Croton Magnificent is a select variety of Codiaeum Variegatum [koh-dih-EE-um, var-ee-GAY-tum] an evergreen shrub belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family.
These tropical plants are native to Indonesia, Southeast Asia, as well as other nearby islands. They have been popular for decades in the south Florida landscape.

Some of the most popular Croton plant varieties include:
- Oakleaf Croton
- Gold Dust Croton
- Petra Croton
- Mammy Croton
- Zanzibar Croton
- Mrs. Iceton Croton
- Red Iceton
- Croton Eleanor Roosevelt
This particular variety earned its name ‘Magnificent’ due to the vibrant intense yellow colors freckled through the leaves.
Croton Magnificent Plant Care
Size & Growth
The Magnificent Croton is a compact and dense shrub when young, but grows leggy and rounded as it matures.
The foliage color is medium green and grows about 4’ – 6’ feet tall and 3’ – 4’ feet in width.
The variable leaf shape and colors of this plant make it a stunning addition to the garden.
The green leaves are splashed with yellow color.
As the plant matures, it becomes more drought-tolerant, and the leaves turn to shades of oranges, pinks, reds, and maroon.
Flowering and Fragrance
The Magnificent croton plant produces small, inconspicuous, star-shaped flowers with colors ranging from white to yellow.

The bloom time of this plant is typically the summer season with brown fruits shaped like round capsules.
Light & Temperature
The Codiaeum ‘Magnificent’ loves the full sun, but also grows well in partial shade.
To encourage colorful leaves, it is best to place the plant in bright light.
Insufficient light makes this plant lanky with fewer leaves and lacking rich, deep hues.
Similar to the majority of houseplants, this plant prefers sufficient humidity.
Boost the humidity for the plant by placing it in a well-lit area, planting it near other houseplants, or using a humidifier.
It’s best to prevent it from cold and drafts as it doesn’t tolerate temperatures 60° degrees Fahrenheit (15° C) and below.
In some cases, this plant starts losing its leaves at 40° – 45° degrees Fahrenheit (4° – 7° C) but mostly depends on the microenvironment and age of the plant.
USDA hardiness zones between 9b – 11.
Watering and Feeding
Magnificent crotons prefer to stay moist. Make sure to water the plant if the soil becomes dry.
These plants don’t get as thirsty as other houseplants but start dropping leaves if they stay too dry or too wet for a longer duration.

Fertilize your Croton plant once or twice during the spring and summer season to maintain healthy growth.
For rapid growth, fertilize more frequently with liquid fertilizer.
It doesn’t have any special fertilizing needs unless the soil condition is not right.
Soil & Transplanting
Grow this plant in moist, rich soil with a pH level of 6 to 6.5.
However, this Croton plant grows well in other types of soils as long as there is good drainage.
If the plant outgrows the container, transplant it in another pot around 1” – 3” inches larger than the former one.
Carefully remove the plant from its old pot, making sure the root ball doesn’t get damaged.
Use a potting knife or fingers to separate the roots carefully before planting.
Grooming and Maintenance
The majority of the Croton plants become leggy, and why regular pruning is essential.
How To Propagate Codiaeum ‘Magnificent’?
Propagation of this plant is done using air-layers and tip cuttings.
More on –> How To Air Layer a Plant Step by Step
The cuttings must be 3” – 6” inches long with four to five leaves.
The ideal temperature for propagation is 70° – 78° degrees Fahrenheit (21° – 25° C).
The rooting time on average is one to two months using a rooting hormone.
It’s essential to select a big container to grow this plant for both outdoor and indoor planting.

Make sure there is good drainage, so the plant doesn’t get flooded.
A quick-draining potting soil promotes healthy new plant growth.
Be sure to water the plant thoroughly, and add in finished compost to increase the soil richness.
It is normal for the plant to lose a few leaves after planting because of environmental factors and being transplanted in a new place.
Croton Pest or Diseases
The Croton plant is heat and deer resistant. However, be on the lookout for spider mites indoors, which is a common pest problem for this plant indoors.
They cause yellow spots, which may be hard to notice due to the splashy natural yellow marking on the leaves.
This plant is also susceptible to mealybugs (white fuzzy bugs on plants), edema, and powdery mildew.
More on Croton Pests, Powdery Mildews, and other Croton Leaf Diseases

Is The Plant Toxic Or Poisonous?
While this is not the most poisonous plant, it is highly recommended not to ingest any part of this plant.
If it is consumed by humans or even pets in higher quantity, it might cause diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and other symptoms.
Uses For The Croton Called ‘Magnificent’
These tropical plants look great when grown outdoors in containers and boldly accent other container plants, including Pentas, Angelonia, and Lantana.
Crotons make dynamic landscape shrubs and are often grown as focal points or hedges in the garden.

They work well in borders, mass plantings, specimens, foundation plants, and color accents.
Croton Magnificent looks excellent as an indoor plant with its striking bright yellow-red, orange, and even black markings.
They energize and brighten up any room.