Echeveria Shaviana: Learn To Grow And Care For “Mexican Hens”

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Echeveria shaviana is a tender, soft, evergreen succulents native to the mountain areas of Nuevo Leon in northern Mexico.

Shaviana belongs to the Echeveria plant genus a member of the Crassula family (Crassulaceae).

Echeveria shaviana with it's ruffled edges, in rock gardenPin
Echeveria shaviana Pink Frills Mexican Hens Chicks | andia-faith-DepositPhotos

It has received the Royal Horticultural Society prestigious Award of Garden Merit.

Shaviana has short stems with rosettes filled with smooth, fleshy pale powder blue-gray leaves radiating from the stem.

The edges of the leaves are very ruffled, crinkled, frilly and wavy often with a pink tinge on the edges.

“Mexican Hens” is the common name for Echeveria shaviana and pronounced [ech-e-ver’-i-a] [shaf-ee-AH-nuh].

NOTE: Some claim [ek-e-ve’-ri-a] is the correct way to pronounce the genus, however, in the United States most pronounce it as [ech-e-ver’-i-a].

Echeveria Shaviana Care

Size & Growth

The “growing season” for Echeveria shaviana is during the summer months where it gets plenty of light in USDA hardiness zones 9-11.

This decorative species is a slow grower but over time plants can reach about 8” inches across.

The thin, delicate leaves make shaviana unique in the Echeveria genus as the leaves and foliage on most other Echeveria varieties have a somewhat “chubby” look.

Flowering and Fragrance

Plants flower in midsummer sending up 12” inch bloom spike rosette.

The stems of pink flowers with yellow inside are all arranged on one side of the flower stalk.

Light Conditions & Temperature

Plants prefer bright light but can handle some light shade.

They do best with 6 hours of full sun per day.

In general, full sun during the winter and partial shade but bright light in summer.

When plants get more light, the leaves display a wider range of colors and shapes.

When moving plants into the full sun from lower lighting conditions – move them gradually to prevent the sun from scorching them.

When moving plants to brighter locations:

  • Water them well before moving
  • Move them on a cloudy day

The foliage is beautiful during the summer when plants are actively growing. However, the cooler temperatures of fall help intensify the foliage colors with a pinkish tint.

Provide good air movement to minimize disease and pest risk. During winter reduce and avoid excessive humidity.

Shaviana Succulent Watering Needs and Fertilizing

Mexican hens succulents are drought tolerant and able to survive extended dry periods.

However, providing adequate watering during the growing season will produce a strong more beautiful garden plant.

Echeveria pink frills is very sensitive to root rot fungus disease.

When watering follow these requirements:

  • Never allow plants to sit in water
  • Never let the soil to become waterlogged
  • Do not water during dormant periods (winter)

Learn more about watering succulent Echeveria plants

Too much fertilizer can produce excessive growth. Overall the best practice is to fertilize sparingly.

A slow-release granular fertilizer can be applied during the spring and summer growing season.

The fertilizer should be a low nitrogen fertilizer to not encourage an excessive growth rate.

Soil & Transplanting

The soil plays a vital role in the plant’s health due to shaviana’s sensitivity to root rot.

Tips for repotting:

  • Repot in spring using a very porous well-drained soil designed for cactus and succulents
  • Repot every other year or when roots begin to cramp
  • Promote extra drainage by placing gravel or broken crocks in the bottom of the pot
  • Use Terracotta clay pots with drainage holes over plastic pots
  • After potting hold off on watering for a week to 10 days

NOTE: Repotting does not always mean the plant needs a large container, only fresh soil.


The only “grooming” needed is to remove old dead leaves.

How To Propagate Echeveria Pink Frills Succulent

In spring or early summer propagate using offsets, leaf or stem cuttings.

Remove small offsets from the stem with a razor blade. Handle offsets carefully so the tiny leaves do not fall off.

Place offsets or leaves on dry sand or a sand/soil mix for rooting.

TIP: When repotting, collect some of the old bottom leaves for propagation.

Don’t get upset if the leaf cuttings do not root. They often dry out before rooting.

Mexican Hens Pest, Disease or Problems?

Other than root rot (which is serious) these succulents experience few diseases.

Mealybugs can get in the rosettes or attack roots. Aphids also like any Echeveria succulents.

Details on: How To Control Of Echeveria Pests and Diseases

What Are The Most Popular Varieties?

Best Uses in Design – Indoors or Outdoors

Perfect when grown potted as a single specimen or planted in a group with other Echeverias.

Makes a nice addition when you add it to a rock garden but watch out for drainage issues.

More To Discover On Succulent Echeveria Plants

Echeveria Lola: this succulent steals hearts with rosebud-shaped rosettes and pink and yellow flowers. Learn how to care for this beauty!