Ficus Benjamina Tree – Weeping Fig

The House Plant Homeowners Tree: Ficus Plant Care

The Ficus benjamina, commonly known as the Benjamins fig, fig ficus, weeping figs, or benjamin figs, is the houseplant most people think of when mentioning a tree grown indoors. It’s a flowering plant from family Moraceae, originating from Southeast Asia and Australia.

A variegated ficus benjamina and the common green weeping figPin

This floor plant adds a tropical natural beauty to the home with its shiny leaves and attractive trunk.

Over the years, the benjamina Ficus has received the reputation as being difficult in both care and growing plus other problems.

Usually these “Ficus problems” come from not giving the benjamin fig plant enough light and overwatering.


As with many things today which continue to improve, the humble benjamina continues to change the indoor landscape with some new additions to the Ficus family. The “weeping fig tree” as it is commonly known has some new members.

These new benjamina ficus species or cultivars look very similar but make Ficus care easier. These new Benjamina varieties can be found in a wide array of forms:

  • Bush
  • Tree
  • Braids
  • Twist
  • Topiary
  • Spirals
  • Bonsai Tree

Other “Looks” of the Weeping Fig Tree Benjamina

ficus benjamina spirialsPin
Benjamina Midnight Spirials
ficus benjamina acclimatedPin
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Ficus Midnight Grown in Arch Form
ficus benjamina braid in net potsPin

Ficus Braids in “Net Pots” for Growing On

When braiding young Ficus plants, 3 to 4 trunks are tied together and fuse as they mature to the point that they will turn into a single trunk. The young and flexible Ficus branch to be used for braiding is pruned first to get rid of side branches.

Here’s a quick rundown of the new benjamina Ficus Cultivars and their Descriptions

Ficus ‘Wintergreen’

Ficus ‘Wintergreen’ is probably the first of the new breed of Ficus trees. Benjamina the old Ficus stand-by reacts to fluctuations in temperatures by dropping leaves.

More on Ficus Leaves Falling Off

“Wintergreen” provides the benefit of handling these temperature extremes better with less leaf loss and this cultivar features a darker colored growth on the new leaves.

Ficus Monique


Ficus Monique is one of the more popular new weeping fig varieties with the same upright, bushy growth pattern of the benjamina but with elliptical shiny bright green leaves and ruffled edges. The ruffled edges become more pronounced in lower light levels.

One outstanding feature of Ficus “Monique” is its ability to resistance to dropping leaves. Many interior plantscapers specify “Monique” simply because of its resisting leaf drop in a variety of growing conditions.

Homeowners should consider ‘Monique’ as a first benjamina choice.

Ficus Monique grown as a “standard.” This image comes from the Collection of “cut out” images used by interiorscapers for design. The collection contains other Ficus Trees like Ficus Alii, Benjamina and more in a variety of sizes.

Over the last few years many people prefer more than a standard but like the unique look of a Ficus braid. A braid is created when 3 or 4 individual trees – usually airlayers – have been braided together (braided ficus trees) and planted on one pot.

Ficus Midnight

Ficus ‘Midnight’ as the name suggests has extremely dark, almost bluish to black glossy leaves. Its upright growth pattern make it a good choice in narrow spaces. Although upright “Midnight” still maintains a compact, bushy habit.

The plant does very well as a houseplant even in low light areas. As with most Ficus the more light the better.

The compact habit of “Midnight” may show some initial interior leaf drop in its final acclimation phase. However, new leaves will continue to grow and replace the shedding leaves.

There are three improved benjamina varieties to consider as a tree in your home. Remember, Ficus trees want as much light as possible and the leaves do accumulate dust. As regular plant care maintenance wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust.

Bonsai Benjamina

Indoor bonsai which originated from China and Japan, serves as a great ornamental plant. Its rounded canopy and sagging branches making it possible for bonsai.

With proper Ficus benjamina care, your bonsai plant will flourish and shine through the years. Keep the indoor plants in bright light. During summer and spring, it’s best to protect them from direct sunlight.

Provide enough water to your ficus bonsai tree. A well-drained soil always works best to help keep the potting soil moist and the roots healthy. Overwatering may lead to root rot.

Pruning ficus benjamina bonsai is essential to maintain its appearance. Assess each tree’s development and apply the appropriate amount of pinching and cutting.

Ficus, Dracaenas, and Palms are your best tall indoor plant options – Details.

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