Succulents are a unique group of moisture-storing plants. They are hardy plants requiring little maintenance to stay beautiful no matter their environment.
None of this means they’re invincible, though. Owners should be aware of care needs, including if you can fertilize succulents with fish emulsion.

Quick Facts
- Succulents have fleshy, thick leaves and stems.
- They adapt well to low humidity environments, making succulents ideal for indoor living.
- Like cacti, of which many species are succulent, succulent plants grow best in well-drained sandy potting.
- They require modest watering.
- According to NASA, succulents can purify the air, removing harmful toxins.
Succulents come in all types of colors, textures, sizes, and shapes. Out of its more than 100 varieties, you’ll find a plant that fits any preference or style.
They’re perfect as a standalone on your dining room table or as highlights in your garden.
Best Fertilizer For Succulents
You’ll find your succulents are pretty darn independent, but feeding them manages the plant’s health. Here are a few tips for providing the best fertilizer to your succulents.
Due to their self-sufficiency, some choose not to worry about fertilizing their succulents. Some gardeners are known to feed their succulents once or twice a year based on the season.
Some fertilize once a month. Use your judgment based on researching your species of plant.
For Blooming
Succulents can bloom at varying times of the year, depending on the plant type and its environmental conditions. During these times, you need a special type of fertilizer.
Earth Premium Gold Pure & Natural Fertilizer
For blooming, Dr. Earth’s Premium Gold Pure & Natural Fertilizer has nitrogen for a good feed. Nitrogen will strengthen the leaves, and potassium helps fight disease.
Its ingredients also include phosphorus and potassium. Take care when handling this heavily concentrated blend, and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines.
Grow Better
It’s OMRI listed, and a single application can last up to eight weeks. Use one teaspoon for every two inches of container diameter. Apply a top dress or mix it lightly on top of the soil.
For Flowering
Overall, flowering succulents don’t require special treatment. A healthy plant generally gets all the nutrients and sunlight it needs. But some gardeners choose to give their plants a boost during flowering.
Miracle-Gro Succulent Fertilizer
This Miracle-Gro plant food is good for jade, cacti, aloe, and other succulents. This liquid fertilizer can be mixed with water or applied as a soil drench and feeds instantly. It does require a twice-a-month feeding. This fertilizer has been lauded by consumers looking at unhealthy succulents.
Fish Emulsion & Your Succulents
Another great fertilizer option is a fish emulsion for succulents. Fish fertilizer contains decomposed finely ground fish.
The compound comprises five percent nitrogen and trace elements that improve microbes in the soil while killing microorganisms.
How Does Fish Fertilizer Help Succulents?
Professional gardeners tend to love fish emulsion. The application ensures plants will be more healthy, larger, and more robust. Plants will be vibrant and bloom longer.
Liquid fish fertilizers can also promote higher crop yields, especially in cooler climates. Generally, standard fertilizer breaks down slowly in cool months. Organic fertilizers like fish emulsion, on the other hand, fertilize at steady rates year-round.
How to Use Fish Emulsion on Succulents
Fish emulsion isn’t to be taken lightly. It’s strong and, if not managed properly, can be harmful to potted plants. Because of the potency, you need to dilute your product.
The mixture should be around a half-ounce emulsion to a single gallon of water. As the emulsion is rapid, you want to use it once mixed. DO NOT overfertilize your succulents. A light feeding once per month should be more than enough.
Many swear by homemade fish emulsion for succulents, which are rich in natural elements. The only drawback is the solution is derived from fresh, non-processed fish.
The smell will linger for a day or two, if not longer. It’s excellent for use with your outdoor succulents, but indoors, it could create an offensive odor.
Next Steps for Healthier Succulents
The fish emulsion may not be necessary for your succulents, but it does have countless benefits for your plant’s health. Finding the right nutrient blend for your succulent’s life stage or season is smart.
But it’s also crucial to follow the directions for whichever fish emulsion fertilizer you choose. With those tips in mind, you can start using fish emulsion to grow healthier and happier succulents.