How To Care For Graptoveria Succulents

Graptoveria [grap-to-ver-iya] belongs to the family of succulents and is a hybrid of a succulent Echeveria and a Graptopetalum plant

These showy Echeveria type plants are characterized by bright, wide, offset flowers and are a favorite among plant collectors and home gardeners. Tips on Echeveria care.

versatile Graptoveria succulent plantPin

They are quite similar to graptosedum (the word sedum refers to its orange flowers), another type of succulent.

The graptoveria succulent has a few different types and their common names include:

  • Graptoveria Fred Ives
  • Graptoveria Debbie- may be obtained from Mountain Crest Gardens
  • Fanfare
  • Moonglow
  • Graptoveria Olivia
  • x graptoveria
  • Graptoveria opalina
  • Graptoveria amethorum
  • Graptoveria bashful (the name is based on the fact its flowers grow very close to the soil)

Graptoveria Succulent Care

Size & Growth

Graptoveria grows in the form of rosettes like its Graptopetalum parent and generally become 6″ – 8″ inches wide. 

Some types may also reach a width of 10″ inches at full bloom.

Flowering and Fragrance

Graptoveria has bright, vivid flower colors due to the fact they are exposed to lower temperatures indoors and don’t receive too much water. 

In some cases, the color may intensify under summer sunlight. 

For instance, the Debbi flowers are a frosty pink and become even pinker if kept under the sun without any water. 

Graptoveria flowers grow in the form of compact rosettes and may have different hues such as blue-green, pink, yellow flowers, etc.

The flowers are generally yellow with a pink flush and are star-shaped. 

The leaves are an olive-green shade with a bronze sheen.

Light & Temperature

Although graptoveria thrives when placed under the full sun, it will also grow and survive in partial sunlight. 

Exposing the plant to the morning sun of an east window is the best way to bring out its color. 

During the afternoon, provide some shade to the succulent. 

If you live in an extremely hot climate, it is ideal to provide shade to the plant since direct bright light is too much for the graptoveria.

Graptoveria will also not do well with frost. 

If temperatures are dropping too much, keep the plant indoors and set up a light system for the plant.

Graptoveria grows best in a hardiness zone between 9-11.

Watering and Feeding

The soil for growing graptoveria needs to be well-drained and the plants must not be watered too frequently. 

In fact, they are drought tolerant and can survive with little water.  

Overwatering can cause the roots to rot or spread infection. 

The best way to tell when your succulent is in need of water is to push your finger into the soil – if it feels dry several inches deep, it’s time to water it. 

If the green leaves of the graptoveria appear shriveled, water the plant.

Soil & Transplanting

These container-bound plants grow best in peat, sand or grit with maybe a little bit of compost in the mix. 

They may also be grown in outdoor, rock gardens. 

If you wish to replant your graptoveria, simply cut off the tops or ends of mature stems and after a few days, plant them in pots of well-drained soil. 

You may need to do this every three years or if the succulents are growing out of their container and need to be repotted.

Grooming and Maintenance

Graptoveria is a pretty low maintenance plant in the garden and grows quite slowly. 

However, over time, it will start growing and you will need to prune it to make your arrangement look good again. 

Some leaves may die and fall – while this is natural, it is ideal to frequently clean out the dead leaves and debris to ensure the healthy growth of the graptoveria.

How To Propagate Graptoveria

Graptoveria is quite easy to propagate – you may do this with the plant’s seeds, cuttings or offsets. 

Even a fallen rosette has the potential to stick to the soil, sprout roots and start growing. 

A fallen leaf will do the same thing. 

As the new plant begins developing roots, it will feed off the leaf of the existing plant until it may thrive on its own.

Graptoveria Pest or Disease Problems

Like other succulents, graptoveria might get infected by mealy bugs and other small insects. 

If mealy bugs are the problem, your plant is savable – clear out the pot and wash it thoroughly. 

Replace the soil completely and rinse the succulent. 

Rub some alcohol on the succulent to kill off the infection and then repot the graptoveria.

Is This Plant Toxic Or Poisonous?

While some succulents are toxic for your pets, the graptoveria is non-toxic. 

Even so, it is important to avoid situations where a child or a pet in the house may accidentally swallow some part of the plant.

Suggested Graptoveria Succulent Uses

Apart from adding a little color to your life, graptoveria grown in your home may have some other benefits as well:

  • It can clean the air in your home
  • It increases the amount of oxygen
  • It adds moisture to the environment and indirectly protects you from minor ailments such as colds, sore throats, etc.

The graptoveria is a beautiful succulent which may survive extreme sun exposure and brightens up your home.