When To Transplant Rose Of Sharon

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Rose of Sharon is a large and showy species of the popular garden genus Hibiscus. Plants thrive in various climate zones throughout the United States. 

It produces showy red, purple, or pink blooms throughout the summer. Once your plant grows too big for its pot – When do you transplant Rose Of Sharon to a larger pot or into the ground? Transplanting Rose of Sharon isn’t tricky if prepared for and carried out thoughtfully.

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How To Transplant Rose Of Sharon

Here are the following steps to do when transplanting your Rose hibiscus tree. 

Find A Good Location

These hibiscuses (Hibiscus syriacus) can tolerate a wide variety of soils, although it prefers slightly acidic soil. It will grow up to 10′ feet and be proportionately wide, so you should look for a spot in your garden that can accommodate its eventual size. 

The site should also get full sun every day for 6 hours. A place with more shade will result in the plant growing more leaves and fewer flowers. 

A spot with good air circulation will minimize humidity and enable your plant to resist fungal spots on its leaves. 

Fall is an excellent time to transplant after the growing season has ended.

Water Thoroughly

Thoroughly water your Rose of Sharon for two or three days before transplanting it.

This will prepare it to survive the stress of moving and loosening the soil around it, making it easier to dig up.

Dig A Hole

Dig a hole at least twice the size of the plant’s root system. The roots will extend to perhaps 9 to 12 times the diameter of the shrub’s trunk.

Prepare The Rose of Sharon For The Move

Use some garden twine and tie the plant in a more compact shape. This will help prevent any breakage or damage to the shrub as you move it to the new hole. 

To start digging the plant out, begin at about twice the diameter you estimate for the root ball.

So, if you think the root ball extends 2′ feet from the plant, start 4′ feet out. Then work your way in with your shovel, lifting as you proceed. 

The roots should become exposed as you lever the plant upwards. Continue digging until all the roots are lifted in a clump of soil under the bush.

Lift The Tree Out Of The Old Location

Use the shovel to lever the plant out of the old hole. Gather the woody stems and lift them out. 

One or two roots may refuse to come loose from the soil. As you remove the plant, these can safely be cut free with the spade. 

The bush may be very heavy, and it may be easier to carry the plant using a wheelbarrow or garden cart over to the new location.

Place The Rose of Sharon In The New Location

Place the in the hole, ensuring that the plant is at the same height as it was in the old spot. Add or subtract dirt from the hole as needed. 

Ensure the orientation of the plant is verticle and does not lean to one side. Fill the hole in, and compress the soil. 

Water the plant thoroughly, and compress the hole further with your spade to make certain that the plant is secure.

Watch For Signs Of Transplant Shock

If you move your Rose of Sharon during the growing season, it may suffer from transplant shock. Watch for any signs like yellow leaves or buds dropping and not blooming. 

Water it regularly if the plant suffers transplant shock and prune back about half of the branches. This will reduce the number of leaves and flowers the plant has to support. 

Remember, when you transplant a Rose Of Sharon it may take up to two years to fully establish its new home, but Rose of Sharon takes transplantation readily.

It will probably recover from giving many more years of bright and colorful foliage and flowers.