Cigar Plant Care: Tips For Growing Cuphea Ignea Flowers
The cigar plant, Cuphea ignea [KYOO-fee-uh IG-nee-uh] is a low-growing tender perennial shrub native to Mexico and parts of the West Indies. Cigar plants belong to the Lythraceae family, which
The cigar plant, Cuphea ignea [KYOO-fee-uh IG-nee-uh] is a low-growing tender perennial shrub native to Mexico and parts of the West Indies. Cigar plants belong to the Lythraceae family, which
Mexican Heather – Cuphea hyssopifolia [KYOO-fee-uh, hiss-sop-ih-FOH-lee-uh] is a small shrub belonging to the Lythraceae family and Cuphea genus. It’s native to Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala. Cuphea hyssopifolia has several common
One of the most unusual members of the Lythraceae family, Cuphea llavea (KYOO-fee-uh LAH-vay-uh) is known as the vampire’s favorite flower. It gets its common name of bat faced cuphea