How To Grow And Care For Iceton Croton Plants
One of the most common and colorful types of houseplant is Croton (Codiaeum Variegatum), a member of the Euphorbiaceae family of plants originally from the western Pacific and tropical Asia.
One of the most common and colorful types of houseplant is Croton (Codiaeum Variegatum), a member of the Euphorbiaceae family of plants originally from the western Pacific and tropical Asia.
There are several popular houseplants that have stolen the names of unrelated genera. The most infamous of these is Epipremnum aureum (masquerading as pothos), but another infamous imposter is Codiaeum
Croton Zanzibar is a tropical plant native to the Western Pacific islands, Australia, Malaysia, and Indonesia. It is a member of the Codiaeum variegatum family, pronounced [co-dee-ay’-um var-i-e-ga’-tum]. Most people
Croton petra [KROH-tun, pet-RAH] is a broadleaved evergreen perennial from the family Euphorbiaceae. Petra has attractive and interesting leaves. It is one of several croton plant varieties available on the
Codiaeum Mammy (koh-dih-EE-um) is also known as Croton Mammy (KROH-tun). Other common names you may hear are: This broadleaf evergreen is a member of the family Euphorbiaceae (yoo-for-bee-AY-see-ee). Tropical croton plants are perennials, but
Croton Magnificent is a select variety of Codiaeum Variegatum [koh-dih-EE-um, var-ee-GAY-tum] an evergreen shrub belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. These tropical plants are native to Indonesia, Southeast Asia, as well
Gold Dust Crotons or Codiaeum variegatum [koh-dih-EE-u, koh-dih-EE-u] is a subtropical, evergreen shrub, naturally occurring in Indonesia, southern Asia, and Eastern Pacific Islands. A part of the Euphorbiaceae family, Croton plants are