Black Prince Succulent Echeveria Care

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The delightful Echeveria Black Prince is a slow, low-growing, darkly-colored succulent plant featuring tight rosettes of fleshy leaves.

The genus “Echeveria” [ech-eh-VER-ee-a] includes a large variety of flowering plants native to the deserts of Mexico.

Echeveria 'Black Prince" in stone pot with flower spike along with close up of flowersPin
Close up of ‘Black Prine’ Echeveria flower and potted plant in a stone planter – images | CC

The ‘Black Prince’ is one of the more popular Echeveria varieties in the genus. It is a hybrid or cross between Echeveria affinis and Echeveria shaviana (aka Mexican hen).

It’s perfect for indoor or outdoor growth and doesn’t require a lot of sunlight. It’s also commonly called Black Hens and Chicks.

Like most Echeveria succulent plants,  it is a relatively easy plant to grow. Below are some Echeveria care tips.

Echeveria Black Prince Care

Size and Growth

The Echeveria Black Prince isn’t a large plant. The plant grows to about 4″ to 10″ inches with an equal spread.

It is recommended for United States USDA hardiness zone 9 to 11. If you live in a colder region, grow the plant indoors. It makes a great succulent for the window sill.

The dark-colored rosettes grow around a bright green center. Like most succulents, the dark leaves are thick and fleshy, and it uses for retaining water.

The dark foliage is a dark red or purple. In some cases, it’s almost a solid black color.

Check Out: A popular plant among succulent lovers is Echeveria Perle von Nurnberg with its unique two-toned, pink highlights and dusty white powdery appearance.

Flowering and Fragrance

The plant flowers in the late fall to early winter. Before the flowers arrive, you’ll notice stems reaching up from the center of the plant.

A cluster of scarlet or dark red flowers pops out of the stems and lasts through most of the winter.

Light and Temperature

When grown outdoors, place the ‘Black Prince’ in full sun exposure or partial shade. It grows well in warm, dry regions, as it’s native to the deserts of Mexico.

When growing indoors, place your echeveria near a window that is free of drafts and gets plenty of sunlight.

Watering Needs and Feeding

As you may expect, the black prince succulent is drought tolerant. You shouldn’t need to water frequently. In fact, overwatering will likely kill the plant.

In general, wait until the soil is dry before watering your Black Prince Echeveria.

The only time a plant may need more frequent watering is during its first year. Regular watering is needed for the plant to establish its root system.

Whether you grow your plant inside or outside, avoid excessive watering of Echeveria plants, especially in the winter. During the colder months watering once per month should be enough.

Soil and Transplanting

Echeveria Black Prince grows best in well-drained soil with some extra sand. Use a soil mix designed for succulent plants or make your own.

Add sand to a regular potting soil to create the right environment.

Transplanting should not be needed unless the plant outgrows its pot or needs to move to a new home.

It is a small succulent plant rarely growing more than 10″ inches.

However, if you’re tired of looking at the same container, you may decide to transplant it. Their shallow root system makes repotting these plants easy.

After taking the plant out of the soil, wait one full day before placing it in its new home. This allows the roots to heal a little bit before pushing the roots into the soil in the new pot.

Avoid overwatering immediately after transplanting. It should slowly get used to its new pot.

Maintenance and Grooming

Grooming isn’t needed with proper echeveria care. As your Black Prince Echeveria plant grows remove dead leaves.

If you detect rotting leaves due to overwatering, cut them off the plant and reduce your watering.

The dark Echeveria black PrincePin

How Do You Propagate Echeveria Black Prince?

Propagating the Echeveria Black Prince from stem or leaf cuttings isn’t difficult. Take stem cuttings from close to the root of the plant. Offsets can also be removed from the mother plant.

Allow the leaf cutting to dry for several days and then place it in its own pot. When the leaf sprouts roots, place your new echeveria in its permanent home.

It doesn’t need much care, but make sure the plants get at least four hours of full sun.

You should also skip watering the cutting for a bit. The Black Prince succulent plant doesn’t need a lot of water, especially when propagating or transplanting.

Lightly mist the soil using a spray bottle. This little bit of moisture should be more than enough to keep the plant healthy.

Black Prince Echeveria Pests or Diseases

The Echeveria Black Prince is mostly disease free. This hardy plant doesn’t have any significant pest problems.

However, you should still watch for the common threats, such as aphids, mealybugs, and vine weevils. Remove these critters with soapy water, alcohol, or Neem oil.

Add the water and soap mixture to a spray bottle and lightly spray the leaves. You may also use a cotton ball to help with the removal process.

Fungal disease can become an issue caused by overwatering.

If issues arise read: Succulent Echeveria Pests and Disease Problems

Suggested Uses For Echeveria Black Prince

The Echeveria Black Prince is a slow grower and a perfect choice for rock gardens, container gardens, succulent gardens or a window sill.

It offers a distinct look and plenty of color. Pair it with bright green succulents in a container garden to contrast the deep reddish or deep purplish color of the Echeveria.

On the window sill, your Echeveria helps brighten up any room.

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source: images | CC