How To Grow and Care For Calathea Veitchiana Plants
The Marantaceae family is often referred to as the prayer plant family for the many plants which famously fold their leaves in a prayer-like pose at night. Of these, the
The Marantaceae family is often referred to as the prayer plant family for the many plants which famously fold their leaves in a prayer-like pose at night. Of these, the
Before the Bangles graced us with their hit single, there was another eternal flame gracing homes all over the world: Calathea crocata (ka-LAY-thee-uh kro-KAY-tuh). The Eternal Flame plant earned its
Goeppertia rufibarba formerly known as Calathea rufibarba originates in the tropical Americas, hailing primarily from Amazon rainforests in Brazil, and is a member of the Prayer Plant (Marantaceae) family of
Prayer plants are commonly referred to by the genus Calathea (ka-LAY-thee-uh), although the scientific names frequently change. They consist of several dozen perennial species and almost 300 different cultivars. Among
The Calathea [kăl′ə-thē′ə] “Beauty Star” is a lovely herbaceous perennial flower aptly named due to its attractive foliage. You may hear Beauty Star referred to as: The Beauty Star, along
Calathea Musaica has slightly arching mid-green, glossy leaves with mosaic crisscross patterns rather than straight streaks a trademark feature of Calathea plants is their brightly striped leaves. This article shares growing and care info on Calathea musaica.
The leaves of Calathea Zebrina are deep velvet-green with broad parallel bars or stripes in a zebra-like pattern. The stripes extend alongside the veins and from the midvein to the leaf margins. Click on this article for details about Calathea zebrina growing and care.
Calathea warscewiczii (ka-LAY-thee-uh vark-zeh-wik-ZEE-eye) has been through quite the identity crisis compared to other popular houseplants. Going by the common name Calathea jungle velvet (or just jungle velvet), the plant
Calathea concinna “Freddie comes Brazil. The leaves are elongated and glossy with a light green color. The zebra stripe pattern on the leaf make Freddie and attractive plant for the home. [CARE INFO]
Calathea (syn. Goeppertia) comes from the family Marantaceae (Maranta). Depending on the variety, may sport stripes and other markings in shades of green, maroon, purple, and/or cream.
Calathea orbifolia (ka-LAY-thee-uh or-bee-FOH-lee-uh) is also known as Prayer Plant and is one of the prettiest of the Calathea plant family. Calatheas are members of the Marantaceae or arrowroot family
Calathea Medallion is an indoor foliage plant originating from the New World tropics. Medallion belongs to the Marantaceae family, also called the prayer plant family. Calathea Medallion is a perennial,
The Rattlesnake Plant Calathea Lancifolia is also known as Calathea or Goeppertia insignis. This beautiful plant has a striking appearance. The rattlesnake stands out when placed among a variety of
Pinstripe plant, Calathea ornata (ka-LAY-thee-uh or-NAH-tuh) is a member of the Marantaceae or arrowroot family. Plants in this family are also known as prayer plants like the Rabbit Tracks plant
Known as the peacock plant – Calathea makoyana [kal-luhth-EE-uh, mack-oy-AY-nuh] are attractive, colorful foliage plants hailing from Africa, Central America, South America, and the West Indies. There are more than
Calathea Roseopicta (ka-LAY-thee-uh ro-see-oh-PIK-tuh) is the old name for a very attractive, large-leaved perennial member of the Marantaceae family of plants hailing from northwestern Brazil. The plant gets its common