Gloriosa Lily Care: Growing Gloriosa Rothschildiana

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The Gloriosa rothschildiana, a member of the lily family comes from East Africa and Asia.

It’s the most popular Gloriosa lily and more correctly named Gloriosa superba ‘Rothschildiana’ – orange and yellow with beautiful summer flowers.

gloriosa flower up closePin

Other common names of the lily Gloriosa include:

  • Flame lily
  • Fire lily plant
  • Glory lily
  • Superba lily
  • Climbing lily vine
  • Creeping lily

Apart from tropical Africa, other exciting species of Gloriosa superba lilies come from tropical parts of Asia. In addition, a number of hybrid Gloriosas have been raised in recent years.

Also, some of them were naturalized in Australia and the Pacific region. Some notable places where these bulbous plants can be found include Queensland, New South Wales, Coff Harbour, and Lord Howe Island.

This “fragile grower” with exotic-colored flowers, and narrow, waxy-edged petals is a climber needing a trellis or some type of wire or support for the tendrils to cling to.

Gloriosa Lily At A Glance

Size and Growth Rate: Frail, tender climber, yard-long stems requiring a trellis or support to attach and cling to. Grows well in USDA hardiness zones 10 and 11.

Gloriosa Flowering and Fragrance: The plant earns the name Gloriosa when it begins blooming with 3″ to 4″ inch flowers having no real fragrance and a bloom time of approximately 2 to 3 months after planting a mature bulb.

A striking red and yellow flower with long stamens set against a green leafy backdropPin
Photo Credit: Instagram @sstolte

Light and Temperature: Glory lilies require full sun and warm temperatures but appreciate partial shade from hot mid-day sun. Keep night temperatures above 65° degrees Fahrenheit. Plants thrive with increased humidity around them.

Soil and Transplanting: A light, African Violet-type, well-drained soil works well, or make your own with a mix of 3 parts peat moss, 1 part sand, and 1 part perlite.

Pruning and Grooming: Generally, Gloriosa Lily requires little pruning or grooming as they are pretty “clean” plants. Do not be afraid to cut off flowers for use indoors, as the blooms hold up well after cutting.

Propagation: Small tubers form from the main tuber and can mature with proper care in about a year. Plants respond well to warm temperatures, good water and moisture, and ample feeding during the growing season. They can also be grown from seeds.

Winter can, at times, be a challenge, as tubers can dehydrate during the winter dormancy.

botanical drawing of gloriosa lily superbaPin

Growing And Care Of Gloriosa Lily In Pots

In growing the lily Gloriosa, start off right with what would be considered a plump #1 tuber (about 4″ inches long or more).

Read this article to learn the 2 reasons why Tim’s Gloriosa lily would not flower, and now it does.

February to May

Plant the large tuber about 4″ inches deep, horizontally in a rich, well-draining soil.

Before planting, make sure the soil is moist. When planting, getting the trellis or future support is good.

This will mean the plant’s roots and tender growth will not be disturbed later on.

Keep soil evenly moist, with temperatures above 65° Fahrenheit, but at a constant temperature when starting the tubers.

Be Bold! In a larger pot, plant multiple Gloriosa Lily tubers for an exotic-looking display.

May to August

As the Gloriosa superba Lily grows in full sun, gently water the lily. Using a “water breaker” will shower the soil gently so as not to disturb the small, tiny feeder roots.

On bright days, some recommend misting the plant, which would be more apt to be done in a sun room, for example. If you mist, do not spray the blooms, which may cause water spots.

Close-up of a pink and yellow ruffled flower with extended green stigma and orange anthersPin
Photo Credit: Instagram @feathersnfleurs

If growing in strong, full sun, provide shade during the hottest parts of the day.

Provide good humidity for best-growing results.

August to February

When flowers stop, slowly reduce watering.

After the top has withered, cut and remove it and prep the tuber for winter storage.

Examine the tuber for new “child bulbs” and remove the new tuber to expand your collection.

Store new tubers separately (sand or vermiculite is excellent)from “mother” bulbs. The new smaller bulbs will need a little extra moisture during the winter months.

It is important to keep the temperature between 50°-60° degrees Fahrenheit.

In general – No water unless the tubers begin to shrivel and dampen the sand slightly. Too much water can cause rot.

Growing In The Ground

Get a plump fire lily “bulb” or tuber, 4″ to 5″ inches long. Order early, as Gloriosa Lilies sell out quickly.

The tubers should be sprouted slightly for quick growth and emergence from the ground.

Close-up of a red and yellow Gloriosa lily with distinctive wavy petals and protruding stamens.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @rogerfpease

By purchasing the tubers of Gloriosa lilies (the larger ones) in the spring and holding them in a moderately cool and dry area, it should be possible to keep them in good condition until May or June each year.

If quick and vigorous growth can be obtained during the warm weeks of summer, it will be possible to have the fire lily bulb bloom in eight to ten weeks after planting, sometimes even sooner.

When the ground is warm and the weather sunny in early summer, plant the tubers in a sunny location, preferably in a raised bed a few inches high of loamy, sandy, fertile soil.

Lay the tubers flat in a furrow as if they were sweet peas, using only a little commercial garden fertilizer worked into the furrow before planting. Cover about three inches deep after planting with the sprout pointing up.

The tuberous roots spring from the underside of the sprouted tip, and the new tuber forms in front of the old tuber as the plant matures.

The Gloriosa lily should have wire, stake, trellis, or string to climb, which it does by curious tendrils at the tips of the leaves.

Vibrant red and yellow Glory Lily flowers in bloom with green leavesPin
Photo Credit: Instagram @reptans61

The stem will grow four to six or eight feet tall, depending on sunlight, watering, fertility of the soil, and strength of the tuber.

Medium to large-size tubers will produce 2 – 20 or more flowers in a season, depending on many factors. After planting, the sprout will appear above ground in a few days.

The location should be protected from high wind, hard rains, and the hottest sun. Part shade, up to 50 percent, is satisfactory. The blooms have longer stems under shade, and the flowers are larger.

Gloriosa Lilies Pests and Problems

One of the biggest problems of gloriosa lilies is the dehydration of the tubers. This is often caused during the winter months when tubers stay too warm. The other problem can be rot when tubers stay too damp. Check the tuber occasionally for any possible shriveling.

Dry, pale leaves usually mean too much sun (usually mid-day sun). Try moving the plant to an area where it will get some shading during the hot mid-day sun.

Curling leaves, check for insects – red spider mites on the undersides of leaves.

Plant growth seems stunted – possibly a virus; discard the plant.

Slimy spots under leaves are a gift of the lily beetle. Looks like a ladybug – black underneath and bright red on top. The best control is to hunt, pick, and step on them!

gloriosa flower arrangementPin
Lily Glory flower arrangement

Unusual Cut Flowers

The exotic, bright-colored flower of the Gloriosa lily plant is long-lasting, and in some parts of the world, the “glory Lily” is grown as a cut flower.

Just a few flowers can make for a stunning and unusual arrangement.