Echeveria Laui [Ech-eh-VER-ee-a, LAU-eye] is a succulent Echeveria plant from the family Crassulaceae.
This slow-growing type of succulent Echeveria is native to Mexico and is popularly used as a decorative plant because of its unique pink color.

There aren’t any common names for Echeveria Laui and it has been hybridized extensively.
In addition to its main species, there is a wide range of varieties which have been bred specially for their distinctive leaf color and form.
Echeveria Laui Care
Size & Growth
The succulent Echeveria laui is typically unbranched and has powdery blue-grey-white leaves.
It reaches a height of about 6” inches, but this takes plenty of years.
Its rosettes grow about 5” inches in diameter.
Flowering and Fragrance
The Echeveria laui plant is polycarpic, which means it flowers a few times during a year, but flowering takes most of the energy of this plant.
Therefore, it is best to cut the flower stalks from the weak or sick plants until they get stronger.
The flower blooms on short stalks, which appear from the succulent’s fleshy compact rosettes.
The flowers have a pink-orange shade.
Light Levels & Temperature
Echeveria Laui prefers full sun, which means it is best to place it on a sunny window when growing indoors.
Make sure it avoids the harsh summer sun and sunlight changes as it may stress out the plant.
When moving Echeveria laui outdoors during the spring season, ensure the duration is gradually increased to full sunshine.
In some regions, the intense afternoon sun gets too strong for the plant, leading to sunburn.
Since this plant keeps its leaves for a prolonged duration, the burned leaves won’t heal.
In case of a severe burn, it is best to cut off the plant’s head and wait for new growth.
During the winter season, place the plant inside near the brightest window, ideally a south-facing window.
This plant prefers temperatures between 65° – 70° degrees Fahrenheit (18° – 21° C) during summers and around 50° degrees Fahrenheit (10° C) during the winter season.
USDA hardiness zone 6 – 9.
Watering and Feeding
Whether the plant is placed outdoors or indoors on a windowsill, it doesn’t like getting too wet.
But, it shouldn’t be kept too dry either.
Succulent plants usually prefer to get more amount of water than usual, which is why water Echeveria plants regularly in the spring and summer seasons, ensuring there is sufficient drainage.
- Water the plant once a month during the winter season.
- While watering, target the soil instead of the rosette.
- Water the plant till it is properly drained, then repeat this a few more times.
Avoid watering Echeveria laui again until the soil starts drying out. Avoid keeping this plant soaking wet at all times.
Feed Echeveria Laui with controlled-release fertilizer at the start of the growing season or opt for a weak liquid fertilizer to feed weekly.
Use 20-20-20 balanced fertilizer for mature plants, but for young plants, use a fertilizer with a reduced amount of nitrogen.

Soil & Transplanting
This sedum prefers quick draining soil, as it helps to prevent the root rotting.
Give this plant a high-quality soil for succulents or potting mix for optimal growth.
When adding sand to the mixture, ensure it is coarse-grained as fin sand would clog the soil’s air pockets.
The ideal pH level of the soil is 6.0. For continued healthy growth, this plant requires repotting after a few years.
It is best to do this in the warm season. Before repotting this plant, ensure the soil is dry.
Grooming and Maintenance Your Laui Succulent
Echevarias is not very fussy and only requires basic maintenance.
Avoid letting this plant sit in too much water for a prolonged duration as this may result in fungal diseases or root rotting.
All the dead succulent leaves must be removed from the plant to help it grow.
Dead leaves give pests a chance to grow and feast on the plant.
The main problem for this plant is poor watering habits.
Underwatering and overwatering of this plant results in dropping, shriveling, and wilting of the leaves.
Therefore, it is ideal to keep a close watch on the plant to make necessary adjustments to the watering.
Propagating Echeveria Laui Plants
Echeveria laui propagation is mainly done through the succulent seeds, but propagation from offsets from the mother plant, or leaf cuttings using the bottom leaves at the time of repotting.
The leaves are also collected from the flower stem for leaf propagation.
This plant is not easy to propagate through rooting new plant stem cuttings or leaf cuttings that start drying out.
Echeveria Pest or Diseases
Mealybugs, mites, and thrips are a bit of a problem for this Echeveria.
If dead leaves aren’t removed, it attracts other pests or results in fungus.
However generally, this plant is free from pests as its leaves are heavily coated with powder, making it difficult for the pests to bite.
For more check this article on Echeveria succulent diseases and pests.
Laui Echeveria Uses
The best use of this succulent is in rock gardens and or grown individually in pots.
Echeveria laui looks excellent as ground covers, in containers and patio, and for borders and beds.
This plant works well with Kalanchoe, Graptoveria, Haworthia, Pachyphytum oviferum, and Aeonium plants.
Explore More on Echeveria
- Echeveria Pests – What To Do? Discover the key to keeping your Echeveria plants pest-free and disease-resistant with our detailed guide.
- Looking for a low-maintenance plant with a pop of color? Echeveria Chroma is the answer! Our guide will teach you everything you need to know about growing and caring for this beautiful succulent.
- The unique Echeveria Lola: Thick layer of epicuticular wax and attractive foliage. Learn how to care for Lola Echeveria and make it a part of your collection today!