Your Mandevilla plant, aka ‘rock trumpet,’ puts on a flower show in the spring and summer. These vines are native to Central and South America.
Mandevilla features dark-green leaves, vibrant white, pink, or red trumpet-shaped flowers. They provide eye-catching color throughout the warmer months.

But what is the deal on how to winterize Mandevilla and Mandevilla plant care in winter? How do you overwinter mandevilla to enjoy the flowers again next spring or late spring?
Great question. Read on for the answers.
- How To Get Your Mandevilla Vine Ready For Winter
- Getting Mandevilla Ready For Spring
- Feeding and Watering: Mandevilla Vine Care in Winter
- Dealing with Pests and Diseases: The Winter Challenge
- Reacclimatizing Mandevilla Vine And Shaping Healthy Growth
- Wrapping Up Winter Care of Mandevilla
- Mandevilla Overwintering FAQs
How To Get Your Mandevilla Vine Ready For Winter
Your Mandevilla’s flower production will slow down as the cold weather arrives. It’s time to ask:
Will Mandevilla Survive Winter Outside?
Yes, Mandevilla will survive winter outside in warmer climates. If you overwinter your Mandevilla outdoors, protect it enough to let it go dormant.

The first step to a thriving Mandevilla next season is understanding how to prune these tropical plants as winter approaches. Start by reducing the Mandevilla plant’s size.
- Prune your plant carefully.
- Check for pests such as mealybugs.
- Bring it inside before the first frost hits
Mandevilla plants bounce back well from strong pruning. When you reduce its size, handling the plant indoors during winter is easier. A complete pest inspection helps keep unwanted bugs out of your home.
Do you keep your Mandevilla vine in a pot indoors over winter? If so, give it one final feed with liquid fertilizer before moving the plant indoors. Allow your Mandevilla plant to stay outdoors as long as possible.
NOTE: Winterizing Mandevilla involves pruning or pinching your plant. You will encounter milky sap (like a Poinsettia) that can irritate your skin and is toxic to ingest. It’s a good idea to wear gloves while pruning and wash your hands afterward.
What Temperature Can Mandevilla Tolerate?
Dipladenia winter care and Mandevilla care in winter are similar. Be cautious of their cold temperature tolerance.
Both should tolerate night temperatures in the high 40s degrees Fahrenheit.
Mandevilla Checklist: Prepping Your Plant for Winter Indoors

- Prune your Mandevilla plant around the end of September, weather permitting, to prepare it for winter.
- You’ll want to cut it back to make it easy to bring in and easy to live with over the winter months.
- The pruning can be dramatic but don’t feel alarmed. Mandevilla is very tolerant of aggressive pruning.
- You can cut back to within a few inches of the soil and still have incredible growth when spring arrives.
- As you prepare your plant for winter indoors, examine it carefully for pests or signs of disease. Take appropriate steps to address any problems.
- Spray off the remaining stems with a sharp spray of water to dislodge any insects.
- This will knock pests off the leaves. It will also help to keep the foliage dust-free. Scale, whiteflies, aphids, and red spider mites are often attracted to new-growing shoots. We recommend also spraying the plant thoroughly with Neem Oil, including a Neem drench.
- Your plant will not grow much during the winter months. Don’t overdo the pruning if you want to enjoy it as a houseplant.
- Trim the plant back to the size you want; it will probably stay that way throughout winter.
- When you move your Mandevilla plant indoors, it might start to grow some extra leaves or stems. If this happens, pinch back the tips as needed.
Related: Aphids on Mandevilla – Are you finding aphids on your Mandevilla? Learn how to get rid of them.
How To Trim a Mandevilla – Video
Overwinter Care Of Mandevilla Vines
Can A Mandevilla Grow Indoors? The answer is, Yes. The Mandevilla can overwinter indoors, in the garage, or in the basement. Anywhere there is lots of bright indirect sunlight. A window facing east or west is ideal.
Keep your plant away from drafts that may shock it. Leaving this tropical vine outside during the cold months of winter will kill it.
Those overwintering Mandevilla indoors, pay close attention to light and humidity.
As a houseplant, your Mandevilla or Dipladenia bush will be comfortable at average home temperatures in the 60s and 70s. But be cautious.
Higher temperatures may cause the plant to dry out. Humidity is important for indoor Mandevilla. Using a humidifier during drier months or maintaining the plant in a cooler area of your home may help.

In the winter, your Mandevilla plant will grow slowly. This is normal. Your goal is to keep your plant alive. It’s unlikely your Mandevilla will bloom when it’s inside during winter. Yet, it’s still growing.
Getting Mandevilla Ready For Spring
Come February; it’s time to inspect your Mandevilla plants. Check them for signs of disease or distress. Prune any crowded, dead, or unhealthy limbs where necessary.
It is also a good time to repot or transplant to a slightly larger pot with fresh potting mix. Read this article to learn about repotting desert rose.
As spring gets closer, allow your plants to spend some time outside during calm, warm, sunny days. But bring them back inside during the night or if it gets chilly.

Because Mandevilla are tropical plants, like tropical hibiscus, they can’t stand freezing temperatures. You can keep them outside in spring and summer when the weather is warm, and there’s no more risk of frost.
Begin watering and fertilizing for growth. The plants should perk right up and start growing again.
- Give your Mandevilla careful preparation in the fall
- Provide the right balance of light and humidity in the winter
- Balance thoughtful spring reintroduction
You will soon relish the vibrant blossoms of your Mandevilla vine playing host to multitudes of hummingbirds.
TIP: If your Mandevilla vine adds some new growth during the winter, this will probably die back. Don’t be alarmed! This is normal. The plant will soon be putting out lots of healthy new shoots.
How To Transplant Mandevillas for Winter – Video
Feeding and Watering: Mandevilla Vine Care in Winter
Mandevilla plants going through winter indoors don’t need extra water or feeding. Water them sparingly – keep the soil lightly damp. Too much water can lead to root rot or other damaging diseases.
Remember your Mandevilla is in a dormant state during winter. It requires less nourishment and does not need fertilizer.
Once your Mandevilla starts to grow again in the spring, you can start fertilizing. This will help it grow lots of full and bright flowers.
NOTE: Keep Mandevilla well-fertilized to stimulate growth during the short summers. Using wire or string, train plants to climb up pillars or a deck trellis.
Dealing with Pests and Diseases: The Winter Challenge
Caring for Mandevilla indoors over winter might invite pests—mostly red spider mites. Inspect the plant frequently for any signs of mites or other pests.
If you find pests, use an insecticide soap or neem oil spray to get rid of them. This will help make sure the bugs aren’t established on your plant.
Reacclimatizing Mandevilla Vine And Shaping Healthy Growth
When the risk of frost is gone, and spring is coming, slowly move your Mandevilla plant outside.

At first, leave it outside only for a few hours each day. Gradually, let it stay outside longer. This way, your plant can get acclimated to outside conditions without getting a shock.
During this acclimation phase, the key is reacquainting your vine morning, afternoon, and full sun. Start with shaded spots. Slowly introduce the plant to more direct sunlight to avoid sunburn.
Wrapping Up Winter Care of Mandevilla
Wintering a Mandevilla and getting it ready for spring might seem hard. It needs some planning, careful indoor care, and slow adjustment to spring weather.

Though it might be a lot of work, it’s worth it. Each year, your bright and beautiful Mandevilla plant will bloom again. It will put on a flower show, amazing everyone who sees it with its tropical beauty.
Mandevilla Overwintering FAQs
Can A Mandevilla Plant Live Indoors Year-Round?
The Mandevilla vine can live and grow indoors. I have read of Mandevilla being one of the better “indoor vines,” and it could do well in a sunroom with lots of light or a very bright windowsill.
However, the plant may vine as a house plant, but I would not expect lots of trumpet-shaped flowers.
Do Mandevilla Come Back Every Year?
Mandevillas can come back every year if cared for properly. This “care” involves pruning correctly, location, watering, and temperature exposure during the cold season.
Proper winter care enables the plant to thrive and bloom again in the following year.
Where Can Leave My Mandevilla Outside During The Winter?
Caring for a Mandevilla outside in winter can be a challenge. Remember, you don’t want the plant to grow too much, so don’t feed it.
Keep it safe and let the soil dry out. When the soil in the pot feels dry, give it a little bit of water.
These vines grow best in a spot with good morning sun but sheltered from the harsh afternoon sun. Protect the plant from the scalding afternoon sun in hot climates to prevent leaf scorch.