possible.
- The offsets must be allowed to dry off for a while before repotting.
- Place these offsets in smaller pots while utilizing the same soil as the original plant.
- Place this new plant in a bright, warm spot, watering sufficiently for optimal growth.

Related: Tips on How To Propagate Haworthia Plants
Cushion Aloe Pest or Diseases
There are no significant diseases or pest issues with this plant.
However, be on the lookout for fungus gnats which occur if the soil is too moist.
Other common pests to keep watch for include aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites.

Root rot and other fungal disease might occur if the plant is overwatered or placed in a location with high humidity and dim lights.
Overwatering is a major concern with this plant and results in slow growth.
Window Haworthia Uses
The succulent Haworthia Cooperi looks stunning in unique containers like baby shoes, teacups, and other decorative containers.
Window Haworthias are also resilient and easy to care for, making them suitable for beginners. You can grow them in greenhouses.

The most important thing is to ensure sufficient drainage in the container to help these plants grow best.
This rare succulent is a popular choice in fairy, miniature, and dish gardening due to its adaptability.