How And When To Cut Back Canna Lilies

cut back canna

They might not be true lilies, but the genus Canna is nearly indistinguishable to the untrained eye. These beautiful plants are an excellent substitute for traditional lilies and are resilient,

How Come My Canna Lily Will Not Flower?

Blooming Canna lilies - Contemporary Hotel Walt Disney World, Orlando Florida

Canna lilies are tender perennials in USD zones 7-10. Perhaps the single most frustrating aspect of having a garden is when orange flowers fail to bloom. In the case of

Canna Lily: Are Canna Lilies Toxic To Dogs

Blooming Canna Lilies

When pet owners hear the word “lily,” they may think of two things: beautiful and toxic. As with many popular home and garden plants, lilies tend to be highly toxic to

How To Store Canna Lily Bulbs

Potted Canna bulbs in bloom

Storing Canna bulbs involves a few simple steps: Dig the bulbs after the first frost in late fall if you live in a harsh winter region (typically USDA Hardiness Zones

How To Deadhead Cannas And Why You Should!

beautiful flowers of the canna lily at Disney World, Orlando Florida

Cannas (Canna spp.) are cherished for their vibrant flower color and lush foliage as they add a vibrant pop to garden beds and other landscapes.  The Canna lily (although they