Dipladenia is part of the Mandevilla family but has very different growth patterns. What is the difference between Dipladenia vs Mandevilla?
Mandevilla vines are climbers scaling vertical structures to seek the light, while Dipladenia has a bushier growth habit, and the stems grow down and hang.

About Mandevilla And Dipadenia
Dipladenia and Mandevilla plants are related. These plants both have beautiful, large flowers that attract hummingbirds and bees.
In addition, they are both heat-loving plants that can be grown in containers or on the ground in warm climates.
However, there are some key differences between these two plants.
Mandevilla and Dipladenia are in the Apocynaceae family. This family includes plants like Allamanda, Nerium oleander (oleander), and Plumeria.

All these plants have a milky sap that can be poisonous if ingested.
Dipladenia is in the Mandevilla genus, while Mandevilla is in the Mandevilla genus. There are about 100 species of Mandevilla.
One similarity between these two plants is that they both need well-drained soil and regular watering during the growing season.
In addition, Dipladenia and Mandevilla should be fertilized monthly with a balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing season.
Finally, both plants can be propagated from stem cuttings taken in late spring or early summer.

Mandevilla plants have flowers that are showier than Dipladenia.
Other names for Mandevilla are Brazilian jasmine, rock trumpet, and Scarlet Pimpernel.
Mandevilla vines are climbers that need something to support them as they grow.
Therefore, they will wrap themselves around trellises, fences, or any other vertical structure.
However, in many gardening centers, Mandevilla plants are hybrids with less of a climbing habit.
History Of Mandevilla
Henry Mandeville discovered Mandevilla. He was a British diplomat who was working in Argentina. He found the plant, and it was named after him.

Dipladenia rhymes with “gardenia.” Dipladenia plants are more bush-like in growth habit, and their stems grow down instead of up.
Dipladenia is a bushier plant than Mandevilla, with its stems hanging down.
Dipladenia plants also have smaller leaves than Mandevilla plants. The branches of Mandevilla vines climb up vertical structures to seek the canopy light.

History Of Dipladenia
In 1933, the name Dipladenia was officially changed to Mandevilla. It was first named Dipldenia but reclassified in the 19th century.
However, many nurseries and gardeners still distinguish the two plants by these names. They are native to South America, specifically Brazil and Argentina.

Mandevilla vs. Dipladenia: Similarities And Differences
Dipladenia plants are also generally smaller than Mandevilla vines.
Both plants can reach 10′ feet, but Mandevilla vines will often get much taller. In contrast, Dipladenia plants are also more compact, spreading only 2′ to 3′ feet.
When it comes to flowers, both plants have large, showy blooms. However, the flowers on a Dipladenia plant are usually smaller than those on a Mandevilla vine.
The colors of the flowers can also be different, with Mandevilla vines typically having pink or red flowers and Dipladenia plants often having white or yellow flowers.
Another difference between these two plants is that Dipladenia is more cold-tolerant than Mandevilla.
Dipladenia can handle temperatures as low as 40° degrees Fahrenheit, while Mandevilla can only tolerate temperatures down to 50° degrees Fahrenheit.
So, if you’re looking for a plant with beautiful, large flowers that can add color to your garden all summer long, a Mandevilla vine or a Dipladenia plant would be a good choice.

Uses For Dipladenia And Mandevilla Plants
Both Dipladenia and Mandevilla plants are grown for their beautiful flowers. In addition, they are often used as ornamental plants in gardens and yards.
Mandevilla vines can also be used as houseplants. They are easy to care for. They will bloom indoors if they are given enough light.
Dipladenia plants also are used in landscape design. They are often planted along walkways.
How To Care For Dipladenia And Mandevilla Plants
Both Dipladenia and Mandevilla plants are easy to care for. They both need full sun and well-drained soil.

Mandevilla vines will also need something to climb on, such as a trellis or fence.
These plants can be grown in pots, but they must be repotted yearly because they grow quickly.
Dipladenia plants can also be grown in pots. However, they don’t need to be repotted as often as Mandevilla vines because they don’t grow as quickly.
Both of these plants need to be watered regularly during the growing season. They should be allowed to dry out between waterings.
In colder climates, Dipladenia plants can be brought indoors for the winter.

Mandevilla vines can also be brought indoors for the winter, but they will need to be given a sunny spot by a window.
Dipladenia and Mandevilla plants are beautiful flowering plants that are easy to care for.
They make great additions to any garden or yard. These plants will bloom all summer long if given enough sun and water.
Related: Can Mandevilla Grow in Shade – Does shade affect the flowering and growth of Mandevillas
Pruning Dipladenia And Mandevilla Plants
Dipladenia and Mandevilla plants must be pruned regularly to keep them looking their best.
Mandevilla vines can be pruned back hard in late winter or early spring. This will encourage the plant to produce more flowers during the summer.

Dipladenia plants can be pruned back after they bloom in late summer or early fall. This will help to keep the plant from getting too big.
Related: Mandevilla Pests and Diseases – Looking for information about Mandevilla pests and diseases? Learn more here.