How to Care For Sansevieria Bantel’s Sensation

Potted plants of the upright growing Sansevieria Bantel's Sensation

The Sansevieria Bantel’s Sensation is one of several varieties of snake plants, a taller, stalkier breed of succulent. Hailing from the tropical regions of West Africa, Bantel’s Sensation has gorgeous

Starfish Sansevieria Care

Exotic green Starfish Sansevieria in a flowerpot.

The starfish plant aka sansevieria gets its name from its eye-catching fan-shaped light green foliage. The shape of this indoor star fish plant has thick, striped leaves extending in a fan

How To Grow And Care For Sansevieria Laurentii

Snake Plant Laurentii used for interior decoration

Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Laurentii’ (san-se-VEER-ee-uh try-fask-ee-AH-tuh law-REN-tee-eye) is the most often sold Sansevieria plant variety. The plants’ genus name, Sansevieria, honors the Spanish Prince Raimond de Sansgrio de Sanseviero. He was

Tips On Growing Sansevieria Golden Hahnii

Sansevieria Golden Hahnii up close

Sansevieria ‘golden hahnii’ (pronounced HAHN-ee-ey) is a Sansevieria trifasciata (san-se-VEER-ee-uh try-fask-ee-AH-tuh) sport famous for its buttery yellow leaves accented with green stripes. Golden hahnii snake plant was patented in 1941

Sansevieria Black Coral: Growing Black Coral Snake Plant

Sansevieria Black Coral

Sansevieria Black Coral is a variety of Sansevieria trifasciata [san-se-VEER-ee-uh, try-fask-ee-AH-tuh]. This plant is commonly called: Most of these common names come from tall, thick leaves featuring dark green with light green markings.