Echeveria Lola is a hybrid of Echeveria lilacina (parent) x Echeveria derenbergii (painted lady) by hybridizer Dick Wright in 1980.
This perennial succulent Echeveria plant belongs to the stonecrop family, also known as Crassulaceae (krass-yoo-LAY-see-ee).

The plant, itself, is both officially and commonly called Echeveria Lola (ech-eh-VER-ee-a LO-la)
Echeveria Lola Care
Size & Growth
These compact plants grow in full sun to be 3″ to 5″ inches tall. Individual rosettes with a rosebud shape may attain a width of 6″ inches.
Flowering & Fragrance
In the springtime, Echeveria Lola produces a 6″ inch bloom spike. The spike supports pretty pink and yellow bell-shaped flowers.
As with all cacti and succulent blossoms, these are very attractive to pollinators.
Echeveria Lola is remarkably attractive because it has a very thick layer of epicuticular wax, also known as farina.
Because of the farina, this pretty plant has a rosy, marble-like or alabaster wax appearance.
Lola’s foliage is an attractive silvery gray-pale green color with a pinkish blush.
Leaves may be as long as 2″ inches. Keep in mind that because of the plant’s sticky, waxy coating, handle it with care.
When you touch the leaves, you may rub off the waxy coating and leave spots.
Light & Temperature
If kept indoors, the Lola Echeveria succulent does best with bright light (afternoon sun), or under indoor grow lights. Outdoors, Lola tolerates full sun or partial shade.
This echeveria plant does well in cool to average temperatures. Cooler temperatures may enhance the leaf colors.
Echeveria Lola is winter hardy in USDA hardiness zones 9 and above. It cannot tolerate cold temperatures below 20° degrees Fahrenheit.
Watering & Feeding
Like most echeverias, Lola is drought tolerant. Wait until the soil is completely dry before watering and then water deeply.
- Always water at the ground level and never from overhead
- Watering the rosette may cause problems with root rot
Read this article for Tips on Watering Echeveria plants.
Fertilizer is not necessary for these succulents.
Repot once every year or two in the springtime to provide fresh soil and nutrients.
Soil & Transplanting
A high-quality well-draining cactus or succulent soil is recommended for this plant and a pot with drainage holes.
When planting outdoors, amend the potting soil with coarse sand, gravel and organic matter to provide both sustenance and good drainage.
Grooming & Maintenance
Echeverias require very little maintenance.
- Pick off any wilted or dead leaves
- Remove offshoots as needed
- Trim the stem (as described below) as needed to tidy up parent plants and grow more Echeveria.
Learn of more types of Echeverias to grow.
How To Propagate Lola Echeveria
It’s very easy to propagate Lola and any Echeveria by using leaf cuttings as demonstrated in this video.
Like many succulents, Echeveria Lola produces offsets at the base. Leave these pups in place or separate them from the mother plant.
Give pups their own pots or settings and treat them as mature plants.
Echeveria Lola tends to get a bit leggy after a couple of years of growth.
If you don’t like the bare stem on the underside of the plant, simply cut off the top rosette and allow it to dry in the open air for 3 to 5 days.
Next, set it on top of some slightly moist, gritty, well-draining soil. Soon new roots will form on its own.
Use the old stem cuttings to grow a new plant. Leave it in place in its pot and continue to care for it.
Before you know it, new rosettes will form on top.
Succulent Lola Pest or Disease Problems
Overwatering can cause stem rot, leaf rot and soft rot. Plants in poor health are subject to attacks by mealybugs.
Lola is considered non-toxic.
Read this article for ways to control Echeveria pests and diseases.
Is Lola Considered Invasive?
With Lola’s moderate growth rate it cannot be considered invasive even in very conducive climates.
Suggested Uses For Echeveria ‘Lola’
Echeveria Lola makes a good house plant in any climate.
Indoors, choose a bright, sunny window where the plant can enjoy lots of daytime sunlight yet stay protected from freezing temperatures.
As a potted plant grow in a shallow clay pot with well-draining soil.
Avoid placing the plants in any terrarium with a great deal of moisture.
To plant outdoors, choose a sunny spot with good drainage.
This drought-resistant plant does well with a deep watering about once a week or whenever the soil dries completely.
Echeveria Lola is a good addition to rock gardens or any xeriscaping project.
It does well in any desert or dry garden setting.
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