Haworthia fasciata (haw-WORTH-ee-uh fass-ee-AY-tuh), now named Haworthiopsis fasciata, is a succulent plant native to South Africa shrub lands. Haworthia plants are often compared to Ox Tongue plants (Gasteria) and sometimes even confused with Aloe plants.
One of the most popular succulent plants is the famous aloe vera, well-known for its medicinal properties and almost impossible to kill. But, unfortunately, aloes are also known for being
The wonderful genus Haworthia (ha-WORTH-ee-a) has become a welcome alternative for many who love aloe plants but also have pets. These lovely plants look just like small aloe plants, yet
Haworthias, often dubbed as “polka-dotted” or “zebra plant,” are dainty succulent houseplants that are well-loved for their exotic, aloe vera-like appearance and soft, fleshy leaves. They grow in a rosette
All the succulent Haworthia varieties are easy to grow, fun to collect, and make excellent additions to small space gardens. These small plants require less light than most succulents. Click on this article to learn about the many types of Haworthia.
The Haworthia Obtusa is a small succulent Haworthia species originating from the Eastern Cape of South Africa. Like an aloe plant, the haworthia obtusa [ha-WORTH-ee-a ob-TOO-suh] belongs to the aloaceae
The Haworthia plant (zebra plants) are perfect succulents for any household. They are often enjoyed as window houseplants. The genus of Haworthia contains over 70 species, with 150 varieties of
Haworthia Limifolia, (Fairies Washboard) are charming, compact succulent plants. These usual plants rarely exceed 4″ inches tall in a potted container, making it the perfect addition to a window sill
Haworthia margaritifera is one of the most attractive succulent plant species of the Haworthia genus and Asphodelaceae family. It is native to South Africa and also one of the largest
The Haworthia (ha-WORTH-ee-a) genus is a small collection of succulents from the Western Cape of South Africa. These, along with Aloes belong to the subfamily Asphodeloideae (ass-fo-del-oy-de-ay-ee), a member of
Haworthia reinwardtii [ha-WORTH-ee-a rine-WARD-tee-eye] is native to the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa and makes a wonderful houseplant or addition to a succulent garden. The basal rosettes of the
Haworthia Cooperi plants are a varied and diverse plant species from the Asphodelaceae family. These plants are native to and widespread in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Many gardeners prefer succulent
Haworthia cymbiformis [ha-WORTH-ee-a, cymbiformis] is native to Southern Africa and belongs to the Asphodelaceae family. There are approximately seventy South African Haworthia species. The genus name honors English botanist Adrian
The small Haworthia Retusa is a popular succulent plant with a short rosette of thick, triangular leaves. It’s one of many flowering plants, like Haworthia cuspidata and Haworthia cooperi, that belong to
Haworthia truncata (ha-WORTH-ee-a, trunk-AH-tuh) is a succulent plant species in the Haworthia genus and Asphodelaceae family. Learn more about the fascinating world of Haworthia Succulent Plant Care. This perennial is
Haworthia Attenuata [ha-WORTH-ee-a, at-ten-yoo-AY-tuh] refers to a small succulent plant belonging to the genus Haworthiopsis in the Asphodelaceae family. This species of evergreen plants are native to the Eastern Cape
Haworthia coarctata [ha-WORTH-ee-a] [koh-ARK-tay-tuh] is a flowering succulent native to the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. It’s part of the Asphodelaceae family and the genus formerly known as “haworthia.”