Sedum clavatum [SEE-dum, KLAV-ah-tum] is an attractive succulent perennial hailing from Mexico and a member of the Crassulaceae family.
Sedum, in general, is commonly called stonecrop because they need a little more care than stones.

It’s also known by the common name Tiscalatengo Gorge Sedum.
Sedum Clavatum Care
Size & Growth
Sedum clavatum grows to be 4” inches tall. The plant grows as a groundcover and forms solid mats with blue-green or pale green leaves.
The leaf tips become edged in pink or red when stressed by excessively low or high temperatures.
Stonecrops’ stems are stout, and leaves grow in a rosette fashion.
Rosettes may be up to 2” inches wide, and the plant grows to be about 4” inches high.
White flowers are small and compact and star-shaped.
The blooming season is from mid-spring to early summer.
Light & Temperature
This hardy succulent prefers partial shade to full sun.
It is not a good candidate for growing indoors because this species of sedum needs a minimum of six hours of sunlight daily.
Sedum clavatum is not cold hardy but grows outdoors year-round in USDA hardiness zone 10a.
In cooler climates, sedum may go dormant during cold weather and then rally in mid-spring.
Watering & Feeding
Water clavatum deeply and seldom.
Be sure to soak the ground completely and then allow it to dry out completely in between waterings.
Sedum’s active growth period is during the cooler months.
Fertilize in the autumn and again in the spring.
Do not fertilize in the summer.
Use a fertilizer specially formulated for succulents or cactus and follow packaging instructions closely.
Soil & Transplanting
As with all cactus and succulents, well-draining, airy soil is best for sedum. A commercial cactus or succulent mix will work fine.
Alternately, combine standard potting soil and coarse sand 50/50 for container plants.
In the garden, amend the soil with sand or fine gravel.
A good rule for transplanting succulents or repotting is to transplant when the roots and soil are dry.
Transplant into dry soil and allow a few days for the plant to settle before watering.
Grooming & Maintenance
Trim away any damaged or withered leaves as they occur.
Cut back flower stalks after flowering is complete.
Separate offshoots as needed to maintain the plant’s shape.
How To Propagate Sedum Clavatum
It’s easy to propagate sedum, simply lay cuttings or leaves from the plant on the soil, and they will send out roots and establish themselves.
Putting a thin layer of soil over cuttings or pressing leaves into the soil slightly helps.
For tall varieties of sedum, propagate by breaking off the stem and pushing the stem into the ground.
It will quickly and enthusiastically take root. If you do not have access to a parent plant, order seeds online.
If propagating from leaves or cuttings, be sure to allow the leaf or cutting to sit in the open air for a day or two to form a callous.
This will prevent mold growth problems.
If propagating from seed, sow the seed in a cactus mix or other well-draining soil in the autumn.
Seeds may be grown outdoors if you live in a very warm area, such as USDA hardiness zone 9a and above.
In cooler areas, you must sow the seed indoors and use a grow light.
Sedum Clavatum Pest or Diseases
These plants are called stonecrop because they are tough and rugged.
They succumb to very few diseases or pest problems as long as they receive ample sun and the right amount of water.
Overwatering will naturally cause problems with fungal infection.
Weakened plants are susceptible to infestation by succulent aphids and scale insects.
Is the plant toxic or poisonous?
All sedum are non-toxic.
Is the plant invasive?
Under ideal conditions, sedum of all sorts spread enthusiastically, but they are not considered invasive.
If your sedum does reproduce more than you would like, simply lift a bunch and place it elsewhere.
The roots are very shallow.
Suggested Tiscalatengo Gorge Sedum Uses
Sedum clavatum is easy to care for and thrives in less than hospitable conditions.
They are great outdoor succulents for areas of your yard getting lots of sun and little water.
In addition to being a good ground cover plant, clavatum does well as a succulent hanging basket plant.
Its rambling, trailing growth habit causes the younger stems to tumble attractively over the sides.
Likewise, it is a good addition to rock gardens.